VAA→ Throughout your career in the asphalt industry, have you faced any unfavorable experiences or challenges regarding harassment or discrimination? AB→ Unfortunately, yes. I have a list of more occurrences than I want to disclose. However, I like to think the best of people and believe that the difficult experiences I’ve endured are just meant to make me stronger. Some occurrences were followed by apologies; some were ignored and validated. I witnessed unfavorable experiences, and I think it hurts me more to see unequal treatment imposed on others who don’t or can’t stand up for themselves. I continue to strive for positive interactions that deter those behaviors, pointing them out when they occur. Across the globe, women working in male-dominant industries are more likely to experience these unfavorable occurrences, making it more difficult for women to excel in these fields, but we must continue to press on. It’s challenging, but this is why organizations like Women of Asphalt are crucial in providing women with a community of like-minded women to gather and discuss how to tackle these issues moving forward. VAA→ What is your favorite thing about the Women of Asphalt organization? AB→ The Women of Asphalt organization represents who we are and the strength of women in this industry. Even when we are the only women in the room, no matter the specific time and place— WofA stands behind us in spirit. There is strength in knowing that others like you are doing and experiencing some of the exact things in different atmospheres, and this national organization provides that strength. Being a part of this group has brought many positive aspects to my life and career. I’m excited to see the women who will come after me to continue this branch and move the organization forward for years. Being a member of Women of Asphalt Virginia has made me feel like a part of something, even during one of the most isolated times of my life. VAA→ How does it feel being recognized as one of the featured women in the Women of Asphalt “23 in 2023” campaign? AB→ This recognition leaves me feeling very flattered, humbled, and motivated. I am truly flattered that someone thought enough of me to take the time to write the nomination. I am humbled as I am included amongst the other women I have grown to admire and respect. I am motivated to continue encouraging other women and working toward a goal so that all humans can coexist and feel comfortable without gender labels or discrimination. VAA→ What are your hopes for the upcoming generation of women entering the workforce? AB→ I hope that each generation of women following in our footsteps will have less and less difficulty being understood. I hope that each generation of women will endure less of the hardships I’ve experienced and witnessed. I believe the generation before me paved the way and made it possible to have a lucrative, fulfilling career in asphalt construction. I hope our generation has built on that and fostered more acceptance of our presence. VAA→ What words of encouragement do you have for women as they view the asphalt industry as a possible career path? AB→ The words of encouragement I have for future generations of women in the asphalt industry are, you will always have job security here. Roads will ALWAYS need building OR repairing. You can grow and shape your career in any direction you want. Women of Asphalt will continue to be a voice and community for those inspired to join the industry, so I encourage these newcomers to get involved and join. WofA works hard to get in front of the next generations to uphold their mission and goals by inspiring the current and next generations as they choose their careers and enter the workforce. So, why not asphalt? Everyone is welcome here—especially women. WOMEN OF ASPHALT ALICIA BROOKS VAASPHALT.ORG 21