Continue to utilize intra-oral high volume evacuation and if you have been using extra-oral high volume evacuation consider continuing its implementation. Continue the use of face shields and eye protection and guarantee that N95 masks are available for you and your staff. Remember, the CDC recommends that an N95 be worn when treating a patient known to be or suspected of being positive for SARS-COVID 19 infection (they should not be in your dental chair). Continue to use those strategies that you have been using that make sense to you. A final thing youmight consider is to educate your patients. Explain to them how germs are spread. Explain how one can effectively protect themselves and their families (stripping down to your skivvies in the garage and wiping the bottom of your shoes with Clorox is okay if that is what you are into, but it does nothing to prevent disease transmission). Advise them that Google searches all end in death. Ask them to consult a real doctor for their medical advice, not their Aunt Tilly, their best friend’s cousin’s most recent Uber driver, or their neighbor’s blog posts. Explain transmission routes (for all pathogens, not just COVID19) and how those routes can be mitigated. Explain that vaccination will mitigate the severity of an infection but is not (and was never ever meant to be) a guarantee that you will not contract the causative pathogen if exposed.The more educated your patients are the more they will appreciate your efforts to keep them protected. Should you have questions or concerns, consult the CDC website or contact the New York State Dental Association (NYSDA) or feel free to contact me at [email protected] (I am no authority but you will get my opinion as a former chair of the NYSDA Council on Dental Practice). Dr. John Demas is a member of the NYSDA and SDDS board of trustees and the former chair of the NYSDA Council on Dental Practice. Annual Installation of Officers ROARING 20’s Dinner Dance Saturday, January 28, 2023 richmond County Country Club 135 Flagg Place, Staten Island, new york 10304 Cocktails: 7 P.M. • Dinner and Dancing: 8 P.M. to Midnight CELEBRATING THE INSTALLATION OF INCOMING PRESIDENT Dr. Joseph Merola & THE 2023 RCDS OFFICERS $135 per person | dress for the 20’s For more info, please contact Dr. Michael Costa at (718) 442-3982 RCDS Richmond County Dental Society 2 0 2 3 WWW.SDDSNY.ORG 7