6 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 47, No. 1 Featured Article Just like that, the annual PLSO conference has come and gone. Thank you to all the attendees, the conference committee, our Executive Director Aimee, and Lori Servin of Action Registration for making this year a great success for so many. I’d like to especially thank you, the attendees, for your participation and commitment to PLSO. Whether you were an online participant or an in-person (determined individual willing to brave all of the elements the Pacific Northwest had to throw), every one of you chose to take the time to reinvest in yourself, your firm, and your network of peers. I am not sure about how each surveyor or member of this industry feels about the current times and trends in the industry, but it seems we are pushing, flying, and/ or being dragged into a changing time of fast-paced technological advances and a changing landscape of practitioners and workflows. From a conference standpoint, I have to thank the Covid year for pushing us toward the virtual hybrid model, allowing for an online content platform. This platform has allowed us to host additional content from speakers who had last-minute schedule changes and/or life events that prevented their in-person attendance. Additionally, it allows the in-person attendee additional options to see classes at a later date and provides additional hours of continuing education. I feel that our changing industry landscape over the past decade, but more so in the past five years, pushes us on the Conference Committee to not only provide PDH classes to attendees but to provide ample opportunities to learn many of the tips and tricks needed for surveying in the now but also content to remind us about where we came from. Both in-person and virtual attendees were provided the opportunity to go over some of the following recorded content: Railroad Surveying 101 with AREMA Specialist Charlie Tucker, Water Rights and Boundary Ambiguities with Evan Page, and Flood Elevation Certificate Changes and Resources with Deanna Wright. Trent Kennan, a return guest speaker for PLSO and founder of MentoringMondays. xyz, went over Keys to Running a Successful Surveying Business. There was Easements from a Title Perspective from Justin Carter, and a bit about UAVs with Jon Ellinger and Josh Kowalski. You will also find content from speakers on ALTA surveys, CAD workflows, and more UAV-related instructions. If you haven’t had a chance to check out these class recordings, make sure you do in the Whova app or browser, available through April. An easy way to see which ones were recorded is to login to Whova, go to the Agenda, up top (where it says Filter By Tracks), and make sure to only have the Recorded box checked. I hope that you were able to benefit in some way, either at the conference or continuing now with the available online content. From all of us on the Conference Committee, we thank you again for making this year's conference a great memorable experience and we look forward to building upon this in the future. Wrapping Up the 2024 Conference By Jered McGrath, PLSO Conference Committee Chair Attendees enjoying lunch and networking Wednesday at the conference.