Virginia Asphalt Association Directory 2024-25 Q2

ASSOCIATION OBJECTIVES In order that those interested will know the purposes of this organization, the following is quoted, in part, from the Certificate of Incorporation and By-Laws of the Virginia Asphalt Association, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION OF THE VIRGINIA ASPHALT ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED THIS IS TO CERTIFY that we hereby associate ourselves to establish a corporation under and by virtue of Chapter 13 of Title 13 of the 1950 Code of Virginia, for the purposes and under the corporate name hereinafter mentioned, and to that end we do, by this our certificate, set forth as follows: (A) – NAME The name of the corporation is to be Virginia Asphalt Association, Incorporated. (B) – PRINCIPAL OFFICE The principal office of the corporation in the state of Virginia is to be located in the city of Richmond. (C) – PURPOSES The purposes for which the corporation is formed are: 1. To make available and render free information and consulting services to governmental and private bodies interested in paving. 2. To disseminate information regarding the economy of paving with plant-mixed asphalt. 3. To engage generally in all educational and promotional activities of a type beneficial to a chamber of commerce or board of trade, or business league. 4. To promote and increase the use of plant-mixed asphalt in the paving of highways and streets. 5. To promote the common business interests and to promote business conditions for asphalt pavers generally. 6. To exercise all powers which shall be deemed necessary or expedient, for the successful accomplishment of the foregoing purposes, and exercise all incidental powers conferred on similar corporations by general statutes of the Commonwealth. (D) – NON-STOCK CORPORATION The corporation is not organized for profit and is to have no capital stock. Its operating expenses shall be paid from funds secured from its members as dues or assessments. 7