PLSO The Oregon Surveyor July/August 2023

5 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | From the PLSO Office surveying is in data analysis. Traditionally, surveyors have had to manually process and interpret survey data, which can be time-consuming and prone to human error. AI algorithms, however, can quickly and accurately analyze large datasets, identifying patterns, anomalies, and correlations that may not be immediately apparent to human surveyors. This ability to extract valuable insights from data can greatly enhance the efficiency and accuracy of land surveying operations. AI-powered image recognition and object detection techniques can also transform the way land surveyors capture and analyze data. Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras can capture aerial imagery of vast areas of land. By utilizing AI algorithms, these images can be automatically processed and analyzed to identify and map various land features such as buildings, vegetation, water bodies, and infrastructure. This automated analysis not only speeds up the mapping process but also ensures consistent and standardized results across different surveying projects. Furthermore, AI can play a significant role in automating the process of feature extraction from survey data. For example, LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology, which uses lasers to measure distances and create detailed 3D maps, generates massive amounts of point cloud data. AI algorithms can analyze these point clouds to automatically detect and extract features such as building outlines, tree canopy heights, and terrain contours. This automation can save surveyors substantial time and effort, allowing them to focus on more complex analysis and decision-making tasks. The integration of AI with Global Positioning System (GPS) technology and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) can also bring numerous benefits to land surveying. AI algorithms can assist in real-time positioning and navigation, enabling surveyors to precisely locate themselves and their equipment on the field. This not only improves accuracy but also enhances safety by reducing the risk of accidental encroachments or damage to existing infrastructure. AI can also contribute to the development of intelligent decision support systems for land surveyors. By analyzing historical survey data, topographic information, and environmental factors, AI algorithms can provide recommendations and simulations to guide land surveyors in making informed decisions. For example, AI can help in determining the optimal location for infrastructure projects, taking into account factors such as terrain, soil stability, environmental impacts, and cost considerations. These AI-driven decision support systems can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of land surveying projects. Moreover, AI-powered predictive analytics can assist in identifying potential risks and hazards in land surveying. By analyzing historical data and environmental factors, AI algorithms can help identify areas prone to landslides, flooding, or other natural disasters. This information can enable surveyors to take preventive measures and design appropriate mitigation strategies, ensuring the safety of both surveyors and the surrounding communities. While AI brings numerous opportunities for the future of land surveying, it is essential to address potential challenges and ethical considerations. Data privacy and security are of utmost importance when using AI in land surveying, as sensitive information about landowners and property boundaries is involved. Safeguards must be in place to protect the privacy and integrity of survey data, and strict adherence to data governance frameworks is crucial. Furthermore, it is important to recognize that AI is a tool that complements human expertise rather than replacing it entirely. The role of surveyors will evolve to focus more on data interpretation, quality control, and making informed decisions.  Ronnie Jacko [email protected] | 503-445-2234