8 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 45, No. 5 tend to focus on a niche demographic, making them seem like an expert in their topic. As a result, micros tend to achieve more engagement and authentic communication. Being smaller often feels more like a friend you can trust, thus contributing to quality community engagement. Therefore, it is important to understand a campaign’s goals and objectives. For Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon’s purposes in promoting land surveying as a career, we want the niche market and quality engagement for a more affordable price tag that a micro- influencer provides. As discussed on more than one occasion over the last two years, we have been raising marketing funds for a social media campaign through the sales of t-shirts in the PLSO online store, as well as paying close attention to NSPS activities in creating From the PLSO Office Geospatially_Opinionated Ahhh... The wooly booger. My least favorite nemesis of the fall and winter fields. You pretty much have to burn your clothes in order to get them off. #survey #surveying #surveyor #landsurvey #landsurveyor #landsurveying #woolybooger SurveyLife @Kross_Survey with a unique setup, during a geotechnical monitoring project, in Rybreka, Russia. #SurveyLife promotional video content that may be curated towards each state association. PLSO also has representatives working in a task force with other construction industry associations in promoting land surveying as a career (turns out they don’t like the shortage any more than we do). Conflict between generations has existed since Cain and Abel became teenagers. However, this has become clearer in the modern world as each of the five generations today (Silent, Boomer, Gen X, Millennial, and Gen Z) are so different, they are entirely their own cultures. Technology has widened the chasm. Older generations know the world without the internet and therefore use it as a tool. To younger generations, the internet simply exists like oxygen. Therefore, if you don’t consider using social media as its own lexicon, you will miss two entire generations all together. This can be difficult for the land surveying community as the national average of its professionals is 60 years old. Suddenly, the idea of influencer being a job title isn’t so bad after all. Smart people, no matter the generation, ask for help. If you are wondering how to start in social media, start by following accounts and interacting with them. Suggestions on Instagram include @benchmarksurveys, @surveylife, @ladyland_surveyor, and @geospatially_opinionated. As for TikTok, I’m afraid I’m still figuring that one out myself. I’m pretty sure I’m going to need to ask my 16-year-old daughter, Hanna, for help. Follow the PLSO's Instagram account at @plso_1959. Tag us with your photos. The account is new and needs followers! continued