VAASPHALT.ORG 13 Perp P e a tu vi a n l g THE AWARD-WINNING US460 APPOMATTOX BYPASS continues on page 14 △ ASTUDY IN Kenneth W. Arthur, Director of Asphalt Plants and Development, Boxley Materials David T. Lee, PE, Vice President, Virginia Asphalt Association The Appomattox Bypass was constructed as a nine-inch jointed-concrete pavement in the early 1990’s, designed to last forty years. However, after twenty years of service the ride began to significantly deteriorate as slabs began to rock under traffic. Local engineers recognized that the dowels between slabs were not transferring loads as expected. As joints opened, water began to impact the substructure, consisting of a #57 drainage layer and cement-stabilized soil. Once noticed, the VDOT spent the next decade performing significant repairs to the pavement, including concrete patching and slab-jacking to improve the ride. In March 2017, VDOT requested bids for a long-term solution to repair the Appomattox Bypass. The plan would require rubblization of the concrete and overlaying the entire section with asphalt pavement, including over five lane-miles of mainline in the eastbound lanes with a three foot inside shoulder and ten foot outside shoulder. Boxley Materials Company was the successful bidder with a 5.3 million dollar project plan, executed from June through October 2018. 0 The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) was one of six departments and agencies to win the first inaugural Perpetual Pavement Award: By Conversion, granted by the Asphalt Pavement Alliance to recognize noteworthy asphalt pavement design, construction and value in the U.S. The award was in commendation of the rubblization of a section of US Route 460 known as the “Appomattox Bypass,” spanning the historic Lynchburg district of Central Virginia. The Appomattox Bypass is a high-volume primary highway, used by approximately 3,500 vehicles per day, on a wellknown east-west route stretching from Virginia Beach to the West Virginia State line.