SDDSNY Bulletin September/October 2023

Skillfully Responding to Conflict in Work and in Life Through the Use of Basic Mediation Techniques Featured Speaker (Top): Shahram (Sean) Shekib, D.D.S., J.D. Co-Founder, Attune Mediation; Clinical Assistant Professor, Columbia University College of Dental Medicine; Certified Mediator Featured Speaker (Bottom): Martin Applebaum, M.A., J.D. Co-Founder, Attune Mediation; Member, Mediation Panel of the New York City Family Courts Conflict is a fundamental aspect of life. We can choose to deepen conflict by hardening into it, or we may see conflict as an opportunity to creatively work through often difficult disputes to reach workable solutions and even find mutual understanding. This seminar will introduce practical mediation techniques that may be used to defuse emotional reactivity and closed-mindedness and to create a space for dialogue and resolution. Participants will not only receive valuable conceptual tools but will, through hands-on exercises, have an opportunity to put theory into practice. More specifically, this course will provide participants with a handson opportunity to learn how to directly foster a space for dialogue and resolution by: • Empowering people to directly resolve problems • Defusing anger and defensiveness • Bringing to awareness unconscious assumptions and bias • Going beneath the surface of positional arguments • Validating the values each person in conflict holds • Bringing these values into dialogue • Finding common ground through creative problem solving Participants will learn proven mediation techniques that support these objectives, applying the science on emotional reactivity through the following skills: • Active listening • Restating what the speaker has expressed • Reframing what is being expressed by the speaker in terms of underlying needs/values/goals • Open and directed questioning • Summarizing • Nonviolent communication • Creative problem solving Participants will have the opportunity to explore the above through guided role play exercises. Upon successful completion of this course, attendees will learn and practice mediation skills that: 1. Empower people to resolve their own problems 2. Defuse anger and defensiveness 3. Bring to awareness unconscious assumptions and bias 4. Go beneath the surface of positional arguments to validate the values each person in conflict holds 5. Bring these values into dialogue, fostering deeper, open communication 6. Dramatically increase the probability of finding common ground through value-based creative problem solving CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSE #2023–22 *Advance Registration Required — Register online at* Friday, November 3, 2023 ◆ Dyker Beach Golf Course, Brooklyn, NY ◆ 9 A.M.–12 P.M. ◆ MCEU–3 HOURS Current Legal Issues: OPD, Audits and Medicaid Featured Speaker: AMY KULB, B.A., J.D. Attorney, Jacobson, Goldberg and Kulb, LLP Office of Professional Discipline (OPD) and Medicaid initiate cases based upon complaints by patients, mostly alleging dissatisfaction with dental work. Other issues include alleged billing fraud and complaints alleging unsanitary or substandard facilities. Both agencies also initiate cases based upon reported events, such as a criminal conviction or termination for cause of other professional privileges. Billing patterns and credentialing issues can trigger audits by Medicaid, managed care entities and insurance network plans. This lecture will identify these issues and present preventative strategies, as well as strategies on how to manage and defend these proceedings. Upon successful completion of this lecture, attendees will learn about current issues in dental investigations and proceedings by OPD, Medicaid, and audits, as well as preventative and defense strategies. SDDS NOVEMBER GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: New Members, Senior Dentists and Past Presidents Night *Advance Registration Required — Register online at* Thursday, November 9, 2023 ◆ Dyker Beach Golf Course, Brooklyn, NY ◆ 6:30 P.M. ◆ MCEU–1 HOUR Second District Dental Society is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. ADA CERP is a service of the American Dental Association to assist dental professionals in identifying quality providers of continuing dental education. ADA CERP does not approve or endorse individual courses or instructors, nor does it imply acceptance of credit hours by boards of dentistry. Second District Dental Society designates each activity in this brochure for the stated number of continuing education credits. Second District Dental Society is a recognized sponsor by the N.Y.S. Education Department, ADA CERP and the AGD. Unless otherwise stated, all featured speakers have disclosed that they do not have any relevant financial arrangements or affiliations with any corporate organizations that would constitute a conflict of interest concerning the continuing education activities stated herein. Comprehensive Care of the Cleft Lip and Palate Patient Essayist: EMAD ABDOU, D.D.S. Member, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons; Member, International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons This lecture will discuss the treatment and care of babies born with a cleft lip and palate through primary surgery to young adulthood. Treating such patients involves treatment by a multidisciplinary team consisting of oral and maxillofacial surgeons, pediatric dentists and orthodontists. This presentation will focus on the timeline of different procedures including primary surgical lip and palate repair, orthodontic management, bone grafting and orthognathic and cosmetic surgery. Cleft lip and palate are two of the common birth defects in which dentists play a major role in treatment. Upon successful completion of this lecture, attendees will learn the role of different dental specialties in the care of the cleft lip and palate patient, as well as the timeline of treatment from infancy to adulthood. RICHMOND COUNTY DENTAL SOCIETY MEMBERSHIP MEETING *Advance Registration Required — Register online at* Tuesday, November 14, 2023 ◆ Max’s Es-Ca Restaurant, Staten Island, NY ◆ 7 P.M. ◆ MCEU–1 HOUR Common Oral Lesions: A Guide to Diagnosis and Management Feature Clinician: SCOTT M. PETERS, D.D.S. Assistant Professor of Dental Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center This six-hour course will focus on the diagnosis and management of some of the more frequently encountered oral mucosal and radiographic pathologies. The topics covered will be divided into the following categories: • Variations of normal anatomy: Fordyce granules, linea alba, leukoedema, tori/exostoces, varices, Stafne bone defect, idiopathic osteosclerosis, antral pseudocyst fissured tongue, geographic tongue, coated/hairy tongue • Oral manifestations of autoimmune and dermatologic diseases: Aphthous ulcerations, erythema multiforme, plasma cell gingivitis, lichen planus, mucosal pemphigoid, pemphigus vulgaris, oral manifestations of Crohn’s disease • Infectious pathologies: Candidiasis; impetigo; HSV; EBV; VZV; hand, foot and mouth disease; herpangina • Premalignant lesions and SCC: Leukoplakia, erythroplakia, erythroleukoplakia, actinic cheilitis, proliferative verrucous leukoplakia, oral submucous fibrosis, SCC (various forms) • Pigmented lesions: Melanotic macules, amalgam tattoo, melanoma, drug-induced pigmentations, cultural tattooing, post-inflammatory hypermelanosis • Common reactive lesions and benign neoplasms: Fibroma, papilloma, mucocele, “3Ps,” xanthoma, lipoma, granular cell tumor • Odontogenic cysts and tumors: Dentigerous cyst, odontogenic keratocyst, lateral periodontal cyst, glandular odontogenic cyst, ameloblastoma, adenomatoid odontogenic tumor, odontoma, odontogenic myxoma, cementoblastoma • Non-odontogenic radiographic lesions: Traumatic bone cyst, cemento-osseous dysplasia, central giant cell granuloma, condensing osteitis Upon successful completion of this course, attendees will: • Non-odontogenic radiographic lesions: Traumatic bone cyst, cemento-osseous dysplasia, central giant cell granuloma, condensing osteitis • Learn how to recognize oral mucosal and radiographic pathologies • Develop differential diagnoses for these entities • Understand the role of tissue biopsy and other ancillary tests in establishing a definitive diagnosis • Become familiar with how these conditions are treated CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSE #2023–23 *Advance Registration Required — Register online at* Friday, November 10, 2023 ◆ Hilton Garden Inn, Staten Island ◆ 9 A.M.–4 P.M. ◆ MCEU–6 HOURS 14 SDDS BULLETIN SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2023 — VOLUME 40 ◊ NUMBER 5