PLSO The Oregon Surveyor July August 2022

5 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | From the PLSO Office As we look forward to seeing the 2022– 2023 year unfold, we will continue to promote the profession to students, teachers, and career counselors. We have members representing PLSO in task forces, schools, events, and at the national level. Our Legislative Committee has met with our new Legislative Committee Chair, James Hepler, and lobbyist Darrell Fuller for the upcoming legislative session to discuss bills that may affect the surveying profession. The Conference Committee continues to work on strong continuing education opportunities for our next conference, scheduled for January 18–20, 2023, at the Salem Convention Center. One program that we need volunteers for is the Professional Practices Committee. Board Chairman Jeremy Sherer is looking for professionals to be available for a couple of months to help create curriculum for the Emerging Leaders Program. This program is intended to assist our younger members in developing their leadership skills within the professional community. If this interests you, please contact Jeremy. It has been a really busy year. I know how tired so many of you are, working at the pace that you have been for the past two years or more. I know clients want their surveys yesterday. I know what I’m asking when I ask for your time. Consider it an investment in the people that are coming up to help shoulder the work and pick up the baton for you. That involves paying for their associate membership and getting them involved. Today, while I was writing this column, a member described PLSO as a kindhearted association that deserves a break. I’ll be honest, I chuckled a bit. Not because I didn’t agree. It was just a plain honest statement that was refreshing. I’m not sure what that says about me that I was surprised by it. As I sat with it a bit, I thought it was ironic. That particular member is one of the reasons PLSO is thought of like that, but they didn’t recognize it. They just wanted to do right by the organization, even if I had noticed just the day before they were clearly exhausted from juggling so many balls in the air. It is not my wish to burn out our highly valued volunteers. Let’s help themout and pitch in. Renew your membership if you have not done so, become a Sustaining Member if it applies, help write curriculum for our up-and-coming professionals, and be kindhearted. Be patient with yourself and others. Be a community.  How to Send Us Your Work Please email the editor Vanessa Salvia with submissions. [email protected] Your submission should be in .doc format. Please send images separately (not embedded in the document) and at the highest file size available (MB size range versus KB size range—larger sizes are encouraged). Please include the author’s name and email address or phone number for contact.