3 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org From the PLSO Chair people to organize the chapter meeting so no one person is burdened with that work. We all have connections that others don’t have on related topics of interest. And remember, not all speakers have to be directly survey related. Some very interesting topics of discussion that I have attended were by the sheriff and city police. From time to time we may have a landowner who refuses to adhere to our Right of Entry law and a law enforcement contact would be a very valuable asset. Consider asking for help with your chapter meetings. The more people involved, the better the chances that it will become easier to handle. 67% responded no to the question, “If you could serve on an Executive Committee that prepared you to become Chairman of the Board, without serving as a Chapter Officer, would that interest you more?” I will take the blame on this question and the lack of communication on what the idea was behind what the executive committee would do for PLSO and how it would function. Currently, we do not have an executive committee. This idea is to prepare those interested in leadership roles within PLSO. We discussed this during our Strategic Planning meeting back in 2019 and due to the pandemic, failed in forming the committee. We will discuss this idea during this next year and see where it leads us. Finally, to the question, “Do you feel that it’s necessary to be a corporate member to serve on the BOD or chapter officer?” 54% said yes. There were a few comments that stated that a non-corporate member who had strong leadership and understanding of their survey profession could be considered. This idea was also discussed at the last strategic planning meeting with the idea that PLSO has associate members who have been with PLSO for many years and are highly regarded within the chapter, but have not obtained their license so therefore would not be a corporate member. These members could be a great asset to PLSO and should have the opportunity to serve if the chapter feels they could do a good job for the organization. In conclusion, once again, thank you to those who took the time to respond to the poll we sent. It helps to know what you are thinking and what direction you can give us. However, the hardest task we have as members of the PLSO Board of Directors is to read your mind. Many of you, I’m sure, during the conference, visited with your fellow surveyors complaining about something, and have in your minds the solution to the problem. The best way I know of obtaining that solution is to get involved and let others know of the problem and your idea on how to find the solution. Without knowing the problem, it is nearly impossible for others to solve it, right? Get involved with your chapter, attend the meetings whether they are virtual or in person. Let them know what is on your mind and listen to their problems, because you may have the solution to their problems. Or at least, you can let them know you share the same problems with them. Ronnie Jacko [email protected] | 503-445-2234