SDDSNY Bulletin November/December 2023

A Publication of the SECOND DISTRICT DENTAL SOCIETY 111 Fort Greene Place Brooklyn, New York 11217 Tel (718) 522–3939 Fax (718) 797–4335 STUART L. SEGELNICK, EDITOR Jeffrey M. Galler, Business Manager ASSOCIATE EDITORS Paul S. Albicocco Gabriel D. Ariola Babak Bina Alyson K. Buchalter Jacques Doueck Howard I.A. Lieb Lauro F. Medrano–Saldaña Deborah A. Pasquale Craig S. Ratner Reneida E. Reyes James J. Sconzo Paul W. Teplitsky OFFICERS President–Raymond A. Flagiello President–Elect– Tricia S. Quartey-Sagaille Vice President–Paul W. Teplitsky Secretary–Valerie Venterina Treasurer–Phyllis G. Merlino Librarian Curator–Position Vacant BOARD OF TRUSTEES Paul S. Albicocco William W. Bongiorno Alyson K. Buchalter Saad A. Butt Christen J. Carute Joann M. De Leonibus John P. Demas Michael J. Donato Cherry Libramonte Marc Meiselman Mitchell D. Mindlin Charles J. Mistretta Gisele F. Richard Sari R. Rosenwein Stephanie B. Sager Sandra S. Scibetta Stuart L. Segelnick Aia Shalan Ronald Turchak Kirstin A. Wolfe OFFICE STAFF Bernard Hackett, Executive Director Stephanie Carter Shayo Farinre Christine Terrio SDDS BULLETIN Continued from Page 1 » and Related Matters, chaired by Dr. Louis Giordano, delegate from the Sixth District. Dr. Flagiello served on Budget, Drs. Teplitsky and Mindlin served on Legislative, Health Governance and Related Matters and Drs. Buchalter and Demas served on Dental Benefits, Practice and Related Matters. In mid-August the expanded caucus, (caucus chairs and NYSDA board of trustees) met via Zoom. During the next two weeks, individual study group meetings were held during which every delegate and alternate delegate from NYSDA was given a bit of homework. Each was assigned a handful of those resolutions and asked to become the authority on them. In the first week of September, the second trustee district pre-caucus meeting convened via Zoom. The NYSDA Board, component delegates and alternate delegates and NYSDA staff met for four plus hours during which protocol and rules were reviewed and discussions were held regarding the two resolutions that had been submitted by NYSDA to the ADA board of trustees (ADA BOT). Study Groups (Membership, Education, Legislative, Benefits and Budget) broke out into smaller meetings within the meeting and the previously assigned “homework” was reviewed. After the study groups completed their discussions, the entire caucus reconvened to review the findings and recommendations of the groups. Once in Orlando, on the day before the first session of the House, the expanded caucus (caucus chairs, NYSDA board of trustees and staff) met, yet again, to review what had previously been discussed as well as to consider new resolutions that had been submitted too late to have been reviewed by the ADA BOT. The morning of the first official day of the meeting saw our caucus hard at work, with the study groups yet again hashing out the details of the resolutions before them, gathering more information from subject matter experts from the ADA or from our colleagues from other trustee districts who were the makers of some of the resolutions. The afternoon welcomed in the first meeting of the HOD. As with all such meetings, a bit of time at the first session is spent on speeches, recognition of service by individuals and introduction of special guests and dignitaries (and possibly more speeches). This session was no different. The second day of the meeting, Sunday, saw virtually six hours of non-stop testimony for or against every resolution brought before the House in the form of four Reference Committee Hearings. Reference Committee hearings are an extremely important part of our meetings, as it is during these sessions that we learn of arguments (pro or con) that we might not have considered, hear of unintended consequences of certain resolutions or get clarification of intent. Monday saw our delegation (from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m.), again by study groups, putting the final touches on our recommendations, with numerous interruptions in the form of presentations to our group by the candidates for the office of ADA president-elect and second vice president (the voting to take place at the final session of the House). Before adjourning, each of the study group chairs had presented their committee recommendations to the entirety of the caucus with lively discussion throughout. The recommendations were ultimately compiled by staff and printed for distribution to our delegation so that each and every one of the representatives would attend the final sessions as well informed as they could possibly be. The voting for the elective offices commenced at 7:30 a.m. on the final day of the meeting. Dr. Brett Kessler from Colorado was elected ADA president- elect and Dr. Edwin del ValleSepulveda from Puerto Rico was elected ADA second vice president. Consideration of all the resolutions and all proposed amendments and substitutions were debated and voted upon during the final two sessions of the House. It was also officially announced that NYSDA’s Dr. Maria Maranga (of Suffolk County Dental Society) will be seeking the position of ADA president-elect in 2024 and Dr. Viren Jhaveri (of Queens County Dental Society) will be seeking the position of ADA second vice president. A complete record of the proceedings should be available on the ADA’s website at https://www. house-of-delegates. The Bulletin is the official publication of the Second District Dental Society. It is published bimonthly, by the Journal of the Second District Dental Society, Inc. The opinions expressed are those of the writers and are not necessarily those of the Second District Dental Society. Subscription rates; members, $4.50 per year; others, $5.50 per year. Material for publication must be typewritten and double–spaced and must be received six weeks prior to the month of issue. Business communications and requests for advertising rates should be directed to the Second District Dental Society, 111 Fort Greene Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217 The Bulletin reserves the right to alter or reject any copy. ADVERTISING POLICY The SDDS Bulletin and website welcome advertising as an important means of keeping the dentist informed about new and better products and services for the practice of dentistry. Such advertising must be factual, dignified, tasteful, and intended to provide useful product and service information. The publication of an advertisement is not to be construed as an endorsement or approval by the SDDS Bulletin and website and/or its publisher, the Second District Dental Society, of the product or service being offered in the advertisement unless the advertisement specifically includes an authorized statement that such approval or endorsement has been granted. As a matter of policy, the SDDS Bulletin and website will sell advertising space when the inclusion of advertising material does not interfere with the purpose of their publication. The SDDS Bulletin and website reserve the right to accept or reject advertising, at its sole discretion, for any product or service submitted for publication. 2 SDDS BULLETIN NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2023 — VOLUME 40 ◊ NUMBER 6