PLSO The Oregon Surveyor July/August 2023

Editorials From the PLSO Chair, by Tim Fassbender, PLS, PLSO Board Chair 2 From the PLSO Office, by Aimee McAuliffe, PLSO Executive Secretary 4 Featured Articles The McKenzie Pass Wagon Road 1862 to the Present, by Dick Bryant, PLS 6 The Certified Federal Surveyor (CFEDS) Program, by Glen Thurow, New Mexico PS, CFedS 9 Columns Member Spotlight, by Vanessa Salvia 10 Surveyors In The News, by Pat Gaylord, PLS 14 The Lost Surveyor, by Pat Gaylord, PLS 16 On the Cover The pipe is the center 1/4 of Section 25 in T. 37 S., R. 5 W. set by Norman Price (RLS #33) in 1954. It’s located in the Applegate Valley of Josephine County. Photo was taken by Dane Mead on January 27, 2022. The Oregon Surveyor is a publication of the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon (PLSO). It is provided as a medium for the expression of individual opinions concerning topics relating to the Land Surveying profession. Address changes & business All notifications for changes of address, membership inquiries, and PLSO business correspondence should be directed to Aimee McAuliffe, PO Box 230548, Tigard, OR 97281; 503-303-1472; [email protected]. Editorial matters & contributions of material The Oregon Surveyor welcomes your articles, comments, and photos for publication. PLSO assumes no responsibility for statements expressed in this publication. Editorial matters should be directed to Vanessa Salvia, [email protected]. Advertising policy Advertising content and materials are subject to approval of the PLSO Board and LLM Publications. The publisher reserves the right to reject any advertising that simulates copy; material must be clearly marked as “Advertisement.” For advertising, contact: Ronnie Jacko, [email protected]; 503-445-2234, 800-647-1511 x2234. A publication of the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon Executive Secretary Aimee McAuliffe PO Box 230548 Tigard, OR 97281 503-303-1472 Toll-free: 844-284-5496 [email protected] Published by LLM Publications 503-445-2220 • 800-647-1511 Advertising Ronnie Jacko, [email protected] Design Hope Sudol © 2023 LLM Publications Editor Vanessa Salvia Publications Committee Tim Kent, Interim Chair Pat Gaylord Contents Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon @ORLandSurveyors The Oregon Vol. 46, No. 4 July/August 2023 How to Send Us Your Work Please email the editor Vanessa Salvia with submissions. [email protected] Your submission should be in .doc format. Please send images separately (not embedded in the document) and at the highest file size available (MB size range versus KB size range—larger sizes are encouraged). Please include the author’s name and email address or phone number for contact.