VAA Virginia Asphalt Fall/Winter 2021
VAASPHALT.ORG 05 Fall/Winter 2021 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Visit and follow us on Facebook for up-to-date industry and association news. Subscribe to Asphalt News and get timely information delivered to your inbox monthly. COLUMNS 06 PRESIDENT’S PERSPECTIVE 07 CHAIRMAN’S PERSPECTIVE DEPARTMENTS 34 VAA 2021 PARTNERS 35 AFFILIATE MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: H&E EQUIPMENT SERVICES 35 AFFILIATE MEMBER SPOTLIGHT: IRVING OIL ON THE COVER Defining Asphalt’s Future: Resilience and Sustainability. See more details on page 10. FEATURED GETTING TO KNOW THE SECRETARY 08 Secretary of Transportation Shannon Valentine takes time to answer questions concerning Virginia’s Transportation industry. DEFINING ASPHALT’S FUTURE 10 Ben Bowers explains the difference between resilience and sustainability. He explains how these two are intrinsically linked and are destined to define the future of asphalt. PAVEMENT RECYCLING 14 Virginia DOT has invested in a research program to investigate the ways pavement recycling can be used to reduce costs and improve the performance of VDOT’s pavement network. PERMEABLE PAVEMENT 20 Today, most of the immediate resiliency challenges facing Virginia are related to water. Can permeable pavement help make the transportation system more resilient? A PICTURE OF SUSTAINABILITY 24 Sections of I-81 are among some of the most sustainable sections of roadway in the U.S. As a result, APA has recognized a section in Roanoke County as the 2020 Perpetual Pavement Award winner. VTRC PROGRAM OVERVIEW 28 VTRC discusses research and testing initiatives that took place in 2021. TO LEAD AND INSPIRE 31 A group of women in the summer of 2017 came together to start an organization to support women in the asphalt industry and form a lasting community that would lead and inspire women for generations to come. VIRGINIA ASPHALT A PUBLICATION OF THE V IRGINIA A SPHALT A SSOCIATION 7814 Carousel Lane, Suite 310 Richmond, VA 23294 Phone: (804) 288-3169 Email:
[email protected] OFFICERS Chairman David Horton Vice Chairman Chris Blevins Secretary David White Treasurer Bobby Hedrick 1st Ex-Officio Scott Claud 2nd Ex-Officio Ed Dalrymple, Jr. Directors Ken Arthur; Tim Boone; David Branscome, Jr.; Sheila Cramer; David Helmick; Kevin Jones; F. Marshall Luck, Jr.; Brent Moore; Lonnie Minson; Jerry Short; Blair Williamson STAFF President Trenton M. Clark, PE Vice President David T. Lee, PE Director Mike C. Dudley Administration Caroline R. Fahed Member Relations Specialist Tigre J. Hammond DESIGN & ADVERTISING Advertising Sales: Ronnie Jacko Design & Layout: Jon Cannon For advertising opportunities and deadlines, contact LLM Publications at (503)445-2234 or
[email protected] . ©2021 V irginia A sphalt A ssociation All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the publisher. PUBLISHED DECEMBER 2021
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