PLSO The Oregon Surveyor March/April 2022

25 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | 2022 PLSO Board & Committee Chairs EXECUTIVE SECRETARY AIMEE McAULIFFE 503-303-1472 | [email protected] BlueMountain President Lance King [email protected] President-Elect Brenton Griffin [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Remi Fritz [email protected] Central President Scott Freshwaters [email protected] President-Elect Daniel Burton [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer John McCoy [email protected] Mid-west President Ryan Erickson [email protected] President-Elect Daniel Nelson [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Tucker Hines [email protected] Pioneer President Jered McGrath [email protected] President-Elect John Putnam [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Brady McGarry [email protected] Rogue River President Dane Meade [email protected] President-Elect Open Position Secretary/Treasurer Joe Hall [email protected] South Central President Darryl Anderson [email protected] President-Elect Open Position Secretary/Treasurer Open Position Southwest President Edith Forkner [email protected] President-Elect Derek Windham [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Jerry Estabrook [email protected] Umpqua President Brent Knapp [email protected] President-Elect Daniel Saily [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Kenneth Tynan [email protected] Willamette President Rhonda Dodge [email protected] President-Elect Paul Kowalczyk [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer Kurt Andersen [email protected] CHAIR JEREMY SHERER [email protected] COMMITTEE CHAIRS AUCTION Robert Hamman [email protected] AWARDS Dan Nelson [email protected] BYLAWS/CONSTITUTION Brent Bacon, [email protected] CONFERENCE Jered McGrath, [email protected] EDUCATION&OUTREACH Open Position FINANCIAL Kelly Miller, [email protected] GPS USERS GROUP John Minor, [email protected] LEGISLATIVE Jim Hepler, [email protected] MEMBERSHIP Gary Anderson [email protected] NSPSOREGON STATEDIRECTOR Pat Gaylord, [email protected] OACES LIAISON Mike Berry, [email protected] ORYSN Brenton Griffin [email protected] THEOREGON SURVEYOR Tim Kent, [email protected] SCHOLARSHIP Daren Cone, [email protected] STRATEGICPLAN/OSBEELS LIAISON Tim Fassbender, [email protected] TRIG-STAR Contact PLSO office PLSOOFFICE PO Box 230548 Tigard, OR 97281 PHONE 503-303-1472 TOLL FREE 844-284-5496 FAX 503-303-1472 EMAIL [email protected] WEB CHAPTEROFFICERS CHAIR-ELECT & PAST CHAIR TIM FASSBENDER [email protected] Affiliated with The State Board of Directors is made up of the PLSO Chair, Chair-Elect, Past Chair, and each of the Chapter Presidents and Presidents-Elect. Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon @ORLandSurveyors