VAASPHALT.ORG 29 BACK TO BASICS LONGITUDINAL JOINTS tires. Pneumatic rollers help bring the fines to the surface, sealing the mat to joint and reducing any moisture penetration. These are some of the heaviest rollers in the rolling train, and weight is your friend when it comes to joint compaction! Remember, this is not the only method for constructing longitudinal joints, but I have seen it be very successful. However, I still learn something new everywhere I go, even after being in this business for over three decades. No one does the same thing across the board, so there’s no such thing as “Best Practices.” I like to call them “Suggested Procedures.” Try using them in your practice if you are struggling to meet a joint density specification. If you’re not having any issues with joint compaction or failures, keep doing what you are doing. Figure 2. 2nd Pass On the Joint HOT ROLLER DRUM 4–6” Uses Dynamics to Build COLD Many states have introduced a longitudinal density specification to try and produce better joints that last as long as the actual pavement. This means we will have to pay attention to this challenging area of our industry.