13 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org By Pat Gaylord, PLS Surveyors in the News Tuesday, July 6, 195 THE CAPITAL' JOITWAL, Salem, Oregon Page K SECTION III PRESTON'S MAP OF 1851, EARLIEST TERRITORIAL SURVEY Old Documents Add to DataAbout Survey Base county. Later the river the channel of the Rickreall near Eola and Brown's island, or what remains of it, is now in Marion county. Also shown on Preston's map are iiie liuir.lcU of Santiam and Syracuse, ferry landings on oppo lom nceuoies nearly twice as much "Burt's" improved solar compass. Contract price for these surveys ranged from $10 to $24 a mile tor a crew of eight men: two chain-metwo axemen and four assistants. ' Preston s map ol the Willamette valley is dated October 21, 1852. It is the earliest official survey of the region known to exist. Sa- - miles west of the meridian post. H thnn nhanrtnneH the Westward line toward the Pacific as impractical. Considerable local attraction was found to exist thrjughout the country, so much so thai the magnetic needle could not be depended upon in making surveys. This deficiency necessitated the use of black area on this map of 102 Cincinnati, later years ago as doca to become Eola. Then Cincinnati was ,on Rickreall creek and the stream debouched into Willamette near the western boundary nf what is now West Salem. The Willamette in those times flowed to the south of Brown's island, then in site sides of the Santiam river in the 1850s. Both of these pioneer villages disappeared decaues ago due to floods and channel changes in the Santiam river. By BEN MAXWELL A recent Capital Juuruai tui about establishment of base and meridian lines for Oregon territory by John B. Preston, surveyor general, June 4, 1H31, has been further amplified by documents supplied by A. D. Graham, Marion County surveyor. Miss Loretta Fisher, daughter of Hugh G. Fisher, late county surveyor, has deposited maps of territorial Oregon surveyed by Preston and correspondence 7 latiiw to bit early surveys with Phone 155 No. liberty Surveyor Graham. In a letter addressed to ! periors, October 20. 1851, Preston states that little was known about the topoeraphy of the Northwest between the Pacific ocean and the summit of the Cascades. He con tinues to say that after exploring the country north of the Columbia he determined to commence his It's Fix-Up Time at Wards f?( : FpFip 4lp!vji-- i - J ' "' survey of the meridian at the "upper mouth" of the Willamette and the base line miles south in order to avoid the Columbia river. Preston contracted with William KB.'. I ' " - t'Vf I Ives to survey the base lines and Willamette meridian north of the j. ' i 7TlM base line. A contract for survey ing south of the base line to the Umpciua country was awarded to James E. Freeman. West of Tuality plains the coun try became so exceedingly rough and heavily forested mat tves was i Ll able to carry his survey but 37 c nit sm. When John B. Preston became surveyor general for Oregon territory be authorized this survey of the valley established upon base and meridian lines fixed June 4, 1851. Then Ecla was Cincinnati and the vanished hamlet of Sanliim and Syracuse were ferry landings on opposite banks of the Santiam river. ' Sun Invest wt . i izwri7riami T For Insect Pests AnU. Rotchea, Btdburs or Mo.Kjul toea around tha houaa Fltiui nn PANDIT VISITS QUEEN KOUSE- - PAINT 1 SOVIET GENERAL DEAD MOSCOW OP) The Soviet army newspaper Red Star Tuesday an ml., s; ''"'tt In Washington By UNITED PRESS Nine persons lost their lives in accidents in Washington over the Fourth of July weekend but traffic accidents, usually the top killer, -- !lHWai.w' LONDON OB Mrs. Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, president of the U.N. General Assembly, was re s or aoa uei on planta or birds. For Rk1 K;ultt QII II AII Sef Ftnt-Acti- DUIIAUI1 nounced the death of Triform Iv-- anovich Shevaldin, a ceived Tuesday by Queen Eliza beth II at Buckingham Palace. retired lieutenant general. M Drug, Qrwry Stares end Pet Sjyi accounted or but three of the deaths. h'ive persons drowned and one man was killed in a Mount Baker akiine mishap to account for the TRIM AND SHUTTER PAINT 219 Quart Gallon 7.55 Give your home a touch of color contrast with Wards Super Trim and Shutter Paint. Made of finest ingredients. Resists weather and fading stays bright and glossy. Choose from many beautiful colors. WARDS SUPPER HOUSE PAINT 499 5.09 Gal. In 5's Gal. Protects end beeufifies.your home for years. finest quality micronized pigments give smooth finish, extra-hig- h resistance to sun and weather. White and beautiful cplors. rest of the nine deaths. Airman 2.C. Ezra D. Bryant, 14th Air Transport Squadron at McChord Air Force Base, was killed Monday night when his car plupged off the highway 10 mncs Within 400mile-sTCP brings back lost lengine power ! cam oi tvereu. John McGregor, 34, Pasco, died as' result of an accident Saturday night near Prosser when his car left- - the road at high speed. Robert K. Presnell, 23, Colfax, died Monday after his car roared ofC-th- highway three miles north-wcjof Mockonema in Whitman County. James Mars, 6, Seattle, drowned Sunday at Shadow Lake while on an..' outing with his parents. He drowned in. about lour feet of water. Charles Walquist,' 24, drowned Saturday nisht when his ...boat 'overturned on Morton Lake, near 'ill if, J " " cM Auburn. Moses L. Jones, 3D, and Eldon Burnett, 29, both Seattle, drowned Sunday when their skiff overturned V HP SHALLOW . WELL PUMP , 113 95 A dependable, automatic water system for homes, farms. For use in wells where lift does not exceed 25 ft. Price includes: V HP pump, galvanized tank, and controls. Automatic pressure switch in 20-4- 0 ibs. range. Easily converted to deep - well system. REG. 137.03 CABINET SINK 129 33 Murtevant Lake. (islher Mae King, 12, Rotile 2, Cheney, drowned Monday after-roa- n in Newman Lake cast of Spbliane while on an outing with her- brother and grandmother. Nicholas Danforth, 26, Seattle, lost, his life Sunday when he fell over a cliff at Mount Baker while ikiihg. S of Black Hand Gang to Be Executed CASABLANCA. French Moroc Deluxe 66" With fittings A start for your dream kitchen. Double drain' board, double basin add to work and stor.ape ssist space, tntire top porcelain-enamele- d to acids, stains. Blended into Shell Premium Gasoline, TCP overcomes engine deposits in combustion chambers and on spark plugs. Gives up to 15 more power, up to 2Va times longer spark plug life Acts so fast you'll feel your engine has had a tune-u-p before you've finished your second tankful 66" CABINET SINK. Only.. 108.50 eo'Wi A military tribunal sen tenced six members of the "Black Hand" gang to death Tuesday tor political terrorism in French Mo rocco. Eighteen other terrorists ASPHALT SHINGLES were sentenced to jail terms. MRS. WAMPOt.K 11.1. WLVEHTON Mrs. Charles Ml 8.50 00 sq. ft. Wlmpnlc, Silvcrton, mother ASPHALT SIDING 5.35100 sq.ft. Eliminate exterior upkeep with Wards asphalt siding never needs painting. Attractive gray - while color. Mr. Luther Hattobcrg, nn of the Patterson Silvcrton mmmm horsing Hume, submitted to surfirry Monday at the Lebanon Extra protection extra durability. Expo sed surface twice as thick as ordinary shingles. Choice of attractivt colors. Community Hospital. She is sa to be making normal recovery. l.ll Ann Ileal ftranim inI Anlililt lleilliuaa SUIIAUE SPUN ROCK INSULATION TMS PAT or PHOTECTIOH tcK.-,',,;..,';- ; r M4 tMn ( r'l '11.it ill tt trif Is it tttJ .. rLCA INSUHANCC Yiu can be almost certain that your engine has a reserve of hidden power which has gone untouched for thousands of miles power you haven't enjoyed nince your car was first broken in. It is power held back by lead and carbon deposits-po- wer that can now be put to work I Where depositi accumulate These power-wastin- deposits build up in two sensitive areas! In cornbusfion chambers, where they become red hot and pre-fir- fuel before the piston is in its correct firing position; on spnrk plug, where they short-circui- t the electrical charRe, and cause misfiring. These power thieves, pre ignition and misfiring, are the major cause of power loss in today's engines. Thry are at their worst when you need performance most fnr arrelemt'Pg or climbing & hi!!. Hidden power unleashed The power held in by deposits is released when Shell Premium Gasoline with TCP additive gets to work. This d additive "fireproofs" deposits in combustion chambers to stop pre ignition. It makes spark plug deposits prevents and misfiring. Within 400 miles 1.65 25-l- bag HEALTH TALK STEEL EAVES TROUGH 1 .75 10-ft- . length in 4" size. Ir. modern square style. Heavily galvanized. Save up to 40 on fuel bills - be cooler in summer. Insulate your home with lightweight, fireproof Spun Rock. -- I. A. ROMHOl.'CH, N. I). - Naturopathic Phvsirlsn 1515 Slat Street I Referred Pain thinirs are not always as thov ecjn- This is true of pain. Olien pain is located at one point but . refers to disease in another part nf'Jhe body. For example: Pain on-t- op of the head may mean anemia, constipation, nervousness, disease of the uterus or prostate r.ifli at back (base) of the head may indicate adenoids, eyestrain, neuralgia, or poisoning. Pain PLASTIC CLOSET SEAT 11.75 Deluxe: solid construction. Tough polystyrene surface gives long life, is easy to clean. Choice of five colors. REGULAR 6Vt ROME' CABLE 5'4CF, Indoor Cable. Two wire No. 12. Easy to use-str- ips clean, bends easily. Reg. 434c ft. No. 14 over the left shoulder mav noml So swift is the corrective effect of Shell PremiumGasoline with TCP, that you'll feel your engine has had a tune-u- before you've finished the second tankful. But because engine deposits constantly accumulate, it's important to continue using Shell Premium with TCP additive to maintain the benefits you've gained. Shell Premium Gasoline with TCP is the greatest gasoline development since the discovery of tetraethyl lead. It is available only at your Shell Dealer'. 'Shell'! Trftiltmarlr for Ihta unique teiolint iluitivff developed by SlieU Nfaearih. Patent luplthl for. to trouble within the joint iiself or" it could be tuigina pectoris (heart involvement). Pain over m0 the small of the back could be lumbago, constipation, kidney atones, disease of the colon, titer ns. lubes, or nrostate. It Is easy the importance of The Greatest Gasoline Development in 31 years getting bark to the cause of pain ana r.ot treat pain its!f. About pain, this is certain. When one hat suffered pain and then found rcWef, life once more was a grand and glorious feeling. Our Natural Method of treatment corrects the cause. It is auttll to be well. SHOP AT WARDS - OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 A recent Capital Journal story about establishment of base and meridian lines for Oregon territory by John B. Preston, surveyor general, June 4, 1851, has been further amplified by documents supplied by A. D. Graham, Marion County surveyor. Miss Loretta Fisher, daughter of Hugh G. Fisher, late county surveyor, has deposited maps of territorial Oregon surveyed by Preston and correspondence relating to his early surveys with Surveyor Graham. In a letter addressed to superiors, October 20, 1851, Preston states that little was known about the topography of the Northwest between the Pacific ocean and the summit of the Cascades. He continues to say that after exploring the country north of the Columbia he determined to commence his survey of the meridian at the “upper mouth” of the Willamette and the base line 7 ¾ miles south in order to avoid the Columbia river. Preston contracted with William Ives to survey the base lines and Willamette meridian north of the base line. A contract for surveying south of the base line to the Umpqua country was awarded to James E. Freeman. West of Tuality plains the country became so exceedingly rough and heavily forested that Ives was able to carry his survey but 37 miles west of the meridian post. He then abandoned the westward line toward the Pacific as impractical. Considerable local attraction was found to exist throughout the country, so much so that the magnetic needle could not be depended upon in making surveys. This deficiency necessitated the use of “Burt‘s” improved solar compass. Contract price for these surveys ranged from $10 to $24 continues Transcription for the caption for the upper left image in the news article: When John B. Preston became surveyor general for Oregon territory be authorized this survey of the valley established upon base and meridian lines fixed June 4, 1851. Then Eola was Cincinnati and the vanished hamlet of Santiam and Syracuse were ferry landings on opposite banks of the Santiam river.