VAA Virginia Asphalt Spring/Summer 2023

06 SPRING/SUMMER 2023 Those who know me know I am not an avid reader—at least not in terms of novels. However, I read many technical articles and journals related to the paving industry. Now and then, I may read a book on history, but often when I read, it’s a leadership title. I may pick up one of these books at the airport to read on the plane, or I buy their book when I hear a great speaker. So, when did my interest in leadership begin? Well, Nicky (my wife) and I were at Pawleys Island, and I was looking for something to read while on vacation. While walking through a bookstore, two books caught my eye: Start with Why by Simon Sinek and Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. Over the next week or so, I read both books, which fueled my desire to read and listen to podcasts on the same topic. I listened to a variety of experts like Jim Collins and John Maxwell. What did I learn? I thought leading and managing were synonymous until I dove into these books and podcasts. Boy, was I wrong! Leaders do not have to be managers, and managers are not necessarily leaders. I experienced this confusion early in my career when I wanted to be a manager. Managers had great titles and positions on the organizational chart. No one in the company had the title of leader, but I instinctively knew a few. In time, I decided I wanted to be something other than a manager. I did not want to manage myself or others. I preferred helping others succeed. That was more fulfilling for me. Managing is about the here and now: completing a task, finishing a project. Leading looks to the future and influences others to see a vision, then inspires them to pursue it. Virginia Asphalt Association’s (VAA) Vision 2030 Team has been tasked with forming that vision for VAA and the asphalt industry. PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE Vision 2030: Look to the Future Trenton M. Clark, PE, President, Virginia Asphalt Association The VAA Vision 2030 Team was established in late 2020 to propose a path forward by investigating two questions. One, what does the transportation industry look like in 2030, and two, how should their association be structured to meet future needs? In the time since this team was created, board members and others have been busy answering those questions and developing recommendations to consider. At the 72nd annual meeting in June, delegates will get updates on new committees, committee structure, board of directors structure, and more. This is an exciting time for VAA! As we move forward in 2023 and beyond, the Vision 2030 implementation team will lay the groundwork to lead Virginia’s paving industry. This will adhere to the four pillars of the association’s strategic plan: connecting, representing, educating, and leading. Efforts and activities undertaken by the association will require support and participation by the entire membership. It will take all of us to promote, protect, and advance the asphalt industry—as leaders. Stay safe! As we move forward in 2023 and beyond, the Vision 2030 implementation team will lay the groundwork to lead Virginia’s paving industry. Efforts and activities undertaken by the association will require support and participation by the entire membership. It will take all of us to promote, protect, and advance the asphalt industry—as leaders.