24 SPRING/SUMMER 2023 THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT FOR WOMEN OF ASPHALT Tigre J. Fortune, Member Relations Specialist, Virginia Asphalt Association Since its inception in April 2021, the Women of Asphalt (WofA) has grown to 165 members across the state and is adding more and more members each month. Though the WofA Virginia branch has worked hard to achieve this level of growth and is dedicated to reaching more people, its focus is more than growth in size. The mission of the national WofA organization is to empower women in asphalt industry careers and to lead and inspire women to join the asphalt industry, which is no different for WofA Virginia. We aim to foster long-standing local communities where women feel included and set up to succeed in a historically male-dominant industry. These goals keep the branch leaders working hard to provide space and opportunity for members to feel empowered and inspired. Some may ask, Why is there such an emphasis on having a space solely for women when they want to be included? Is this separate group necessary? One answer is that WofA is not exclusive to women but permits people of all genders to join. However, research shows that women in particular need a network of support to thrive in industries like ours. These communities serve as an instrumental source of social, emotional, and career support for women that helps propel many forward in their careers. They also provide a safe space for women to have honest conversations about some of the challenges and concerns that they may face within their organization and industry as a whole. Significantly, a recent survey performed by Women in Design and Construction further concluded that the number one answer from women after being asked what holds them back was confidence. In male-dominant industries, women lack confidence in their abilities, career pathways, potential, networking, and comfortability speaking up or disagreeing in professional settings. Creating these spaces for women to form support networks gives them the community they need to develop that confidence. However, this is only half the battle when it comes to equalizing representation in male-dominant fields such as asphalt. With the support of men, and specifically men in positions of power, we will overcome the remaining challenges. When women pursue and excel in careers seen as “jobs for men,” empowering them to do so will be vital in our work toward equal representation. Having the support of male counterparts and managers will enhance the confidence and community of women in the workplace. Hence WofA’s premium on male membership and engagement. Although they might not feel obliged to participate in all meetings and events, men prepared to back and support the mission and community WofA is trying to build is truly inspiring. It shows that change is occurring and space is being created for women to feel valuable to this industry. So, what is the WofA branch doing to nurture Virginia’s women and to help them feel seen, heard, and connected in this industry? Since February, WofA Virginia has emphasized meeting every month (#WofAWednesdays) to check in with members, provide updates, and open the floor for members to share information and accomplishments. Anyone can tune in, including non-members and potential members. Through this