VAASPHALT.ORG 31 PLANT TECHNICIAN 101 ASPHALT MIX DESIGN TRAINING Mike Dudley then joined Clyde Landreth, Materials Engineer for VDOT, to teach rice testing. Clyde called on his experience as a materials engineer and laboratory manager to demonstrate bulk specific gravity and finally presented volumetric calculations and how to “roll over” a mix design for future use alongside instructor Travis Cable. In his current role as Vice President of Quality Control for Colony Construction, he has accrued expertise in asphalt mix production and troubleshooting benefited each student. VDOT instructors also included Candice Entwisle, Assistant Asphalt ProgramManager. Given her role, it was fitting that she taught the class on VDOT’s Materials Information Tracking System (MITS) and Producer Lab Analysis and Information System (PLAID) program in the course’s final week. VECAT welcomed three researchers from the Virginia Transportation Research Council (VTRC) in Charlottesville. First, Stacy Diefenderfer taught students BMD specifications and testing protocols, tensile strength ratio (TSR) and Cantabro testing and calculations. Next, Johnny Habbouche and Ilker Boz taught several sections of BMD in tandem, including mixing asphalt samples; compact samples for cracking, rutting, and moisture susceptibility; cracking tests (IDT CT lab demonstration); and rutting tests (IDT HT lab demonstration). Finally, the VTRC researchers discussed how to address failing performance tests. The BMD segment was a critical portion of the course, so having such esteemed researchers share their knowledge was integral to the student’s success and VDOT as it moves toward full implementation of BMD. The Asphalt Mix Design Technician Training Class will be held each year beginning in early January and is designed for beginner technicians looking to transition to mix designer roles. However, due to the makeup of this inaugural class, we now know that students ranging fromminimal experience to multiple years of experience—as well as students from the aggregate “side of the house”—will all benefit from this course. Kudos to Luck Stone for sending Adam Beissner to the class to better understand the asphalt producer’s needs during the mix design phase of plant operations! Planning for the 2024 class has already begun. Be on the lookout for registration later in the year.