9 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org From the PLSO State Lobbyist Engineer and Democratic State Rep. Janelle Bynum Engineer and Republican State Rep. Ed Diehl Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Floyd Prozanski are engineers: Democrat Rep. Janelle Bynum and Republican Rep. Ed Diehl. They were instrumental in helping their colleagues better understand the issue. PLSO sent several Legislative Alerts to PLSO members, asking them to contact legislators with support. I believe the emails really made a difference. Time and time again, legislators talked about all the people contacting them from across the state. They noticed. They read the emails. I really appreciate all the surveyors who followed through. The bill will go into effect on January 1, 2025. It does not change existing contracts. The bill will apply only to contracts entered into or renewed after January 1. PLSO Members Travel to Washington, D.C. In April, a contingent of PLSO members traveled to Washington, D.C., as part of the NSPS Legislative Conference. Look on page 16 in this edition for a report from NSPS Director Pat Gaylord. 2025 PLSO Legislative Committee Activates The PLSO Legislative Committee is meeting to discuss possible legislative efforts for the 2025 Legislative Session. To be successful next year, the work needs to begin in earnest this summer. If you know of an issue of statewide concern, which may need statutory changes to solve, contact PLSO Legislative Chair Ryan Erickson. He can advise you on the process of getting your issues heard by the Legislative Committee. A proposal currently under consideration addresses Partney v. Russell. The concern is there is no mechanism to account for necessary easements during development not associated with a subdivision or partition. To learn more about the issue, and proposed solution, contact your local chapter leadership. It’s An Election Year With the primary election behind us, and November’s general election just around the corner, please remember to contact PLSO’s lobbyist if you have an existing connection or relationship to any candidate and office holder. This is especially important if the candidate or policymaker knows you. These relationships can play an important role in the success of PLSO efforts. Thank you. With the primary election behind us, and November’s general election just around the corner, please remember to contact PLSO’s lobbyist if you have an existing connection or relationship to any candidate and office holder.