19 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org Ronnie Jacko [email protected] 503-445-2234 honorable thing, they will join with us in getting the present county surveyor to run the lines, and we will abide by his survey, as we have confidence in his ability and honesty and do not believe he will keep running different lines till he finally locates the line just where interested parties tell him to. Why is it that O. L. Stranahan can shut up a long-traveled and much-used road and make people go a long ways out of the way when we give all the road on our east line on this corner, and then people in town tell new-comers we have no right to build on our own land? We propose to have our lines run and shall ask all parties to abide by the decision of the surveyor. Any man who will try to defraud us of any of our rightful possessions by reason of so many years of “peaceable possession” would refuse to pay a just debt because it was outlawed. M. Sue Adams continued Renew your membership at plso.org to keep receiving The Oregon Surveyor and other member benefits. The 2023–2024 Membership Year Started July 1! plso.org Surveyors in the News