Featured Article TWICE TOLD TALES: THE REST OF THE STORY By Chuck Whitten, PLS A survey retracement in 2019, a forest fire in 2020, and a re-visit in 2021 result in unexpected surprises! This is a follow-up to the original article published in the July/August 2022 edition of The Oregon Surveyor (https://www.associationpublications.com/ flipbook/plso/2022/JulyAug/index.html). I firmly believe that a picture is worth a thousand words! Unfortunately, all of the graphics I had supplied with the original text except one were inadvertently omitted. My goal here is intended to highlight and clarify what I consider to be some key elements of the story with both text and the pictures. The eastern face of Bruno Mountain, the route of the “semicontrolled fall” down the Second Standard Parallel South on June 11, 2019, by Chuck Whitten, Tony Chenier, and his father, traversing (with offset jogs to avoid tag alder) by hand compass and 200-foot tape. Originally surveyed by William E. Campbell in September 1891. Several days later, I sent Tony some pictures I had taken and thanked him for going with me on the “walk.” He emailed me back and said, “That wasn’t a walk, it was a semi-controlled fall.” Spoken like a true mountain climber. The orange arrow shows the location of the fire. 9 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org Chuck standing by the 1891 line tree.