PAVING THE PULSE OF THE CITY two inches thick. The fiber was supplied by Forta to increase the tensile strength of the new mat. As previously noted, an entire reconstruction of the pavement to address the underlying challenges was not within the scope of the project. However, positive outcomes from fiber-reinforced asphalt surface mixes in Virginia and around the country led to its inclusion in this project. The fiber was used in an SM-12.5D mix per Virginia Department of Transportation specifications. The mix had 30% recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) and a PG 64S-22 binder supplied by Associated Asphalt. Zycotherm SP2 was the warm mix additive used to aid in compaction. When all was said and done, Lee Hy laid over 19,300 tons on 27 lane miles of Broad Street. PROJECT CHALLENGES A project in the middle of Virginia’s capital comes with its challenges. In addition to the traffic, the in-pavement structures, the residents and businesses, a 58-day working window, and the fiber-modified surface mix, Broad Street was getting a new traffic configuration to accommodate the Pulse lanes. Unlike many bus routes, in which the bus stops are along the outside or right side of the roadway, most of the Pulse stops are in the median. The Pulse line was constructed for the sole use of transit buses to improve travel time through the city. These lanes require dedicated traffic lights and markings to keep the buses moving. The challenge was the alignment of the longitudinal paving joints with the future pavement lane markings to avoid driver confusion. Through a series of partnering meetings between the City of Richmond and Lee Hy project staff, a solution was reached: re-align the bus and travel lanes to avoid joint and marking conflicts. As one travels Broad Street today, the smooth ride and red bus lanes garner the driver’s attention–not the longitudinal joints. CONCLUSION The scope and schedule of this project were challenging. To keep the overall five-phase project on time, paving needed to be completed within 58 working days (80 calendar days) over the summer of 2022. Separating the milling and paving operations, allowing utility crews to make their adjustments, and paving from inside to outside kept the project progressing. Through the experience and knowledge of Lee Hy’s paving team and the partnership with the City of Richmond, the project was completed in 25 working days—33 less than the contracted timeframe! A major accomplishment for everyone involved and the users of Broad Street. Lee Hy Paving would like to thank the City of Richmond’s Operations Manager Kenny Horak, and his team of Isaac Mason, Dewayne Winston, Rodney Morris, Keith Hewitt, and Jared Netto. Herb Williams led Lee Hy’s team. We’re honored to be a part of this great project completed for our capital city. △ continued from page 15 16 SPRING/SUMMER 2024