PLSO The Oregon Surveyor September/October 2024

14 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 47, No. 5 continued  Renew your membership at to keep receiving The Oregon Surveyor and other member benefits. The 2023–2024 Membership Year Started July 1! a mile for a crew of eight men: two chainmen two axemen and four assistants. Preston’s map of the Willamette valley is dated October 21, 1852. It is the earliest official survey of the region known to exist. Salem occupies nearly twice as much black area on this map of 102 years ago as does Cincinnati, later to become Eola. Then Cincinnati was, on Rickreall creek and the stream debouched into Willamette near the western boundary of what is now West Salem. The Willamette in those times flowed to the south of Brown's island, then in Polk County. Later the river ursuped the channel of the Rickreall near Eola and Brown's island, or what remains of it, is now in Marion county. Also shown on Preston's map are the hamlets of Santiam and Syracuse, ferry landings on opposite sides of the Santiam river in the 1850s. Both of these pioneer villages disappeared decades ago due to floods and channel changes in the Santiam river.  Surveyors in the News continued  Advertise to Support Your Association! Contact us today! Ronnie Jacko | 503-445-2234 | [email protected]