The Virginia Asphalt Association (VAA) Board of Directors and Vision 2030 Implementation Team members recently returned from our Strategic Retreat, during which our mission was to predict the unpredictable. Yes, you heard that right! What is the industry’s future, and are we positioned to make a positive impact? I would love to tell you we figured it all out, but we did engage in thoughtful discussion as we strategized and planned for the road ahead. We explored numerous topics, some of which are in their infancy today and will only amplify in the future. Topics like innovation, sustainability, and workforce were all wrestled with as we tried to decipher what lies ahead for the asphalt industry. The asphalt industry is often overlooked in the grand scheme of technological advancements, and yet it is amazing to realize where we are and wonder where we might be in the next five to ten years. Already, we’ve harnessed the power of data analytics, revolutionizing how we make decisions. We’re using sensors and monitoring systems to collect real-time data on factors such as temperature, compaction, and density during construction to ensure quality and reduce costly repairs. Fleet management systems and intelligent construction technologies improve efficiency and quality of products and operations. Artificial intelligence and robotics are already operational at asphalt plants, updating predictive maintenance measures by safely gathering infrared and vibration analysis, and resulting in more uptime and higher quality performance. If autonomous construction vehicles are gradually making their way into the industry, what else is on the horizon? A completely autonomous paving train? Ten years ago, I would have said, “not in my lifetime,” to what is already happening today! So, the question remains: how do we position ourselves to lead in this ever-evolving landscape? “Environment” and “climate” are words we hear and read about every day. The next generation of people we work with and for will require a certain level of environmental stewardship from all products and services, regardless of their affiliated political party. This will be a continuous journey of improvement for all industries, and the asphalt industry will be no different. The encouraging news is that we already have a great start. Our industry has demonstrated exceptional commitment to environmental stewardship through innovative practices such as warm-mix asphalt and recycling technologies, significantly reducing our carbon footprint. We will keep chasing excellence by using environmental production declarations and lowering CHAIRMAN’S PERSPECTIVE Leading Into the Unknown David A. White, President, Superior Paving Corp. greenhouse gases within our operations. These efforts pave the way for more sustainable roads and exemplify the industry’s dedication to a greener future. Another consistent challenge heard through industries like ours is securing a skilled and sustainable workforce. As many in our industry approach retirement, there is a growing need to attract and retain a new generation of workers who are knowledgeable in modern asphalt technologies and processes. We believe the VAA is uniquely positioned to help members successfully attract a talented workforce by investing in training and education programs like the Virginia Education Center for Asphalt Technology and the Virginia Infrastructure Academy in partnership with local community colleges. These are all critical strategies to help address the workforce challenge and ensure the asphalt industry’s continued growth. As the recent retreat for the Vision 2030 team and VAA Board highlighted, we are embracing innovation, sustainability, and workforce as key pillars of opportunity. We’re making asphalt construction smarter, more efficient, and more sustainable through environmental stewardship and building a skilled workforce. While the future may be uncertain, our industry is poised for continued progress and resilience. We are embracing innovation, sustainability, and workforce as key pillars of opportunity. We’re making asphalt construction smarter, more efficient, and more sustainable through environmental stewardship and building a skilled workforce. 06 FALL/WINTER 2023