14 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 46, No. 3 By Pat Gaylord, PLS Surveyors in the News We may have had a good understanding of true bearings in surveying and navigation, but magnetic bearings were still being studied and deciphered in 1872, although it was understood that declination changed how to track that was a source of inquiry. The St. Louis Republican St. Louis, Missouri Friday, August 16, 1872 The New Northwest AN INTERESTING SCIENTIFIC ENTERPRISE. It is a fact well understood by the unlearned as well as the learned that in determining the true north line surveyors and civil engineers are accustomed to make a certain allowance for what is called “the variation of the magnetic needle,” or in other words, it is well known that the magnetic needle does not point due north. The extent of this variation differs with different periods of time and also, in different localities on the earth’s surface. Another well known fact connected with the operation of the magnetic needle is that when suspended upon a pivot, instead of assuming an exact horizontal position it has a slight dip toward the north, and that the extent of this dip likewise varies with time and place. In view of these well known facts, it becomes a subject of great practical importance, as well as a matter of great interest to science, to determinate the true north line of different points of the earth’s surface, in order to know what extent the needle varies from the north course, also to see to what extent the needle dips at different localities. When the true north line is once established at different points, it will then be an easy matter to note from year to year the slightest difference by way of an increase or a variation of the needle from this true line from year to year. The true north line is found by an astronomical observation, and the process of ascertaining the true meridian line measuring the intensity of the magnetic force controls the variation and dip of the needle is called a “magnetic survey.” Such a survey of the United Slates is now - . x fpje Jjiea JtttnlIjiacst FRIDAY... 1.--AUGUST 1C, 1S72. Marian May. Marfan kmourhaBileC pUJe. Forofoff the maids In'll country side W none so fair am. Her hair w like Hk,Ml her eyes Hkewine Liquid, darkand deep; They amrkled himI danced In live broad sun-liln- e. Or melted In rosy sleep. Lovers by scores for her white hand sighed, Of high and ol low decree; And many came riding from tar and wide. Her aweethearU fain to be. The squire had plenty of golden store, St tell as lor hi in was meet, And lie wished no better ami asked no more. Than to lay It all at .her feet. But die pot hii Kills ami hU vows aaMe, Laughing, and outawke ahe, "I never wa born for a rteh man's bride, SoI eanmrt mate with thee." The parson lie came, withhts face ojrmve, Gentle anddeep and prim, And Mthl the liest way her hhiI to nr Was to take and marry him. Bat she only opened hereywi fnll wide, Womlerinir. andouolh che. "Were there never a man In the world lteafcle, You'd be ftir too good for me." The Colonel heswore a right round oath "I.IUle one, be my wife! I've scan, and aprniriofi eiHmcli for both, Ifyou'll Hharc a aoldier's Hie." Ite vowed that he would not be denied, ljtiw on 111 bended knee; But Kite toned her head with a pretty pride, .Stkl, "I never will weal with Over!" Robin came back from lite sea one day. Out rtbe distant Won, And the child with whom he used to play, Awoman he elMied to hU breast. She fobbed ami kfaeed.and laughed and cried "Welcome, my love," said tae; "For woe fHtd for weal, and whate'er bethle, I will fare the world through with theel" George Clement' "Wife. KY MAKV REKII KOWEI.I "Of all things, this is the worst! If I ever in allmylife expected to hear such news! Why, our George is gone and got married! D'ye hear?" Good Mrs. Clements pushed her steel-bow- ed spectacles off her bright eyes, and dropped her letter in her lap, as she turned around to her husband, thostour, clever old farmer, who was contentedly stroking the old while cat. "Deaeon, d'ye hear?" This time when she asked the question, there was a touch of sliarpiiess in her voice. "Yes, what if he is married? I'm sure its natural enough. It kind o' runs in the family, 'pears to mo." Hut Mrs. Clements would take no notice of this little pleasantry. "Woll, if yon liko it, I can tell you I don't. He needn't think lie's comlnir here, with his lino city-bre- d lady, all airs and raees, and flounces audilutcd ruffles. There's plenty of good irirls hereabouts that wanted him. Right in the middle of work, too! to talk of bringing a lady here in hog-killi- n' time! I do declare, I think George is a c - A graceful, dainty little lady, in a garnet poplin and ruffled apron, with a small, proudly poised head, covered with short, dusky curls, and a pair of dark blue eyes, so wistful and tender, a tiny rose-bu- d of a mouth, and a dimple in one pink check. That was Mrs. Marion Clements. Was it any wonder that George had fallen in love with her? She sat in tliebriglit little jmrlor.olose beside tlie window, watchingfor theloved husband's return; and then, when she heard the click of the latch-ke- y in tlio hall, Hew for the welcome kiss. "Haven't you the letter this time, George! I've felt so wire of it all day. Indeed, I've quite decided what dresses to take with me." He smiled and shook his head. A cloud passed over her pretty face. "0, George, isn't it to bad? And I do believe oh, I do believe they won't write because they are sorry you married me." He put his arm around her neck, "And supiKHing such to be the case; do you think it would make any difference to me?" ",9ll 1M! ,,o! on,y H would grieve me fso if I knew I had alienated your own parents fromyou." "And a one-side- d alienation it would be, too! Tlwj' liave never seen you! And when they know you they can't help loving you." "O, Geortre!" i.?LU' was caused by aeeomimnyhig this loving llat-- rt a a "iiiai-s,iru- e as preaching, liv the by, my dear, wiiat would you sav if thf. urm sent me oil on a traveling tour of -- 1 V A little dismayed cry answered him "louwon't stav here alone, oli? i.m Marion, it would be five hundred dollars ciear gain to us." "vvnat need wo care for money ? I'd rather have vou." A mischievous smile played on the youne man's litis: he ? mnw mniior. of-fa- ct than this romantic, tender little t tie u--i iiui. "I think tlie addition to our balance at the banker's would be very consoling for the absence. But never mind, little 1 50 wn to dinuer. I hoie mi. o kck jciicr iroin nome soon:" AndSoon it Wa&: for Mrinn Btmfoli.wl it from his coat pocket tlie very nest night. Hut her IiubomihI's face looked very grave and stem, and his eyes iuuivlii angry wneu sue iiniKeu gleettilly over tlie envelope. "My dear, you must remember I care rory mile lor what the letter contains. Remember I did not write it; that you are deafer to me than ever before. Kits me, first, while I watch you." A little pang of misdoubt troubled her when she "lanced over the note; then tears stole from under her lashes, and George sawher tender mouth quiver and tremble: then when sli limf fin ished it, she laid her head down on his shoulder audcried. "It was cruel to let you sec it, ray woutwed Wrdie. Let me bumit. And lFet' ""&what our Uible moth!, aIm.M6,,a" lenvo fntlier and t.: ...zr.. a-- ... are tn,: , " lic. 1 on will tiSViS the l'PiHs' my life ". d then they "JUSt IwMnu i thinks I an, iT ' "i", p,y-bre- d, she dirty, and" e"i.v, anu Aiarion. She will find OUrf;,.?th. addedT 'Mv wr?nr?n' He has non. Oh, I know I SioulTl fovo a bun and mc." your mother, too, if Ble would lot "We will invite them down, when come home. By the way, Marion I I win stop at ine larni on my way home anu iiiviic mum noiwi, aim oring tl home with mc." "George, dear, I have been thinking about that trip West. I think you had better go, and leave home. It won't bo so vory Jonsr." Marion was eating her egg while she spoke aerriss the eiy little tete-a-te-te breakfast taMc. "iIokeii like my true little Marion, and when I come back I'll briug you a present. AVliat snan u ueY" "lOlir imuiiui uuii lauitT iruin mis farm. It shall be that hope that will linnr mo romnanv wuen von amlrnnp " i A fortnight after that Marlon Clements ate her breakfast alone, the traces of a tear or so on her pink cheek; then she dashed them away with a merry. joyous little laugh. mis will never uo. and now tnai George has gone for six weeks, to prepare for his return. And I pray Heaven it snail be such a coming as shall delight his very soul." "I'msure I don't know what to say. The land knows I need help bad enough, but it 'pears to me such a slender little iT J 'rV What you say your name was uary bumii. Ami inuecti ii jo w to' me lor a week--, i am sure jou wm Keep me tin uie season s over. --Mrs. uioraenis iookou out oi ti.e win- - . uowa:, tue great ciouus inai were piling cloomily up: and then the wind gave a great wailing shriek around the corners of the house. "You can cook, ken you? or shake up feather beds good big ones, forty launders?'' A gleeful little laugh came from Mary's lips. "Indeed I can. I may not cook to suit you, but I can learn." Airs. Clements walked out to tlie large open fire-pla- in the kitchen imn. .ii r 1.5 i ., x i.i.ri i Tii- - dear knows . it 'ud be a cood 1 ft while " ' - o more'n mni-- ,i. r,v fix. nun iiiu lauiu Ji luanu umou iul iiiu bread." "Take her, of course, Hannah. You are hard driv' I know. Let her stop a week or so anyhow." So Mrs. Clements came slowly back and sat down again. "You can't get away anyhow; there's a snow storm been a brew-i- n' these three days, and it's on us now, sure enough. See them 'ere Hakes, fine and thick. You may as well take your things up stuirs to the west garret, and then come down and help me get supper." Then followed directions to the west garret, ami when she was gone, Mrs. VlvlilUlilO tuiilLU tu I xtuv-u- ii "I never saw a girl before I'd trust up L1,er b,eVlg yc,a 'V0 amo"s. tho Il,di stairs alone. Hut such as her don't immediately opened a with part cs fn the West to I can tell you that if . Pdfe u , could find any information Directly she came down in a purple print dress and white apron; her hair brushed oil front her face into a net; a narrow linen collar, fastened witli a sailor's loop of narrow black ribbon rt c,ml n ;f oi... i.n.i isf i.n.i. iivsiio flitted in and out of tlie big Hill- - try and then down tue cellar. Tlien after the meal, she cathcred the dislies in a neat, silent way, that was perfect bliss to Mrs. ears. "She's determined to earn her bread anyhow; and I like her turn too." And the Deacon had "taken a shine" to Mary Smith. Ono by one the days wore on; the hog of fcausaceswereliung in fantastic rings, ' firrnnfml III ArlM'C If llitn-nro- ctfruit ' hams and were piled away in a true, housewifely manner, and now --uary anu .urs. were sitting In the sunny dining-roo- darning, patch- - ing and mending "I don't know what I am coin" to do ' without you, Mary. I dread to sSe you ! pack up vour clothes." ; iv oiusn oi pleasure overspread Mary's face. "I am so glad you have been suited witli my work. Indeed I've tried." "It ain't the work altogether, though knows, you're tlie smartest gal seen tins many a uay. as i say, it work, b,y ,",1,carn.e,,t ns : determining engineers are Marj''s voice trembled at the l:ind-ne- ss of tlie old lady's voice, but she sewed rapidly on. "It's so uncommon lonesome like since the boy left the farm; but worso since he married. It seems like deserting us altogether." "Have you a sonV You never mentioned him." "Xo, Georgo has gone his way and we must go ours. Yes, lie married one of those crack-heade- d bo.inlinir-sclio- ol peo ple, who can't tell the difference be a rolling-pi- n and a milk-pan- ." Uut despite ner scorn. Mrs. Olemonts dashed oil tlie tears with her brown list. "Is ins wife pretty? I suppose you love her dearly." -- i tioivt Know anything about her, never want to know. He's left tor Her, and us old folks will leave him for her too. Mary just turn them cakes around; seems as if thoy're burning." --uury una iiirneu mc cai:es, Mrs. Clements was leaningover the arm of her Mary, supposing you stop witli us another yet, anvhow. Deacon will make it all right." 'It isn't the money I care for, Mrs. Clements, I only wish I might stay always. You don't know how much I lovoyou." "Love us! do Bless you heart, ir poor George had only picked you out, what a comfort it would bo to us all! it can't be helped now." She sighed wearily, then glanced out of the window, looked a moment and then thew down her work. "Bless my soul, if there ain't our son George coming up tho lane! Deacon! Deacon! George is coming!" And all her niotlier-Iov- o rushing to her heart, she hurried to meet him. OIi, the welcoming, the reproaches, the caresses, the determination to love Still, desnite poor itmnciml III tin Mn- - rion. Theu when the table been set iu the tho next room bv Mary's deft fin-- gers, she had returned to her garret," Mrs. Clements opened leart. "There's no use talkin' H.i- - line, fancy lady o' yours Ml never suit me. Givo me a smart girl Marv Smith, I'll ask no moro. iwin to supper now. Mary, Mary " She her voice to call tho irl. George, tins is Man-- Smith, my" Geortre throueh tho door, and glanced carelessly at the corner where the youngwoman Then, with a cry, sprain? with outstretched little figure that sprang into them. ; over to the old pair took theif vn,,,vm,,corges.wlre-- 1 was so afraid termin. ' "eVor ca"e Ie-- And'niay 1.byur daughter?" ifPP" fetnlly, when they (in,... lowers ol ,,s.a,,d ' H'o bountiful i --&.,,eVOT a , table. L The Pmnni. n , ...... . came over attend i V, w,,.ICu has imer Forty Years a Squaw. The Akron (Ohio Dailii Beacon nub-- tit. corres-stea- l; nothing Clement's shoulders goodness l"e lunowing interesting In the year John M. Arm strong, residinc near Detroit, sent his little daughter Man-- , a girl of seven years of age, unattended, oil to tlie district school. On the way to school she was kidnapped by the Indians, who at that time were found in large numbers about Detroit. Thestricken parents could scarcely be consoled for the of the child, finally gave up all hopeof her recovery. When she was taken by the Indians she was carried off to Texas, and suffered . . InTexas she lived for live years. and when she had readied ner iwemn ,., oomnclI(H. towarrv "Yallery." - r .arrio. The tribe with w , h .. . removed to v0braska. . where twelve moons, the . .. - IndIan,. married life, hav-- ,n"meol Mv. she was lonccr the wife of Yallerv. and was sold to an Irishman, David Ward. David was a Catholic, and was burned at the stake because he refused toabiure his religion, after which Mary was carried into another tribe, and there aflcr some years married an Indian i inei cancel nig con, Die Son soon cot tired of Ills newspouse, and sold her to a Mr. Carman, a pale face, and with him she lived until a melancholy event occurred, which at once deprived her of her husband children. ear San Irancisco isanlacc called "Dlack Hills,' which, tall, was the LAAIln t n lilnulit ! hnlit'iinn flirt lltrr. ""'""J " " Kcrauu oiiaKe anuians. uuniiui , . .., T. T , i mu lime .isWilli me jigur iiiiiiiiu?, liavinr been sold to them, together witli her husband children, a short time before by the Snako Indians. In the battle between fenake and Digger Indians, jirs. Carman's eleven children and husband were killed. She alone escaped, and remained with themashort tunc until an opportunity presented itself, when she llnil to San Francisco. From San Francisco, in company with four others, she was sent by General Sheridan as far as St. Joe, Mo., from which placo she is now on her journey to Columbus, where her aged father and mother are residing. About ten years ago her father heard which would lead to her return to her parents. After long waiting the intelli gence was conveyed to himthat she was found and would soon be in her home. after forty-on- o years of wandering amongsavages. Slie has made her way from tow iu tw.f aAW.OT two since readied Kent. Until this time she had worn her Indian costume, but the Mayor of Kent compelled her to exchange her half civilized garb for one which accorded more with Kent tastes. Yesterday she reached Akron, and has been here soliciting aid to complete her journey, hucn, m brier, is ner talc. Whether or not she is an Impostor, we arc unable to tell. Certain it is that she lel1?. a straightforward story, and the IllOSt rigorous questioning could not f3"80 her x cbange the least portion of ,cr, imrrativc. She is very intelligent 1 ,:."" 'i"""""," readily, and withan appearance of trutli and simplicity. When Marshal Parker tw,ler ho bad been among tho Indians commenced talking to hint in tlie Indian langunge, but the Marshal, not lv """" ,"!?, '&'wwku ji language by inability to reply, "va moosed," niucii to tnc amusement oi crowd which had gathered about her. Ax IXTKitEsnxo Scientific Ex TEni'niSE. It is a fact well understood tomed to make a certain allowance for what iscalled "the variation of tho magnetic needle," or iu other words, it is well known that the magnetic needle does not point due north. The extent of tills variation differs with different periods of time, and, also, iu different localities on the earth's surface. Another well known fact connected with the operation of the magnetic needle Is that when suspended upon a pivot, instead of assuming an exact horizontal position it has a slight diptoward thenorth, and that the extent of this dip likewise varies with time and place. Li view of these well known facts it becomes asubject of great practical importance, as well as a matter of great interest to science, to determinate tlie true north line of ilillcrcnt points of tiio earth's surface, In order to know what extent the needle varies from tho north course, also, to see to what extent the needle dips at different localities. When tho true north line is once established at differ ent points, it will then be an easy matter to from year to year tho sligh-es- ,t difference by way of an Increase or a variation of tlie needle from this true lino from year to year. Tlie true north lino is found by anastronomical observation, and the process of ascertaining tho truo meridian line measuring tlie Intensityof tlie magnetic force controls the variation and dipof the needle is called a "magnetic survey." Such a survey of tho United Slates is now being made by Dr. T. C. Ililgard, under theauspices of tlie National Academy of Science. Smithsonian Institute will publish the result of these surveys for the general benefit of the community. ,SY. Lui Ilcjiubllcan. The Lost Boy. The Boston Traveler tlie following story a good iilus-- trillion of the way a good many stri- - I "."S3 "Jacket and trousers" miss their "bearings'' and their wits: ' Tllcrlll;t of 11 family, residing.pot far from street, is a boy who has recently liasaeu ins nun year, anu "'S j"st donned his first pocket and ' WBCT?' is attending a primary school, 1,10 otMer afcruoon he failed to come "P'o at the usual hour, much the of the houseliold, and after a long rvh, he was found, sometinic after u ":xs"" "'"Vf.'v"K, Taking advantage of a lull in the con- - vcrsat on customary at tho morning i110"1' ,,,e,tunleJ h'3 grave countenance 0 . ft'r tbe head of the table, and "'"s, , be exclaimed: .rItl, street wiierc sue leit me i kissed her and she kissed mc, and thou I was lost." There was an explosion around the ta ble just about then. It is suspected that this is not the young man who has been lost similar circumstances. ' 1 1 "oraceGreeloy once wrote: "Takoall Hio baunts of debauchcrv in the land ...... finil I'm, st.fll ..lnn , . 1. . r n iiuu iiinc-Luiii- ineir master spinu active participants of that same Democracv. Jlav It ho wrlffnn crave tliat 1 never was their follnxv. debtort'''01 llCl ,n ,,othI"K the,r ain't the it's you, Mary. I've got ?c M";cUJ tl,c l?8"1 to thinking a heap of and the true north lino Deacon" surveyors and civil accus- - it's yet got tween aud us chair. on month The But out him had and "west her Gmr. like and raised last and my when a low voice near her surprised "a,rrk at 11,0 Providence depot, He was sent to bed without much ex-- "Oh, you dressed up in honor o' my i l'lanatlon, though itispossible his treat-bo- y. Woll, I must confess I never know ,ucnt wa3 ,w.,,at Solomon have you had such a handsome dress, and 'ccoiuuieuueu in sucii an cuiurgeucy. you look like a picture with your net1. "est morning he was down to the aud them short, bobbin' ' """eakfast table, evidently none the stood. arms to meet the 1831 illul. either which first under you-i-ue you? her. would off, curls! came noto Tlie Deacon and Mrs. Clements stood 1 " you, mamma, now it nap-i-n speechless amazement. Then Ma- - l101"- - After school I went part of the rion, all blushes and tearful smiles way home with Mary . Atthocor-- jvent and lovo lnp 1 exhai? had RiirnriRo. prlJe ve thanks ovor celebrated to taken for home. narra- - Mr. Michigan, loss and no and Jirs. and the """ m tlie and The UiiiiKs nav-- to a'art v lo oi nil a"'1 en UXK WEED ItEMEDY. THE.UNK WEED REMEDY, Oregon Rheumatic Cure. HISTORY: rUlIS REMEDY IS COMPOSED OF THE i Active nrinrlnlA nf ilm link Weed. Enz. Thasplum CordatumOrlginU.Lat. Indlsenous ... uniin. t.rowR luosi nuununiiiiy mm 1 - rettyin comity. PROPERTIES, ETC.: It contain nn Arilronml Volatile Principle. extractoil by Elher. antl c bitter Tonic Principle. MEDICAL PROPERTIES AND USES: It Is the moU sure and trpeedy cure for ltheumatlsm, Itheiimatlc tiout and I'.hcnmntlc l'alnsof all kinds Hint Into tlie Materia Medico. TIip ITNK WKKDHEM- - r.t. i . ii-- t iin'i;ircu lyus, in concluciicv ui l exlstlns Litter principle. iwsm?sc the neces-- ir inueui win n I?o-vvoiX- Tonic, Promotlnj: the Appellle and Invisoratltistlie whole Dlsextlve Appiimtin, thu liulldlns up and streiiethculnz the svMcm. while at the same time the volatile principle, belns ill the blood, nctx i.pcclnciilly on the Ulieumatlc Pnlvin, rvinovlng It from tlicclreu-- laiion anil Kysicm. There arc lew reinetlles known to the Medical Profession which will rcmovo the Ithctimatle l'ulsoii from the blood, but whoic action Is so lHjwcrful In depressInK the system of the already enfeebled Iieuiiiaticaticnt,tliat their u' haKto lie abandoneil before sici:lric cU'ects arc ooiaiuaoie, anu nenceiue vain in succcxs in trentinir this prevalent and lK'rt'tofon' Incurable disease. Ifnllko tliese luedlrine. already known, tho UXK WEED HEMKDV.allliouKh prixliiclnsai active and an powerful effect on the blood and system in re-- inovius: me iiiieiimaiitiroison,aiso jiossessea a stronETonic and llccunvratlns Element which admits of Its rontlnuetl use even by the mot delicate mid debilitated. Thin we hare tlie combination lor the ilrst time of these two necessary elements In one remedy, which em-c- in luieumaiism, liiicumauc uoui aim Itheiimatlc l'ainsorall klmls. X. IL Tlie UN'K WEED REMEDYIs nnrtie- - ularly AI'l'I.ICAIH.E TO I.AIURS, In conse quence or us j ouic liuaiities. TESTIMONIALS : Wenroawnre of the fact that It Ucenerallr an etiiy lnatler to procure cortllkule ntlcstlns me euicHcy oi paieni remcilieK inim arertnln class of t!ioe who u.Iliciii. Wc IiuvitkcIii.'hI the following because the nanics nttnehed to them aro thoc of men of the most careful and scrupulous diameter, and bccmiso tlie lnrse clasi of their acquaintances In Oreson will not. ior momeni, accuse or nuspoci mem or any exaeirenitloii in tho ktatenieiitt they may make: Certificate rrom the Deputy Jailor of Multnomah Comity Jail: CityJail, Port land, Oreson, June 7. 1371. i Dr. A. Jr. Irj"eai Co.: I was attacked with severe ciua? of rhcumatliim. It was in mv tlilshs, liliw, flnsrers, shoulder blade Indeed In all the Joints of my body I sunereJ Krcat pain huh aiiiiiKii. i was aiicuuiti oy a regular pny-slciabut with noeffect. I inu Induced to try VOUr UlllC WcCll Ilellicdv. mill it (tiiine.Mnti.lv cureil mo up. I coniiicr it, from my expe-- jiviit.-Tr-, in,-- iTsk 'ini-u- itirriicuiuniism Known, AI.K11KD F. TtntN'KIt. Jnllnr, Tills is to certify that the nljove Mateinent Is correct to my o u Kiiowicdfre. JOIIX 1. WAUD, Jailor. Alia California Book and Job FrlntincOfllce.l US Calirornla iitrcct, Han FmiiHiuYi- - Jtttio l ion 1 Dr. A. M. Iiryea A Co.: For several years 1 have been fcublcct to rlietiimiiUin i ,n. rii.. arm and houlder, rendering mo unable to work. On a recurrence or tho nttack Mime time since, I was induced to try your "Unk Weed Itomedv," and the result win n perfect cure In afew days. I took only two-thln- ol the content of one iMttle. Mv 11 rm liellef u that the "Unk" Is n certain cure for rheuma tism in an us runns, ami I would heartily ree-- uiiiiuciiu mi iiiiiiricu wnn iiiai ureaiuui uts eatw to try your "Itemedy" and lie cured. JNO. It. SIcIVSE. Certldcaleof A. It Shipley, Ksq., sjieclal con- - inuuiuriii iiio"viiiaiueiie rariner,' ana ?see retary of the Oregon Horticultural Society: Oswccro. Oreeon. nrrh N ls"71 Dr. A. M. Iiryea: Some tour weeks ago I was entirely prostrated witli rheumatism; In fact I was almost helpless. I sent to you for one loon nee bottle of tlie "ITnk Weed Itemcdy," by tho use of which I experienced almost Immediate relief, nnd by the time the liotlle was mine ine ruciimatism was cone. From my own experience, and trom wiiat I have heard others wiy who have used the Cnk Weeil, I ii in im.. ii cennui ciireiorrueumaiism. Yours resiectrully, A. IL SlUFIJiY. CertlflcBle from Hon. A. .T. Tnfiir v.Imil dent of tlie Oreson State Agricultural Society w niiiiior til vsmiisiics ui un-RO- Il : Kasl I'ortland. Anrll 1. lsTI Dr. A. M. Iiryen i Co.: I vas ainictcd with a severe auaeK oiciiroiilc rneiimntlsm; was con- - fllieil to 111V IKS most of the lime from Inntmrv to July, when 1 used the Unk Weed and it ciireu me up. a. J. DUFUIt Certincwte from James liyliee. thecelebrated iu "jviiiroi Hie utvOll llirf :" ,,f4illlv'p'!,Is'nnd, January II.1S7I. To Dr. A. 51. Iiiiryea &iUt.: This Is toacknowl einte mo cmeacy or your "Unk Weeil llemeily. or Ureeon Kbeiimatlc Cure." I was atlllctcd for months witli a very serious nttack of inflammatory rheumatism, and tried nearly all or the rheumatic remedies without any relief iiercclvuble. I then tried your 1111,1111,1 u inuiKsi iiiiuemosi nappy ' J .,J UNI., JAMF.S ItYIiEK. .sC.;r1,"F'e rn'm o well-know- n merchant O. . Weuvcr, Ksq.: 11,0 "aues, .nay zi, IS7I. Dr. A. M. Iiryeai Co.: I have useil the "Unk cnn encermuy recommend it to iwrsons ntlllcted with Inflammatory rheumatism. It cured moof that disease. Mv lmtlll , WrltK .... 'ItltlftU ....... lK,lnA, l ..II 1, ui, juj- - IUII11N were swollen and very painful. O. W. WKAVKIt Certlllente from Hon. Nat. H. r.nne. Pilot i oiiimlssloneror Oregon .and n member of the Dr. a. u. irv mi. .. V. . ".. .v . - - - - i L 'V 1 t 1 11 Ci mi for Kpi-c- vimr. ...i.i. ... .. back," and wandering rheumutlc pains, nc- - CflllllMllllsl l.. ...,1.., of olio bottle of your "Unk Weed Itemcdy, or V i,,lvc uccn entirely i : - i i t i "V "V. viiuwiiiiii rccoiiiincuu 11 us 1 most vnlnablc and ctrcctl ve rcmeily. NAT. II. LANE. Ccrtlilcute from Hon. Oldeon Tlblictts. t member of the City council orKat I'ortland: liist I'ortland, April 7, 1S7I. Dr. A. M. Iin-ii.t- - Co. llcntst Thi. iJ in. form you tliat'l have used your"Unk Weed" .i iiciniiRin ami rueiimaiic pains, and found relief fnini tlio use of only ono bottle, mid can srniiiirnii ii io niosc in iieiti oi such arent eily. Yours, tilUEON THtUtnTS. Certltlento front llm. V-- T. Onlttil.v nr. County Commissioner of JIultnonuih county, victim; Knst 1'iirtlnnil. Anrll 1. 1ST1 Dr. A. M. Iryoa & Co.: I have used the "Unk Weed Itemedy," and am satisfied It Is avaluable medicine. It resulates and Invigorates the stem, 'tins is my experience with tlie Item edy. Truly your, K. L. tiUIMBY. Certificate from tho celebrated musician, Prof. Otto Vlcuxtcmps: Orcson Musical Institute. 'ortland. May lb71. f Dr. A. M Co.: I was attacketl with severe inflammatory rheumatism, suflerins 2rent pain, and was so urostr.iteil that I was unable to tend to my business. I used one bot tle or your -- unk ween itcmcuy, or Oregon Ulieumatlc Cure," and was entirely cured by it alouc. OTTO VIEUXTEMPH. PIT VP IXTIN-OUNC- E BOTTLES, AT One Dollar nnd riflr Onls per liotlle. PREPARED AT THE OREGON MEDICAL LABORATORY, itr DR. LORYEA Si CO., east" ro"HTL.vxb, eitEfjrV "' , ' s iTF0K SAI.E BV ALL DRD00IST8. lllU PORTLAND ADVERTISEMENTS. HURGREN & SHINDLER, IMTOHTKIW ASU DIRECT variety of p.vnr)R, riKD-ROOJ-t, DINIXO, LIBRARY AND C0UXTIX0-1I0US- E F U K N I T TJ R E , ...IS OiK, Walnut, Rosewood, rtirstant, Kir. MOULDINGS, MIRRORS, BLACK WALNUT LUMBER, IMtlit, llnlr, Mots Excelsior filne, Ctc, Etc., Etc. Tiir. i.Anr.vr stocki Tiir. iirs--r GOODS! THE LOUT.ST IMUCES! Ware Rooms Nos. 10!. 3!S. 1T0 and 172. Cor. Salmon aud First St.. I'ortland, Oregon. nun PORTLAND LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. ItOO.M.S Corner I'irsit nnd Stnrk Sis., over I.kIiI A TlltonV liank. Coulalns llrrr Tbrt? Thousand (noire Hooks Over 100 Papers and Magazines. MEMBERSHIP FREE TO.ALL. Monthly Dues XI qnnrterly DntrcTOHS Win. S. Ijidd, P. C. Schuyler. Jr.. M. P. Dendy. U II. Wakctlcld, W. II. lfracUett, v. u. i.imis.i-- . ii. iwis, m. w. Kalllne, I. Ilium. Officers: K II. WAICHKIKI.D .President II. KAII.IMJ -- Vice President P. C. SCIIUYI.KU.Jr ..Treasurer M. W. KKCIIIIKIMKU. CorrcioiMllnK.Sec iir..siii .. i.r.n... i.ioranan ami nee. ee J. I Atkinson, Notary Public. Tvi.i:i: WoonwAiin. D. W. WAKEFIELD. Atkinson, Woodward & Co., tlitc Atkinson & Woodward,) REAL ESTATE AGENTS, XO. 102 FItOXT STJIKKT, l'orilnnd. Oregon, TTAVE POP. SALE FARMS AND ITNIM- - XI pnied s in Oregon and Washington Teiriturrv. Also. CHOICE CITY PROPERTY, for Sale ami to Rent. We attend to lluylng and Selling Real Estate In City ahd Country. SiKs-la-l attention given to the Renting of Properly and Collection or Rents, looking after ReiKiirs and Paj incut of Taxes on Property In our nanus wueu desired. Ieal iKtiiers written and acknowledgments taken. LOANS NEfiOTIATKD on Itenl l'.lnle se curity. I'artles having Money to Ijnan aro In- - iieii ioKit- - us n eini. ntstf ATKINSON, "WOODWARD A CO. HENDEE'S PHOTOGRAPHIC ROOMS, S. "M. Cor. Morrison mill rirst Sts.. l"ORTIAND, OREOON. IJIfTPRES taken In all tho latest and most styles, and not Inferior to anv on inecoasi. worK wen none and completed In side of twenty-fou- r hours. ca-Il.v- ni is ami fit I i.iuirxshould lie brought In between the hours of li anil L', always drced in iikul names. JACOB MAYER, Importer and Wholesale Dealer In IH."S-- GOODS, MILLINERY AND FANCY GOODS, Hats and Giints Furnishino Goods, Lollies nnd Mlsse TRIMMMRD AND UNTRIMMED HATS AND P.ONNETS, Frnmes, Braids, Cords, Ornaments, Flowers Ribbons, Trimmings, etc. Dress Gootls, White Goods, Tankcc s, Etc. Ladies' Cloaks, CloaK Trimmings, Etc. AGENT OK THE KLLKNDALK WOOLEN MILLS CO. A Full Slock of Jllaitict, Yarn, Heaver, Ticccds ami Ckwimcres Constantly on Jrand. LATEST STYLUS nYKVKltYSTKAJICII, BO PAUTICULAU ATTENTION Paid to Orders. nl XljIL.I.I2NGnEIt &5 CO., Washington St., bet. Second and Third, PORTLAND 0RR00N R MANUPACTURE AN w A SO. lARTICLKOr l!RE.D, CRACKERS CAKES, "1 Andall.klndsofPwIrualljfound fn ajnKa Sli.UT-- J IMUIJJ s Ucllvcreil to anypart of the cltv J21,Tlui; riSCEIilVNEOTJS. DR. YAN DEN BERGH'S Sovei-ci-i- i Worm Sjnip. TkE".1')" L MEDICINE li.weifi i?1 to xIel a" wnns from the Wornus. Moniach, except Tape and Chain The nmt,H.iA. i . . . uuicii pains ioicsi sieX i.SS'iT.i'Vrj?1??? '.he Principal Worm PntniM iucii, numerous as tlie ."'fmselves. have overspread the cmc-'?!- 1 ?'?lPln rlLselfthenameof spe-JWulle wo frankly acknowlcdse "H of "lem areonen suecessful.and eVeat n0t surpd tnat mbm?s hnve len'n1?iUC".n. flt ,llU late aa' Would not 2?iJ?i r5,llB metIIcInP required to test tho ua?1hlTbJSi'm-,.V,OI,era,l- nS m " fcwllours, I2iirJira2y Pnnte, together with its ifiii.!? Mr.el,ec,.to",itltuleltoneof the mast Vr V uenes oi ine age. rJiJlii Se ,'",laro. I,cr0 eores of certlflcatcs , i.. Li,n, i i i raPlUl lnrrf.slnfr mmtmttnn r,. . i. r lV,e:,lr7.' hx1 lo Promulgate Its fame nnd'estab- - hi. ciinraeier, we only aslc for a trial. ,rei,yoierallon In all sudden attacks, as couvtilskms. , fnH li iii, nr i. nnriraled superiority. Sent by express on re- - mInl. tT nrliu HYMPTOM3 OK WOR3IS. Alternate nalinf nmi finsbin nr ti, n teianre, dull expression of the eves, drowsl-Ines-- s, Itching of the nase.a swclletl upperllp. tonsuo whlteiy furred and thickly siieekliil With red lKllll.s.fefpl hrentli nit ..tilnrw,..! ,,nll- - a partial or ener.il swelling or pullingncss o iuu .signing in ine sieep anu gnnuins ol tho teeth, a sensation as If something was lodged In the throat, a gradual wasting or the llesli. sickness of the stnmueh wittitft..-- i short and ilr- - eough,ap)x;tlte sometimes voracious, at other times feeble, bowels sometimes costive, at oilier times loose, great frctfulness ana immunity oi icmper.pnins in the stomach and bowels, colic, tits, convulsions and palsv. li-- nuue in iviiioving masses oi crudities irom inesioiiuicii anu innrels or children, even wuerc no oims visu cnuiiui ue 100 iiigniy estimated. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retail, by rii. . . s? 1.1." v" liM.ir . ....-- . z t i L. l.. A'..., UUIIIIIl mm .ieius ill nil Cll' ies and towns. Dr. Van Den Rerzh can lie consulted on nil diseases that the huuiuii system is heir to. His long experience in diseases of women and children cannot is? surpassed by any physician In tlie United states or Eurone. Dr. V. ml vises Indies troubled wtth any irregularities of tho Uterus to try his new remedies and et cured. l!v consulting and undergoing a simple ex animation tlie afllieted eau learn If their dis ease lie worms or not. At nil event. Dr. Van Den Uergh can tell them from what disease they are suffering. Consultations and examinations free of charge. Okpice Rooms .is and 30, over Postofllce, Salem. Oregon. letters iiescnoing tue svmmnins win be nrnmntlv answered, and Persons llvinsr at a distance will be saveil tlie expense and trouble oi calling on me Doctor. Address lilt. J. W. VAN IIK.N IIKUOII, t P. O. Itox 172, Sulem, Oregon. DEmiiic Hotel, MAIN STREET, DALLES CITY, OREGON" T)0AUD IIY TIIK DAY, Week or Month, on ine most reasonaoie icrms. for families, Caneord Coach to nnd from the houso free. A large safe for the keeping of valuables. House oiien all night. nI7 TIIO.MAS SMITH, Proprietor. PRIVATE BOARDING HOUSE. ALI5EKT A. MAXXING EKPSAFIRST-CIVS- S BOARDINGIIOUSE Kfor the xccomiiKMlutlnn of wlio pre-l- er a rniiet Iiome to tlie roufusion oj a hotel. Tenns moderate. Olympia.W.T. n'JStf. JAMES F. BROWN, Attorney, Counsellor at Law and NOTARY PUBLIC. EUGENE CIT-Y- - Consultations In the English, French, German and Holland languages. n29. rOUTLAXI) ADVERTISEMENTS. Oregon Steam Navigation Co's Notice. OATS OP TUB COMPANY WILL LEAVE Inrll:md as fnllous : Tor The Dalles: Dally (Sundays e.teepteil) at 5o'clock x. ji. I'or Astoria: Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 5 o'clock .. 31. I'or 31(111 tlcello: Dlly at o'clock A. r. nr J. C. AINSWORTI I, President. LADD & TILTON --B l. JST33LDE3 lEt. S, PORTLAND ..OREGON Extnlliliotl, 18."50. TTVEPOSITS RECEIVED AND ACCOUNTS I bpnt stilifeet. to cheek oil drxlff. INTEREST allowed on TIME DEPOSITS or TRUST FUNDS. In sums of tWK LOI.l.K AND UPWARDS rromdateotuepo.su. Jtnvitr lii iVKIi on nnnroved security. Bonds, stocks and other valuables received on itmuwlt for sn f knllllll7. Collections made and proceeds promptly re mitted. Investments in Real Estate nnd other prop erty made tor imrtiex. SlfflitundTelcgrahle ExchangoonSan Fran cisco and tlie Aiiannc states iorsaie. Government securities oougnt nnd sold. Airent for the transaction of all kinds of Fi nancial and Trust Business. ni K. P. SIIATTUCK. n. K1LT.IN. SHATTl'CIC A-- KILL1X, iVttornej'M-at-L- a m-- . OJ'HICJ?-KOO-- M ?- - DEKUM-- BUILD-- w.ii, ru...Mreei, tiregon. nltr rnor. .ixs GIVES LESSONS ON THE PIANO AT THE Residences of Pupils. rpERMS REASONARLi: Satisfaction Guar-- J. indeed. ti2 MRS. S. J. ItU.MSKY. PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PAINTER, pAN RK FOUND IN HER STUDIO, on the .unit umir ui uKinfii-i- i --suw iiunuinir. from 10 A. M. till 1 r. Jt. of each day bSTLehsosm givist in L.niscapi: Paint-ISO- . nl THE CLOTHING STORE! IS THE PLACE WHERE GENTS' CUSTOM-MAD- E CLOTHING, Hoys nnd YolllliV Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps, BOOTS AND SHOES, Etc., Ete., Rtc.-- , CAN RB HAD AT Situ iTi-aiioi.s- 3?i-i9c- s I 113 Trout Street, Portland. Harris & Prager. ' Wji. Hakhis, San Francisco, I. PnAdEn, 2u7 I'ortland. FIRST PREMIUM Oregon State Fair, 1S71. THIS SPACK RESERVED FOB H1MES & BACHEL.DER, Sleam Book and Job Printers, who intend fill ing It with an advertisement as soon as they get time to write one. In the mean time call oa them at 9t Front St. If you 'want any kind ol Printing done. njAif UK. J. U. Gl.iar BEST T I S T , 107 Front Street, PORTLAND . OREGON ni DIt. JIAltY A. THOMPSON, PHYSICIAN AND ACCOUCHEUR ...... i riv i', niiair ?sl. in i j00011 hliwn and Main, opposite the tiills attended In any part of the city. Batteries for sale, and Instructions given on the use orelectrielty as a Remedial Agent, nl. J. 3X. FRYER, DE.VI.EU IN BUY CJOODS AXII CLOTHING, Groceries, Hoots, Shoes, Nails, Etc., ...AND PUKCHASEK OF FARMERS' PRODUCE. Highest Cash Price paid for WOOL. CORNER FIRST AND MADISON STREETS 1'OIITLlXn, OREGON. MISS MACN AMARA H.S OPENED of A LARGE AND CHOICE Millinei-j- - Goods, At 71 First SI, bet. WashingtonAStnrk, Next door to Ladd it Tllton's Bank, And hopes hy attention to business and promptness iu executing orders to meet ashare ot patronage. Two first-clas- s milliners wanted immediately. To first-clas- s hands highest wages paid. Also two small clrls wanted as anurentiees. Apply nt the store, 71 First street, immediately. siisjiionn BB 'WlIEltEtm OB-D- Id Mrs. It. Get that Knt liickeiir-- a riIY, DONT YOU KNOW T SHE GOT It at ASCHEKHE1M & BULKUEY'S WASHINGTON MARKET, where they keep all kinds of Fresh Poultry. Game and Fish, and receive by every steamer a splendid assortment of California vegeinuips." N. ft. Cunsignments from the country solic-tie- d. iilltf. Ml'ltPlIY KELLY, nn.i.Es is FAMILY GROCERIES. 101.MM l'i:UllirE,Fi:riTSANU VEGETABLES, Conierof Thinland Washington streets (op-ixisPresliyterlan Church), I'ortland, Oregon. Goods delivered to all parts of the city FREE OF CHARGE. Ill 1)11. 11. It. ntEELAND, tI.VTEOP SAN VIUNCISCO,) X) E IN" T I s a? . ROOM NO. TWO, DEKUMS BUILDING, Cor. First and Washington Sts., Portland. HAD A NUMBER OF YEARS' HAVING in San Fmneleo,iree!competent to do First Class Work In all Dental Operations. Satisfaction guaranteed. Nitrous Oxide administered. Jlcfercncci : Rev. Wm. Roberts, Judge O. N. Denny, Dr. Dickson, Messrs Qulmby and Parkins, and 3jts, Dunlwuy, of tho Saw Northwest, nl SAX FItAXCISCO. THE FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE T7ILL SEW EVERYTHING EBDKD IN " II a family, from lhn IlMirtMt tn turn TJchf. est fabric. It Does .More 'Work, f.n - .I.i CJ Store Kinds ofll'iirk; And lletter AVorlt Tlian any other Machine Ifthcre Is a Florence Sewlnc Machine within one thousand miles of Snn Frmueleo not working well or giving entire miMHetion, If I am Informed of II, It will be attended to without oxpenscofany kind to the owner. SAMUEL IIII.I., AReiit, 19 Sew MontKoiuerj; St., Grand I total Building--, Situ Frnnclso. SESD FOU TIRrtUltS A.M),SlMl'tES'Oc' 'TVORK,' Active Agent Wanted Everywhere, Jan. N, 1371 nil 10m being made by Dr. I. C. Hilgard, under the auspices of the National Academy of Science. Smithsonian Institute will publish the result of these surveys for the general benefit of the community.—The St. Louis Republican