SDDSNY Bulletin September/October 2023

OCR AND ONC RELEASE UPDATED VERSION OF THE SECURITY RISK ASSESSMENT TOOL The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently announced the release of version 3.4 of the Security Risk Assessment (SRA) Tool. The SRA Tool is a desktop application that assists health practitioners comply with the HIPAA Security Rule, which requires health practitioners to meet HHS-established standards to ensure the protection of patient electronic health information. With the SRA Tool, practitioners can identify and evaluate their cybersecurity systems for potential vulnerabilities that may leave them open to hacking and ransomware attacks. The updated version of the SRA Tool includes new features, as well as bug fixes and stability enhancements. Visit to download version 3.4 of the SRA Tool. Recordings of ONC-led training webinars and accompanying slides may also be accessed at this link. Readers may also wish to consider signing up for regulatory courses (e.g., HIPAA, OSHA, sexual harassment) at the upcoming Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM) to ensure they are up to date on all state and/or federal requirements for healthcare providers. Visit to pre-register for the Meeting and to view a course catalogue. CALLING ALL RESIDENTS: SUBMIT AN ARTICLE FOR THE SDDS BEST CASE OF THE MONTH FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN! by Stuart L. Segelnick, D.D.S., M.S., SDDS Bulletin Editor Treating patients is not always easy, and we often find ourselves diagnosing and treating someone in a unique way. Or we sometimes come across a patient with a rare disorder and must research its impact on our treatment plan. The SDDS Bulletin would like to invite all our hospital resident members to submit a case report of under 1,000 words, with two to four photos, illustrating thought-provoking cases. Examples of submissions might be: • Utilizing a unique technique for treating a clinical presentation • Exploring the diagnosis of a rare situation and its impact on treatment • Featuring a case report that demonstrates exceptional clinical expertise • Reporting on a new product, instrument, or material that might enhance treatment outcomes (Use of lasers, CBCT scanners, intraoral scanners, or 3D printers are examples of acceptable topics) Second District Dental Society (SDDS) has no limitation on the type of report you can submit; however, the judges will give greater weight to the above examples. Please make sure you have a signed photo release allowing use of your patients’ photos for publication. Photos must have a resolution of 300 ppi or greater. Every month, the SDDS publication team will choose a winning submission. This worthwhile endeavor began with a suggestion from Dr. Babak Bina and input from SDDS Publication Committee members: Drs. Paul Albiccoco, Alyson Buchalter, Jeffrey Galler, Howard Lieb and Sumaya Ibraheem. These members will also comprise our judging panel. The winning article will be published in the SDDS Bulletin along with the author’s photo and bio. The author will receive a $100 Award for SDDS Best Case of the Month. There will only be one award given per case, even if there are multiple co-authors. Please send your submission to Your article can not only help other SDDS members learn from your experience, but also favorably represent your hospital residency program. Feel free to contact us at Second District at (718) 522-3939 or should you have any questions. WWW.SDDSNY.ORG 7