VAA Virginia Asphalt Spring/Summer 2021
08 SPRING/SUMMER 2021 Cathy McGhee has been with the Virginia Trans- portation Research Council (VTRC) since 1993. Before her current position, she was Asso- ciate Director for Safety, Operations, and Traffic Engineering, responsi- ble for research projects that focused on enhanc- ing the operation of Virginia’s highway infra- structure. McGhee received her bachelor’s degree from California Polytechnic State Univer- sity, San Luis Obispo, and master’s degree from the University of Virginia, both in is easy anywhere—I have a colleague in another agency who says, “Innovation is hard!”—but I do think the lessons we’ve learned through our implementation efforts are valuable as we look to encourage innovation in other agencies. In particular, identifying a champion within the imple- menting group is essential. There are also a number of areas where research conducted for VDOT is now crossing over to other agencies, including the use of unmanned aerial systems and data analytics. VAA→ Since March, what changes has VTRC made to protect staff and continue the critical research? MCGHEE→ Like so many others across our industry, we sent as many of our employees home to work remotely as possible when the pandemic hit Virginia in March. But just like so many others, we have work that cannot be accomplished in a work-from- home setting. So our lab technicians have continued to work in the building but with significant steps taken to protect health and safety. We put strict limits on the number of people in the building, instituted face coverings and social distancing require- ments, and reminded everyone to stay home if they don’t feel well. The summer months, when our folks were out on projects collect- ing field samples, were probably the most challenging. Balancing the need for social distance in vehicles with the desire to not send anyone out alone for safety reasons was difficult. But our people are resilient and have found ways to continue to get the work done. Thanks in large part to every- one’s diligence, we’ve been incredibly lucky and have had very few exposures or positive COVID cases. VAA→ With your background in traf- fic and operations, you have been heavily engaged in Connected and Automated Vehicles. How do you GETTINGTO KNOW VTRC’s Director of Research: Catherine C. McGhee, P.E. civil engineering. She has held a professional engineer’s license in Virginia since 2004. This year, VAA asked McGhee to take a few moments and talk with us about her career and thoughts on the asphalt industry’s future. VAA→ Over the last 25 years, you have served in various roles within VTRC. Why did you want to become the director of research? MCGHEE→ To be honest, I wasn’t always certain I wanted to be director. I’ve had a great career at VTRC, participating in so many really important studies and initiatives. I’ve been lucky to see changes in VDOT resulting from research I’ve been a part of and projects done by so many others at the council. And we’ve had so many amazing leaders over the years—every time one of them decided it was time to move on from being director, I couldn’t imagine who could come in and fill their shoes. But each leader has added something during their tenure that has made the council stronger, ensuring that it will continue to thrive and be a valuable contributor to making Vir- ginia’s transportation system the best in the nation. When my turn came, I wanted to be a part of continuing that legacy. VAA→ For the last few years, you have served in the Secretary of Transportation’s office and Direc- tor of Research for VDOT. How has the work done by VTRC trans- ferred to the other transportation agencies? MCGHEE→ I’ve said for a really long time that I have the best job, and having the opportunity to champion innovation across all the modal agencies has made that even more true. I have definitely realized that VDOT is incredibly fortunate to have a culture of innovation and an openness to positive change. I’m not saying that change
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