OrYSN Corner..........................................pg 10 The Lost Surveyor..................................pg 16 The Oregon September/October 2023 A publication of the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon
Editorials From the PLSO Chair, by Tim Fassbender, PLS, PLSO Board Chair 2 From the PLSO Office, by Aimee McAuliffe, PLSO Executive Secretary 4 Featured Articles Oregon State University at the 2023 UESI Surveying Competition, by Kyle Winney, Team Captain 6 News 9 Columns OrYSN Corner, by Brenton Griffin, PLS & Marcus Helm, PLS 10 Member Spotlight, by Vanessa Salvia 12 Surveyors In The News, by Pat Gaylord, PLS 15 The Lost Surveyor, by Pat Gaylord, PLS 16 On the Cover This photo was taken by Austin Nielsen in Morton, Washington, overlooking Riffe Lake. Austin’s team was setting GPS control to traverse and tie into existing corners while working on a job determining a timber boundary for a client. The only clear spot to put the base in the area was on a rock outcropping that was a straight drop off to the water. They had to stack rocks on the legs to keep in place. It made for some good pictures. Austin Nielsen is Sr. Engineering Technician in Clark County, Washington. The Oregon Surveyor is a publication of the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon (PLSO). It is provided as a medium for the expression of individual opinions concerning topics relating to the Land Surveying profession. Address changes & business All notifications for changes of address, membership inquiries, and PLSO business correspondence should be directed to Aimee McAuliffe, PO Box 230548, Tigard, OR 97281; 503-303-1472; [email protected]. Editorial matters & contributions of material The Oregon Surveyor welcomes your articles, comments, and photos for publication. PLSO assumes no responsibility for statements expressed in this publication. Editorial matters should be directed to Vanessa Salvia, [email protected]. Advertising policy Advertising content and materials are subject to approval of the PLSO Board and LLM Publications. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising that simulates copy; material must be clearly marked as “Advertisement.” For advertising, contact: Ronnie Jacko, [email protected]; 503-445-2234, 800-647-1511 x2234. A publication of the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon Executive Secretary Aimee McAuliffe PO Box 230548 Tigard, OR 97281 503-303-1472 Toll-free: 844-284-5496 [email protected] www.plso.org Published by LLM Publications 503-445-2220 • 800-647-1511 www.llmpubs.com Advertising Ronnie Jacko, [email protected] Design Hope Sudol © 2023 LLM Publications Editor Vanessa Salvia Publications Committee Tim Kent, Interim Chair Pat Gaylord Contents Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon @ORLandSurveyors The Oregon Vol. 46, No. 5 September/October 2023
2 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 46, No. 5 From the PLSO Chair MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR This year’s past state of Oregon legislative session was at least interesting to watch but it was also very frustrating for our organization. My view of the proceedings was like watching two kids in one sandbox with one who didn’t want to share and wanted the other kid out of the sand box. Not wanting to share has been and always will be an issue, but not sharing also hurts others that are depending on others to share. Watching this session reminded me of how important it is to “hunker down” and work through different views on an issue and come to a reasonable compromise. We surveyors, like so many others, have learned and practice this every day. I believe this is called “professionalism.” We as land surveyors are tasked with working with many other professions when working for our clients. Hardly a day will pass when someone doesn’t seemingly try to put up a roadblock on the project you are working on with no good reason in your mind. If it isn’t a neighboring landowner trying to deny you entry onto their land, it’s the planning department saying “you can’t do that” for your land use application. As much as you wish to voice your displeasure to those people, you Tim Fassbender, PLS PLSO Board Chair Every day, we need to let others know we are professionals and what kind of mess there would be if we weren’t there to take care of the problems that come up. have to hold yourself back and calmly as possible work through the problem. That is what our job really boils down to: conflict resolution to obtain a completion of the project. Land surveyors are not technicians, as many other people wish to classify us as. I would estimate that only 30% of our work is truly technical in nature. The remainder of our time and efforts is devoted to understanding and applying all the laws, codes, ordinances, policies, and procedures we need to use in our work. Webster defines this activity as “professionalism.” The professional challenge for land surveyors is having a working knowledge, not just on resolving boundaries but on what each county and city requires for their plats. We have 36 counties in Oregon with plat standards and how many cities with their own standards? We surveyors have the pleasure (if you wish to call it that) to practice in any part of the state. Just that alone gives you a variety of venues, but also a mountain of needed knowledge to practice in these counties and cities. My experiences have been that not one county and city have the same standards or requirements for what your survey map or plat needs to have for recording. That means we reach out to the county surveyors or city surveyors and work with them to submit what is necessary for recording. Getting to know the county or city surveyor and developing a working relationship is necessary. Why, you ask? Because that is what a professional is supposed to do. I have had the benefit of working in the private sector and in the public sector. Out of my 49 years in the survey profession (no, I didn’t witness the original setting of the Willamette Stone), I was city surveyor for Eugene for 20 years. When I took on this job, I understood that there would be times conflicts would arise between the surveyor submitting a plat and my review comments. I also understood that I didn’t have any special schooling, classes, or any other education that any other surveyor could have. That goes also for county surveyors—both county and city surveyors are licensed surveyors that were hired to the position to administer the laws and policies of their jurisdiction. What I did understand is that I needed to listen, understand, and communicate with the surveyors. If issues came up, you worked them out where both sides came out feeling good. My hope was always to be professional about my relationship with the surveyor and understand they are merely trying to complete their project and materials that meet the legal requirements—no more, no less. Once again, being a professional and not requiring “how I want it” but requiring what the laws cite. Recently, the Governor of Oregon has put together a commission to help in developing more than 18,000 additional buildable lots in Oregon in the very near future. One item in the Executive Order stated that if a conflict between the city surveyor and the county surveyor occurred during the plat review process
3 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org that the city surveyor would only have one “technical” review of the plat and any conflict would be resolved by the county surveyor. PLSO is not in favor of this order, and I assume that the county surveyors are not also. If this becomes law, it would place a large burden on the counties that are already understaffed. It also shows that the commission does not understand ORS 92.100 and the function of the city surveyor to serve in lieu of the county surveyor. It is my understanding that the county surveyor merely reviews the plat for recording requirements while the city surveyor completes all other required reviews. The relationship between the city and county and the private surveyor in this process is one of professional and teamwork. Submitting the plat for review is tedious for the surveyor, with all the conditions of approval and then the plat standards to be met. But you don’t just submit something and hope it is complete (or are you submitting a plat just to get the client off your back?). And whose fault is it that it takes several reviews to get the plat into recording shape? It’s one thing if the reviewing surveyor is asking for something that is a “nice to have” instead of a “have to have.” Then, there is the old complaint of the boundary being in question, who is signing the plat, and if it is questioned, is there a good reason? The issue of getting plats recorded in a timely manner is an age-old problem. So is the review of our work. Land surveying is a profession and we as Licensed Land Surveyors are professionals. We are not technicians and should not allow ourselves to be treated as such by other entities. It’s easy to keep our heads down on the computer and take care of our clients and assume someone else will defend our interests. That is a very dangerous attitude to take today. Every day, we need to let others know we are professionals and what kind of mess there would be if we weren’t there to take care of the problems that come up. I respect the work that planners and GIS people do, but at the same time we need to educate those people along with the lawmakers that land surveyors are necessary and professionals in our own right. How to Send Us Your Work Please email the editor Vanessa Salvia with submissions: [email protected]. Your submission should be in .doc format. Please send images separately (not embedded in the document) and at the highest file size available (MB size range versus KB size range—larger sizes are encouraged). Please include the author’s name and email address or phone number for contact. From the PLSO Chair
4 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 46, No. 5 From the PLSO Office Aimee McAuliffe, PLSO Exec. Secretary Coming Together Is a Beginning “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” —Henry Ford Fall is a time of true juxtaposition. Seasonally, it is the end of summer as the year wraps up before it can renew itself in the spring. For kids, it is a fresh school year that brings new shoes and clothes, summer stories from their friends, and hope for a new kid to bring some excitement to the classroom. When you’re a kid, change is constant, and a three-month break feels like a lifetime to wait before returning for new possibilities with freshly sharpened pencils. Kids are hard-wired to accept new beginnings as a part of life. For adults, change is not easy because there is pain in uncertainty. Mary Shelly wrote in Frankenstein that “nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.” We tend to be slow to accept change even when things aren’t ideal because we have comfortable habits. Good or bad, habits bring routine, which gives the illusion of control. Our brain is also reward-based, which means it releases dopamine when we perform habits (often the bad ones). This makes it harder to create change. It. Does. Not. Feel. Good. How many times have you been at work or volunteering on a committee, and someone asks why something is done a certain way? I think we all know what the answer is usually: “Because that’s the way we’ve always done it.” That means, one person or a group of people decided that a process worked for that particular group of people in that particular time, and it just stayed that way for the next 200 years. It doesn’t matter that people process information and perform tasks differently. It doesn’t matter that it’s not the easiest or quickest way. It doesn’t even have to be the most affordable way. That is just the way we’ve always done it and I know that if I do it this way too, I don’t have to think too hard because I can just follow this equation. Nobody will question me too hard and bada bing, bada boom it’s done...until the next time. Until one day, the world has changed enough on its own by other people who don’t care about being questioned or doubted, and it affects everything else like the domino effect. What does this prove? Probably that we were smarter when we were younger because we weren’t under any illusions that we pull all the strings. We accepted that life is full of constant change, most of which is beyond our control. You know what we can control? Our behavior. How we respond and react to change is what makes the difference in success and happiness. John C. Maxwell, author of The 21 When we were younger, we accepted that life is full of constant change, most of which is beyond our control. You know what we can control? Our behavior. How we respond and react to change is what makes the difference in success and happiness.
5 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org From the PLSO Office Ronnie Jacko [email protected] | 503-445-2234 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, explained it as “Change is inevitable. Growth is optional.” I think it’s safe to say that we are at a crossroads. The dominoes have been falling and we need to decide how we are going to grow from the experience. I say this with love because I know that land surveyors aren’t keen on change. In all fairness, land surveying practices have been around since 1400 BC when the Egyptians used measuring ropes to accurately divide land into plots. A big exciting change happened in 120 BC when the Greeks invented the first surveying tool, the diopter, which was used to measure and map the positions of the stars. Then someone else came along in the 16th century and asked “what if” before adapting it to specific land surveying needs and renamed it theodolite. (Bill Gates wasn’t around to suggest 2.0.) In the 18th century, a series of tweaks and additions were made to the theodolite, but for the most part, the basic principles of land surveying stayed the same for thousands of years. With the invention of computers came satellites, GIS, laser scanners, and more, making the world faster and on demand. Through all that time, empires rose and fell, the United States was created (by part-time land surveyors, mind you) and our own country kept changing —an Act of Congress to explore the coasts and an Industrial Revolution later, land surveying became a full-time career, and you’ve all pretty much been insanely busy ever since, despite the occasional recession. Who has time for personal change with all that happening? The world continues to get faster and busier. We have no control over it. Companies that are the most adaptive to change are going to get ahead and the ones that resist will be left behind. Whether that means technology, employee retention, or succession planning. PLSO is in the middle of this process as well. We need to fill our Board ChairElect for next year, soon. I often wonder if the Board should be reorganized in a way that you don’t have to be a past Chapter President to serve in this role. Would we get more interest in leadership? Does the current overall structure of the Board need to change? What leadership programs can we provide to help develop associate members into involved corporate members? (Past Chair Jeremy Sherer has been working on this question —look out for the Emerging Leaders program soon. Feel free to email him for more information.) If any of our members have some thoughts on these questions, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]. Because we are a member-led organization, the Board collectively captains the ship. I am but a steward, just like the ones that came before me. It’s the members that remain constant and change. A bit like a revolving door, of course. Help me help you, and become a leader. “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” —Henry Ford
6 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 46, No. 5 Featured Article I n fall 2022, Oregon State University began holding PLSO student chapter meetings for the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Early on, the chapter established its main objectives: to increase awareness of surveying as a profession through outreach, and to give students an avenue to engage with the practice beyond what courses typically offer. When I began attending chapter meetings, the group was brainstorming several activities for its members to engage in, including competitions, outreach at local schools, and field exercises on campus. During these OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY AT THE 2023 UESI SURVEYING COMPETITION Reigniting the PLSO Student Chapter at OSU By Kyle Winney, Team Captain discussions, we learned of a surveying competition hosted at the ASCE Regional Symposium the following spring which caught our interest. This sparked an interest in meeting for the competition, where a team of six was assembled and I was chosen as the team captain. The surveying team consisted of myself as team captain, Jacob O’Brian, Porter Raab, Toby Richardson-Byrd, Isaac Anderson, and Quentin Beers. The competition, hosted by the Utility Engineering and Surveying Institute (UESI) at ASCE Regional Symposiums across the country, consisted of five tasks: four field tasks performed at the symposium, and one topographic mapping task submitted prior to the competition. Competition Tasks • Topographic mapping: Teams are provided with a .csv file containing survey data with which to create a topographic map. Teams are provided with a list of minimum specifications for the final product, and are asked to prepare a 5-minute presentation describing how they created Jacob O’Brien, Toby Richardson-Byrd, Quentin Beers, Isaac Anderson, Kyle Winney, and Porter Raab at the regionals.
7 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org Featured Article the map. Teams are scored on the accuracy of the map, its adherence to the provided specifications, and the aesthetics of the map’s appearance. • Pacing: Several points are provided at the competition, and teams are asked to determine the distance between them to the nearest foot, using only the length of their pace and a calculator. Scores are given based on the accuracy of these paced distances. • Differential leveling: Starting at a point of known elevation, teams must determine the elevation of another point using differential leveling procedures and a standard leveling note form. Scores are given based on the accuracy of the measured elevation and the quality of their note form. • Building stakeout: Two control points are set at the competition site, and each team is provided a schematic of a small building. Teams must set a PK nail at each of the building corners using a total station and traditional stakeout methods. Scores are provided based on the deviation of these nails from the true coordinates of the building corners. • Proposed sewer line profile: At the competition site, stakes are provided at several stations along the proposed alignment of a sewer line. Teams are told the slope and starting location of this sewer, and are asked to determine the cut depth of the sewer at each stake, using a differential level to determine the ground elevation. Teams are then ranked based on their accuracy relative to the true cut depth. Preparation Preparing for the competition was a significant learning experience; much of what we were asked to do had not been taught to us in surveying classes. For an added challenge, this would be OSU’s first time participating in the competition in several years and the team would therefore not have access to any institutional knowledge of the competition—we could only guess exactly how the field tasks would be organized. As team captain, this meant my role was as much of an educator as I was a leader in the field exercises. Between meetings, I was Kyle Winney, Porter Raab (rod person way in the back), and Isaac Anderson at the regionals. Isaac Anderson at the nationals. continues
8 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 46, No. 5 required to do research, find education tools, learn and understand calculations and field procedures (e.g. for the building stakeout), and transmit these to the team while applying them in real time. As much technical information as I gleaned from this competition, my main takeaway was learning how to (and how not to) be an effective teacher while unifying a team toward a common goal. Likewise, the entire team further developed their skills as effective (and patient) learners; the competition was designed such that each team required a diverse knowledge base to succeed. For example, creating the topographic map required that we become very comfortable using Civil3D in a very short period of time, which turned out to be an enormous challenge. By the beginning of last winter I hadn’t used AutoCAD in years (and never used Civil3D), but with the competition behind us the team is left with an advanced understanding of Civil3D’s surveying related functions. However, the team gleaned more than just technical knowledge from this experience; that would have been very boring. One of the main functions of the PLSO student chapter is to give prospective surveyors an opportunity to engage with the field of surveying, to enjoy simply being outside practicing field procedures. To this end, this competition was a wild success; between the many hours spent practicing on our own campus and those spent traveling to compete in another state, we all had ample opportunity to get our hands dirty. Some will be returning to participate in next year’s competition and some won’t, but in either case we all learned whether we like actually using the surveying equipment—which I find to be just as important as becoming a Civil3D wiz. Attending the Competition The competition was hosted in early April at Montana State University, and four teams participated in the event: Montana State University (Bozeman), Montana State University Northern, Montana Technological University, and Oregon State University. Our hours of practice seemed to pay off, and the Oregon State team was awarded first place at the competition. This qualified us for the society-wide competition finals in Platteville, Wisconsin, that June, bringing Oregon State University to an ASCE national competition for the first time in more than a decade. After another month of even more rigorous field practice and topographic mapping, we traveled to Wisconsin and joined the 17 other teams who had traveled from across the country to participate in the competition. The Oregon State team proudly took third place in the field tasks and third place overall, taking home a cash prize of $500 for the Oregon State ASCE student chapter. Overall, the UESI surveying competition provides an excellent opportunity for students to travel, network, practice surveying field procedures, and most importantly, have fun with surveying. The Oregon State University surveying team is extremely grateful for financial contributions by the PLSO and other organizations which made the trip to the society-wide finals possible. Thanks to your help, the team was able to participate in an incredible opportunity that we would not have been able to otherwise. We look forward to participating in the competition in years to come, and seeing how both the competition and competing teams evolve. Isaac Anderson and Kyle Winney at the regionals. Kyle Winney and Toby Richardson-Byrd at the nationals. Toby Richardson-Byrd, Jacob O’Brien, Quentin Beers, and Isaac Anderson at the nationals. Featured Article continued
9 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org Featured Article National Award for Oregon Tech’s Geomatics Program The geomatics program at Oregon Institute of Technology has received a 2023 National Council of Examiners for Engineering and Surveying (NCEES) Surveying Education Award. The NCEES website says that this annual award recognizes surveying programs that best reflect the organization’s mission to advance licensure for surveyors in order to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the public. Universities from across the U.S. applied and only 13 were awarded prizes of $10,000 to $25,000. Oregon Tech was the only school awarded the $25,000 prize. “To address the critical national shortage of licensed surveyors, this award program is intended to strengthen programs which best prepare graduates for licensure,” said Jack Walker, professor and chair of the Department of Geomatics. “This is the seventh year of the award program, and we are one of two programs that have received an award each year.” At Oregon Tech, the Geomatics program has two options for students to specialize in: Surveying or Geographical Information Systems. Students focusing on surveying use computer systems and equipment to find and define property lines, plan out subdivisions to make creative and effective designs, map boundary limits, learn how to write deed descriptions relative to property boundaries, and more. The surveying option prepares students to pass the Fundamentals of Surveying examination and pursue licensure as a registered Professional Land Surveyor. The Geographical Information Systems (GIS) option prepares students to design and construct workflows to collect, edit, analyze, store, and visualize geospatial information while preparing them to become certified GIS professionals. For more information about the geomatics program, visit www.oit.edu/academics/ degrees/geomatics. Oregon Tech Receives Approval to Offer Online Degrees After a 3-year process, the Oregon Institute of Technology announced that they have received formal approval to offer the bachelor of science surveying and bachelor of science GIS degrees fully online beginning this fall. The online degrees are ABET-accredited. In order to join the program, students must be employed in the surveying industry and have access to their firm’s equipment and software, which they will use to complete fieldwork exercises and homework assignments. To learn more about being a student in the program or to be a licensed surveyor mentoring a student, contact Jack Walker, professor and chair of the Department of Geomatics, at [email protected] or 541-885-1511. NEWS ADVERTISING RATES STARTING AT $330! Advertise in The Oregon Surveyor! The Oregon Surveyor is the official magazine for the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon. It reaches every member of the association and offers a great opportunity to target surveyors with your marketing efforts.
10 It turns out that surveyors are pretty much the same worldwide...we like to consume alcoholic beverages and talk about surveying. We also like turning angles, measuring distances, researching records, creating GIS databases, mapping the world. Meeting other geospatial professionals and hearing about projects they are working on back in their homelands was a very eye-opening and motivating experience for two Oregon young surveyors who were present at the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG) Working Week in Orlando, Florida, which was held May 27 through June 1. For those of you who have not heard, FIG is a conglomeration of surveying and geospatial professionals whose purpose is to support international collaboration for the progress of surveying in all fields and applications. FIG is made up of 10 commissions: Professional Standards and Practice, Professional Education, Spatial Information Management, Hydrography, Positioning and Measurement, Engineering Surveys, Cadastre and Land Management, Spatial Planning and Development, Valuation and the Management of Real Estate, and Construction Economics and Management. These 10 commissions host seminars for the conference’s technical program throughout the week, showcasing what they have been working on. Emphasizing the importance of embracing technology, the 2023 Working Week focused on how current technological advancements in the industry can make surveying more efficient and effective in serving and protecting the public. One such example was the utilization of virtual reality to check grades on a construction site from an office building by utilizing scan data collected by the team in the field. Being more than just a gaming experience, virtual reality is driving the possibility and ease of creating extended reality by point cloud data collected by surveyors for use in various applications! No need to grab your calculator and staking sheets any longer. Soon you will throw on your VR headset and step into the job site and check real world data from an alternate location. Another prime example was from Boston Dynamics, a robotics company, which created “Spot the Dog,” a robotic dog that surveyors are utilizing for mobile scanning applications. If you saw Oregon State University’s presentation at the last PLSO conference, then you know what I am talking about and how amazing this technology can be. This robotic dog can go around and collect survey data while being controlled remotely or made to follow a predetermined route set by the operator. Just another example of how we as surveying professionals can take advantage of technology to aid us in our duties. Bryn Fosburgh of Trimble quoted Henry Ford, “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” We as surveyors should be asking ourselves how we can utilize these new consumer technologies and see if we can figure out a way to get them into our toolboxes. One of the best parts of the Working Week was being able to attend the FIG Young Surveyors conference where nearly 100 young surveyors from around the world, across six continents, were able to network, motivate, and share their surveying experiences with one another. Some of the young surveyor shenanigans included international dance parties learning dances from eastern Europe, Asia, and International Federation of Surveyors Working Week Orlando, Florida What happens when young surveyors from all over the world get together? By Brenton Griffin, PLS and Marcus Helm, PLS The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 46, No. 5 OrYSN Corner
11 South America; listening to seminars prepared by young surveyors regarding projects and research they are doing to help make their world and their countries a better place; and an ice breaker bowling night sponsored by Leica where some people from various countries got to bowl for the first time. When discussing the shortage of surveyors with a surveyor we met from Poland, he shared an interesting approach on what they have been doing to help market interest to the younger generations. Their approach is to start with the big picture, talk about the problems we see and the problems communities face, then show the technology we have available to aid us in the process. They conclude with how we are using this technology to tackle the issues. From using AI and aerial photogrammetry to pinpoint and locate harmful plastics on global coastlines to creating GIS databases to track and sustain records of chains of title in small communities, surveyors all over the world deal with similar issues in serving our communities. As evidenced by the big sponsors, Bentley, ESRI, Leica, and Trimble, it is clear that we all use the same tools to help the people in our geographical areas. For us in the U.S., one of the main issues of surveyors on home soil is the incorporation of the new Datum by NGS and the lack of benchmarks by many states to help in creating a more concise network. The goal is to have the new datums ready and rolled out sometime in 2025. Alpha and Beta products will be available later this year for surveyors to start familiarizing themselves with the new datums and software. Of the 50 states, Oregon is among one of the worst represented nationwide in collecting and submitting data to NGS on desired benchmarks. After returning home from the Working Week, Oregon’s young surveyors have already managed to check half a dozen benchmarks off the NGS list of priority marks with plans to knock dozens more off the list in the coming months. We challenge all surveyors to volunteer for the cause and take a day or two to research, plan, and observe one monument in your vicinity to help make “our world” and our state a better place. To learn more and find a list of the benchmarks requested in your area, head over to https://geodesy.noaa.gov/GPSonBM. Screenshot of the GIS web map application showing location of the priority, secondary, and completed benchmarks (greater Willamette Valley area displayed). Screenshot showing remaining percentage of requested benchmarks by state (Oregon displayed). A bowling night sponsored by Leica Switzerland featured young surveyors from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, New York, Costa Rica, Spain, Netherlands, Trinidad, France, and Sweden. Young surveyors from around the globe. Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org OrYSN Corner
12 Header The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 46, No. 5 Member Spotlight introduced to surveying and used some tools like a GPS. “It was a good introduction, I remember that,” he says. “My instructor said that it was a great job for By Vanessa Salvia Jonathan Redd, a surveyor for Klamath County Public Works and Klamath County deputy surveyor, didn’t initially set out to become a surveyor, but after working in retail for 15 years, he decided it was time for a change. A surveying course he took in high school had sparked his interest years ago, enough to remain in the back of his mind as a possible career option, but it wasn’t until later in life that Jonathan decided to pursue it. “I went to school but didn’t know what I really wanted to do,” he says. “I worked retail and became a manager of a sporting goods store for about 15 years.” After his two children grew up a bit more and were able to be on their own after school hours, Jonathan started thinking of a career change. The time seemed right to do something different, so he decided to go back to school six years ago. Jonathan had surveying in the back of his mind for a long time. Jonathan grew up in and lives in Klamath Falls, which is the home of Oregon Institute of Technology. His high school offered a week-long forestry class in which the students were Jonathan Redd, PLS Klamath County Deputy Surveyor Klamath County Public Works Checking monuments on the mountain lakes wilderness boundary for the county surveyor’s office. Very first of many stock piles built and surveyed. Jonathan says he didn’t realize how much surveying in ditches he would be doing. (“I love it,” he says.)
13 Header Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org Member Spotlight people who want to work outside, and especially that it was a good career option for people who may not know what they wanted to do.” And after being cooped up inside doing retail for so long, Jonathan said he remembered those words of his instructor and thought that a job working outside sounded pretty good. He was researching programs at Oregon Tech and remembering the experience he had with surveying years ago. After talking with some instructors, he decided to enroll in the program. Does he enjoy it as much as he thought he would? “I definitely do,” Jonathan says. “I am doing a lot of different things that I had no clue I would ever be doing in my life, especially as a surveyor. But they make the job a lot more interesting because I’m not just doing one thing. I’m learning a lot of different things.” Some of his favorite aspects of the job are being out in the field and finding monuments, especially ones that haven’t been located for who knows how long. Given his position in government work, right of way surveys are a common part of the job. “When I show people where their corners are they’re always really surprised,” he says. “Overall it’s an interesting job.” Once enrolled in the surveying program, the instructors encouraged students to join the PLSO. “We were always encouraged to become student members,” says Jonathan. “We went to the conferences in January each year through the school. So I just kept that membership going after I graduated.” Networking has been one of the biggest benefits of PLSO membership for Jonathan. “I think it’s extremely important to be a member,” he says. “The biggest thing for me is the networking you can do, talking and figuring out that you have connections with other surveyors. You can bounce different ideas around, and they can do the same thing with me.” Without PLSO, he says he wouldn’t know other surveyors as well. Jonathan worked part time for the county while going to school and full time over the summers and was able to get his five years of experience that way. He became licensed last year, and was asked to help restart a local PLSO chapter that had fallen away due to Covid challenges. As president-elect of the South Central Jonathan and his family getting their annual Christmas tree. Hiking the PCT, Jonathan found a great water source. This dam was at the Little Hyatt Lake, about 20 miles up the trail from Ashland. Jonathan’s R/W search tools. chapter, he’s focused on reestablishing connections, especially with the public schools. “I recognize the importance of those connections and I’m trying to reestablish those communications,” he says. For those considering surveying as a career, Jonathan highly recommends it. “It’s a pretty amazing career path and I want to guide some more people into it,” he said. After a retail career doing a totally different kind of work every day, going back to school opened up an entirely new path for Jonathan. He’s passionate about helping guide the next generation into this rewarding field. As Jonathan put it, “I think it is about as good a career as somebody can get.”
15 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org By Pat Gaylord, PLS Surveyors in the News Hidden on page 8 of a 1937 Klamath Falls newspaper is a photo and caption with no accompanying story and seemingly randomly included in the paper. In fact, a search of Oregon newspapers in the University of Oregon archive reveals this is the only mention of this event that likely changed our lives and our businesses today. More research was definitely needed, so check out this issue’s Lost Surveyor to learn more. The News and the Herald Klamath Falls, Oregon December 2, 1937 Designed for aerial mappers, the unusual, glass-nosed plane, shown above during initial tests at Marshall, Mich., eliminates many of the limitations which have confronted flying surveyors in the ordinary type tractor planes. Constructed on plans drafted by Talbert Abrams, aerial survey company official, the ship affords unobstructed forward and downward vision for pilot and photographer, stability and long cruising radius. Moving the motor to the rear of the cockpit necessitated use of a pusher propeller. December 2, 1937 THE NEWS AND THE HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ! PAGE EIGHT know how lin loot got thorn. ,A Glass-Nose- d Plane Built for Aerial Mappers HAPPY RELIEFi FROM PAINFUL BACKACHE f HOUSE SIGNS PETITION TO FORCE VOTE ALLEGED PLOT TO M11110ER CIO HUD UNVEILED year of his firot term Ito 'wailed he had Imen On an II utomobile tido, lookino for a Job with Harry liendoroon and Prank tirohom hio companions On tint sea nth. "That's the loot picture I sae," Sounders said. "From thou all is blank. Redwood City Policeman C. V, Stafford found him wandering On tho stretda Monday, and when Ito fulled to oxpinin why ho was then' and was unahlo to oive hint name, ha was token to JnII on suopielon of vagrancy. Dr. Roy O. LaTtocholle, a chiropractor. examining the PON ()Mir, found a vertebra fir the nock out of pinco and bringing premium on tho brain. The doctor adjusted tho vortebra and Saundors went to oinep U'hon Ottundero awok tido morning, he found hinotell bohind harm, Pounding angrily on the cell door, he dowoodod to AMNESIA VICTIM "LOST" 2 YEARS RECOVERS MEMORY ItKDWO(111 Miro Col., Din (UP)A nom long conahlored dead came bark to life today and (outwit himself bowildored by the swift march or mode during the 30 months ha wondered over tho country, his mind a blank. For iniddlomged Jimmie Saunders, former elneinnati reatnuront operator, toilers awakening from a long Dirge of morale brought the Mat newa that China end Japan were flahiing a bitter, bloodY etregalo III tho orient. Ito had heard vaguely, he recalled. that some ono neint'd I di n 11 IVOR running against President ttoosevolt for reeleelion, butt the fart mule no deeP improssioll . l'or hint until tndnY lionsorolt watt In tho third s' i'' ' '' ;44 - ,''':',i, ?''''7.7.",!,7,-- ' "",,' ;r.'' ' ,, ' '.,,, k '.. ''','' '. '':: , !, , 1'. ';';' ''' '' 4 4-- . '' ,..,' ,'',..,, V': ,,''.. ' . ,,,k'N,,,,, t ,4 1,44, 4'S4AI" V444r1.1'; 4:,r':; t:', ',' ' t ft v,,'',,'&., V',,,, ..,. ,,,.toth,t'ftt', :t :' ".,'::. .,.: & ,.,..,,i.,:,:z ::' 's 2 '':;1 .:'''''.. V',1 :. ' ' ' ' f ::',,.,:s .,..: : 4',:,4 : ft ::''' i'': t 1:.,:::..:,,,...':.,,,,:,.:,,k:,.'..A' '';', ' 2.'.:"'''.', ''''',.':',i :' ','.'' ,:,4,4!,;: :,,,.':',,:-- .,. ., ., .,:,',!: :' - :.4.,....,01,,,,, I '.' flati71100P,,,,i:4',,,, A :SI:V, , r. . '' ,, ... 't,Z'f'''4',lt ,1','' . . " .,i,.. it. 4 ' ''', '''''' ''''''. - ;,, ' '.. . 't, '',;:i':-- '''s'''' 'k, ,, ,'4,1i414441t't',A,47s.:.,.u....4.;,..zsl,V, ',4.w,Vtrlia,... 1'; ( ,,.,,, 4440,, .,' Caused by Tired Kidneys shthy those pluming. IllYttibtit P11411 haeltaphay people biloo op otos of ttil ation 'wool by titol 3hInProond nty, 60 toilets,' ohyn 0.441 In the tight W. Th. hitioyvyoto NototoltahlyfooY nt tatting ppm, 041.1s slot polyntonsa ow not 0,f Int hhowt, 3flot 116004 tom about pinta lily yy pbmt 3 p000414 of yeasty, II thy intim of IttbOY atof Ahoy don't work well, tootoottons 40414 matter salmi thy Mood. The. poisons litAtt Datidifil 1,tt. ohyebyy. thy,,,,, paha, 10Po 00p 00,1 01.41r, settlog top 0Ight0, trItinc 0011i0044 010er 1114 ypy, 11444144mi an4 11100040. hal "mitt Aak ylpor tboolot tor I Pilo. poo l YnYYYmbillY tollOon. for boil y4414 di. happy Wirt 4011 0ili IA 10044 of kidnyy Woo nosh not potwopio 'tootle how the Wood. tilt Vottls Designed for aerial mappers, the unusual, glass-nos- plane. shown above during initial tests at Marshall, Mich., eliminates many of the limitations which have confronted flying surveyors in the ordinary type tractor planes. Constructed on plans drafted by Talbert Abrams, aerial survey company official. the ship affords unobstructed forward and downward vision for pilot and photographer. stability and long cruising radius. Moving the motor to the rear of the cockpit necessitated use of a pusher propeller. VOTERS HOLD FATE OF TEN BOND ISSUES - (Continued trom Page One) ent form and statement. made by President Roosevelt. As soon es the republican .inquiry resolution was read in the house Majority Leader Rayburn asked that it be tabled but Representative Fish .) objected and forced a roll-cal- l. The vote to table was 281 to 94. After the petition was completed. Chairman Norton of the labor committee and other backers of the bill pressed up to shake the hand of Mansfield. who for many years haa been forced by illness to use a wheel chair. Uproar Prolonged It was minutes before the house calmed down. Representative Healey t1)- - ) chairman of an informal committee' backing the petitiou, said it appeared certain the provisions for a five-ma- n administration board in the pending bill would be eliminated by amendment on the floor. He said the labor committee would request administration of the proposed law by a aingle administrator in the labor department. "It is difficult to say whether mandatory wage and hour standards can be written into the measure." Healey added. "but we hope later that well reach the objectives dealred." Not Before Uhristnute Rep. Martin assistant minority leader, said completion of the petition would be the signal for attempts to keep out any such differentials after the bill reaches the floor. Even if the house should pass the measure, there was no assurance it would get to the tVhite House before the special session ends during Christmas week. The senate passed a wage-hou- r bill last summer, and differences between the two measures would have to be composed. This might be a long process. Neither was there assurance that any of President Rousevelt4 other recommendations could be enacted during the brief session. t , . ' 0041 4""c"' , .',,, 2 : , , ;: .4 , ' '. ... ' J..... ;..,.1-:;,,- ... '.' - - - ..,.r,,,,, .. t,i. , ,,,,,k 4 1, .?. ,,.4. , ' J,,,,44 ,,,, - , q , ,,, , ... ,.,; .:; ., ' ,, is. 3 ,... , , , ,it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,x4 4- -.. ' ,ik: ''' si , , ,,,,, , 'i''''c' ., ,..,, ,,---- k .4.. ) ,7, ' ;It ' ..M. al ,,,,, !r:,..,241. I. k.,i,, ,,,sKON, .' Iti),4A, :!,), 4.1 i ',-- ,:,11 i ,e' rt Irk ,;.,.t.t: ',.',. :i. i.,. i ,' ,t 41 .7!k :., .c0. ::' ..,' 41i , 'it ,,',,,' 1v '. .. ; ., ,, ,,,..,.........,,, , - , , ( , s ;I' i'0, .. . 4 ok !I (Continued from Page One) rt i Seattle but did not know why he II was being lent. tient to Portland 1'; Arriving there, he received 110 i I a day for expenses, the affidavit I! said. and after several days was i sent to Portland, where unother I AFL leader gave him instructions. The instructions, Bell said in I his affidavit, were to "get" a CIO leader named Harry Bridges. Bell i said the labor leader showed him i a revolver which the Minneapolis , man was to use to kill the op-- I; position union man. i!! Saying he "loved freedom" and "was going to stay free," Bell reI fused to have anything to do with the scheme, he declared. Later i he informed CIO workers of the i propoial. he said, and warned them to have Bridges guarded. The death orders, his affidavit said, came from a leader in a teameters union. Cole said a copy of the affidavit !I was in the hands of authorities in Waabington, and that the Minne- ;1 seta attorney general would also be informed of its contents. ---! I SEATTLE, Dec. 2 IIIRichard Francis, regional CIO head, said today he bad the original copy of an affidavit signed by a Robert John Bell of Minneapolis. in which Bell charged AFL leaden ' tried to hire him to kill Harry ' Bridges. west coast CIO leader. "A copy of the affidavit was turned over to the department Of I justice office here some time ago," he said. Two Copies 11 "I have both the original and photoetatic copies In a safety deposit i II Francis box." said the man known as . Bell came here two months ago and "tried to make a deal with us" He said he understood Bell : left Minneapolis about September i& 38 and after spending some time the northwest he left Tacoma iIn November 18. 11.t "He tried to make a deal with us when his nerve cracked and he couldn't go through with the l4 plan, Francis said. He thought be could sell us the affidavit and fI get on our payroll. "Well, we got the affidavit and I, Bell didn't get any money. 14 'We had nothing to do with him. The CIO doesn't deal with I!! such people," Francis said. The affidavit is not yet part I at any court record, he said. i a Of Bell's present whereabouts., l i Francis said the "department' of justice can pick him up easily." Michigan police have a device that reads palms of suspects. Its 1 greatest value is expected to be In locating criminal "finger" 111611, i I A free press Is far more than a publisher's privilege. It is a right i 1 of the people.--Herbe- Hoover. INTO THE ARCTIC WINTER to resume search for six Russian fliers went Sir Hubert Wilkins ()eft) shown conferring with Rudy Reuss, veteran northland pilot, in Edmonton. Alberta. (Continued from Page One) raise money for flush-coati- the streets. Discussion haa been fairly active on the bond issue projects. The bridges have received most of the attention. The council to construct spans of wood on concrete piers and abutments. There has been some agitation for bridges. There is general agreement that the present bridges ace outworn and should be replaced. Tax Increase Minute There was some belief among proponents of the projects Thursday that the tax summary story of Wednesday, showing that city taxes will be tenth of a mill higher In 1928, might affect the vote on the bond issue. Others, however, pointed out that the increase is extremely small, and said that voters who read the tax summary report carefully probably would not be influenced to vote against the bonds because of it. At a sparely attended meeting at Mills school Wednesday night the bond projects were discussed favorably by Mayor Richmond, Councilman Lee Bean, Rev. A. C. Bates of the planning commission and Frank Mortenson. Double Boards There will be double boards at the polling places for FridaY's election. The counting boards will begin work at 2 o'clock. No report on the count, however. will be given until 8 p. m. when the polls close. Official returns will be sent to the city hall for compilation. The county clerk's office has nothing to do with the municipal election. FEHL AGREES TO ALLOW STEINER TO TAKE STAND (Continued from Page One) tiona of ?chi before testifying. The request was made by Attorney E. E. Kelly. counsel for his brother. Fred W. Kelly. who signed the insanity complaint against Fehl. Attorney Porter J. Neff, counsel for Fehl advised the court: "This is a matter for Fehr to decide." Fehl Declines A moment later Attorney Neff announced that Fehl declined to undergo observations by Dr. Steiner. Deputy Di str ic t Attorney George W. Neilson. who held that position during a series of criminal actions growing out of the Jackson county turmoil that was climaxed by ballot theft and murder, gave testimony, concerning the asserted actions. accusations and attitudes of Fehl during that time. A pamphlet entitled "Black Political Plot Exposed," purportedly written by Fehl while a state prison inmate, along with civil actions and statements filed by Fehl since, were introduced and read to the Jury Wednesday afternoon. Paranoia Charged The physician's certificate filed by three Portland alienist!' following an examination of Fehl. In which it Wite alleged Fah' "was an insane Person suffering from paranoia and in need of institutional care for his own protection and the protection of others," was also introduced. The sheriff reported that more than fie subpoenas h a d been served for witnesses. Scheduled to be called to the stand today were the deputy warden, the chaplain and two guards of the state prison. UM .11.1111111MMIIIMMIENIMEM. , MEMMIDc13031aCOINGO HA LI 0liknqIM 0 o )A. , 1 --4 ,1 ' NB I At, I 4: : 0 i ,,,,,,Aeof '1..:.-- -d elt 1 Pay tik k : lis, - ' Only gii' 1 k Week: A A i Ns it..,, ; 11611-100- 1 2695 - - rti".1, le: 1 i en.li Price ,' Small Dawn Paroling en4 , - ,.1411,....'.1 ,b1d4 N ; Carrying Charge , 1 .. , i'7: t 'I' 11'411 1, eNttO.Wamtiyneedu beautya can give bhlikm. hthei.ss ., kl.. III PP . sure to likeancluptqrfor 11 eindldly -- , A' 4l. '. clEpC) t. stot"Rivietsldweballoo:teinsll: Is! ( tit.' .110 un 1 mous coaster brake; Bonderised e as citty,,,r,plowist N. agairut rust and Vichrome enameled! i r0 ol-- R T k Gide Bike, Same Price and Tenn. ,,s....tmahan '' ' ' . ,".7r1771"711""r""A,I., . IttoWitoetrito,"1 . 46A ,1140- - s. ., ea , . ,. "i f 1 , Famous Bolt Action Single Shot .22calibor 4, ' v v Western Field Rifle f '''letia,d, -.--, A regular man-algi- d rifleone that'll be sure to v please him on Christmas morning! Has adjustable 45 7,' --, middle sight, hooded front sight, pistol grip, am. h ratelprifled barrel! Drilled for Wards 'scopes. Valk ' blil Ito: ,nt 1.,...4 , , , .,- - . , ,15111r 1 Large Size .. woo-sho- t King : eCiggfie l , g Lunch Kit , Alit 1......i RIFLE ,, ,,!,,,, 1109 i , ,,,,,c - ' 1.89 , pi,,,,, - Regularly LID at Wards! Holds a man-site- lunch Accurate! Has ri enough for two children! flittype peep sight I Includes Wards best pint and pistol grip! I I 0,, vacuum bottle. Save money! He'll like it! 72171,71'...1,t.r"t''"'7211A ' , itt.fr 4 tst inb I', ' P'..N, WIT-qt- r n'Irfr , - Give LUGGAGE! 1 ..,,- ,- P Overnight ;' WI sasil".111114 ' Case , t11) . ,,, ,11 , '7..lahktV'- ; to,, 319 . , , '''.-..t- ''. '111 . ' ' . Roller Skates 4. 114 , A smart, case : , --- - ,-- , c , , , ,,, she's bound to Mel , 1 "Swami" '11 79 , N' i l' Black fabrIcold cover , over strong basswood : ,,i, NSIttetkrpilelsotatstodheoniksatoinandin.109 WI' box. Cloth-llne- Post T . Z.,1410 handle. Two pockets. ' 4011,404 ',- ' N ' rI , fr, , P--- 0- , d , , Black Fiber , .414 4 ''''7NWgi II 1 ,,':v.,' rndy' ' al''' 11; Suites's ,.!.?::,,.," Iv- - --- ,' fr:,,Cr ,5";" 219 I ':hi':4'.),, .' , . I .':. ). ' I , :'. r;.'"' ' 10,0''''., .7.4' '',' t -,.'''' : , ,, 0111::::: I - ;;;;,..rf , l' t --;, t A sturdy, ' suitcase that every ,',,,,:, 1,,f;'..,,,1 ,,,,,,,, ' ..,..., family could use. It's i , FOOTBALL 1, i ., full size, made 1, of black fiber over Tlosrpt:ngirrkraahlt.nmdehcloYwhlidlic098fm, .... wood frame. Leather ir , " straps! A fine gift! 1 cial size, shape, wt.! ' , I MONTGOMERY WARD 221-22- 9 Moil'. floorp--9:1- 10 A. M. to MOO P. M.Not,.. 9010 to 8:00. Phone 884 ,,,,J2T417.,,,,,:maizt:,,r,r- - -7777-Irt-, , ,, , :-- , , , ,,, A "PINugtTre , , , Adrienne's PreChristmas Lingerie Sale GREEN, LEWIS FAIL To MAKE HEAbWAY AT OPENING MEET (Continued From Page One) the exception of an increase of th of a cent per mile for all drivers, which becomes effective July 1. 1938. Ivan Bowen. counsel for the Greyhound companies, said the agreement to all intents and purposes, wiped out the company ultimatum that striking drivers must have returned to work by noon yesterday to be considered In the employ of the companies. , UNWARRANTED PORTLAND. Dec. 2 (JP)The AFL policy committee declared today there was "nothing to war. rant optimistic statements" in attempts by David Robinson. one-ma- n arbitration board, to end the Jurisdictional struggle which has closed sawmills more than three months. The statement "deplored" implications that a joint AFL and CIO committee. meeting with Robinson, had made definite progress. Robinaon had said. "we have something on paper." "It is our hope that acceptable terms of settlement may be devised by the committee the statement said, more optimistically. Robinson refused to comment. SEATTLE, Dec. 2 OnPickets were dispatched to all Richfield service stations here thin forenoon and a complete tie-u- p of all Richfield stations by Wail predicted by Gordon Lindsay, business agent of the Garage Employes' union. All deliveries of gasoline to the stations were baited after pickets trailed several Richfield trucks, Lindsay said. "We had to take this action after waiting months for the oil company to confer with us." he said. I. 0. fleydentield, Richfield division manager, said the picketing came without warning. "I don't know what it Is all about," he said. "I was in Portland last night and arrived at the plant here at 7 a. m. to find the pickets there." Two Days OnlyFriday and Saturday OUR SEMI-ANNUA- L LINGERIE EVENT. TIMED FOR CHRISTMAS GIFT SHOPPING JAP AIR RAID NETS I 000 CIVILIAN CASUALTIES, CLAIM (Continued From Page One) victory at Nanking, the Japanese spokesman said a Japanese squadron arrived at the city just as Chinese planes were about to take off. Thirty of the soviet-bui- lt planes rose to fight the Japan ea e, anti 10 were shot down. Ile said three other Chinese fell victims of Japanese fire as they attempted to flee from the airdrome. . slenderizing minforceci sso7 eorlt ststittis." Sella Po. egili ,,..Four gore slip assuring slim for, alternating bias, with our features, double stitched seams. Full cut throw hips and full length. All seams pinked inside perfect finish Will not shrink, sag or twist Gowns.--Slip- s Dancettes Panties ,.. , 11114,., N ,:17111pri. '- ",--, '6.. ....,,.. 1 1 11il . pie LIAttiltip01 entov. Of netg .' - ' , -- .''.'''' ,, 4 Tottav ' t 120,2114 - 1 ; REGULAR $2.98 VALUES SHANGHAI, Doc. 2 (AP) Municipal authoritien received notice today that nix battalions of Japanese troops will march through the Shanghai international mettlement tomorrow in a vietory parade. Pollee planned to guard the line of march of the conquering Invaders. Fo reig n observers, however, feared a posaible hostile "Incident" with armed Japeneae parading through the atreete of the city where nearly 3,000,000 Chinese live. $2,98 A Muffin a Day Keeps Cathartics Away Double hemmed laces, top end bottom, no row edges. NANKING, Dec. 2 (AP) Japanese authorities refused today to grant the Nanking international committee's plea for a civilian safety zone in this beleaguered rhinPse ennitol. Beautifully trimmed pure dye satin. Allonceon type laces In six beautiful colors . Also gowns, slips, dancettes panties beautifully lailleured, lace trimmed. Gar. ments are set to match or individualized to your taste. Through special arrangements with the manufacturer we are able to offer these outstanding values for Christmas for $1.98 Too Late to Classify THREE-ROO- modern hong c range. Inquire Jack's Tire Shop. 12-- 3 ; 6 ' Lt'g ; 4 If you suffer from common coruitipation here's good news for you. One good-size- d muffin every day, made with Kellogg's n, will keep you "REG cum." puts two of Natures own laxatives back In your diet. Inatead of your Intestines, It gives them things they need. First, "bulk"AllBran absorbs water and softens like asponge. This masa aids elimination. Second, vitamin "Bthe amazing vitamin that tones Up your intestinal tract. Kellogg's In a crunchy, toasted cereal. BE it with milk or cream and fruitsor In muffins. But however you eat it, use It REGULARLY: eat two tablespoons of and drink plenty of water. If you do this every day you can avoid common constipation and cathartics, tool Every grocer sells Made by Kelton In Battle Creek. SPECIAL. Permanents two-foone. Midway Beauty Bhop, 2318 Bo. 8th. Phone 1974-- 12-- 8 We Gladly Wrap Your Purchases In Gift Packages VARM SLEEPING ROOM for gentleman. Clone In. Reanonable. 804 go. 4th. Phone 1511. 12-- 4 ADRIENNE'S FOR SALE Modern attractive furniture, including Baby Grand piano. Will sell all or part. Sacrifice. Phone 2172-R- , 2135 Vine. 12-- 4 Be Down Town for the Christmas Parade Saturday Morning 0
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