3 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | www.plso.org From the PLSO Chair This creed shows itsmembers that a professional surveyor is someonewithknowledge and skills that makes humanity better. NSPS has achieved success nationally and has done a great job unifying our profession. In comparison, the proposed vision statement presented to the board and membership identified three areas: The quality of a member, the idea of a “good surveyor,” and “excellence” in our profession. The following vision statement is revised as follows: “Our vision is to achieve excellence in the art and science of the practice of surveying by building on those certain individual character traits that produce professional virtues.” To some, the statement is aplatitude. Agreeingon ideas suchas “excellence,” “character,” and “virtue” are challenging to achieve in a large organization; every member has their thoughts on the subject. It is better to leave some flexibility to allow chapters and the individual practitioner to supply the answers. However, even as a platitude, it provides us with a general direction as we plan for the leadership academy, including theEmerging LeadersMentorshipProgram. This year we will continue to work out the vision statement with our members. With glasses of good vision, the need for an energetic chief executive officer (i.e, chairmanship) becomes apparent. To stay relevant in a fast-paced and changing environment, the organization needs an executive to take advantage of opportunities or prepare us for threats. The present executive system includes the officers of our organization, which consists of the executive secretary, chair, chair-elect, and past-chair. The executive secretary is a paid position that manages the day-today activities of PLSO by performing such duties as are typical and other duties or functions as requested or directed by the board or the chair. The chair of the board is the chief executive officer, head of the corporation, andmanages the activities of the board of directors. The term for each chair to accomplish the organization’s mission, vision, goals, andobjectives is one year. This model presents a challenge for the chair and is unworkable to maintain continuity and stay current in our fast-paced environment. I amworking with the board of directors andour bylaws committee chair to find a solution to create a more stable and energetic leadership. Our organization is a non-profit, organized under a 501(C)6, and structured under ORS 65.371, requiring the officers to consist of a president, secretary, and a treasurer (see Chapter Formation under the bylaws).1 We need a robust updated leadership model that works with today’s fast-paced business settings. This year we aremaking changes to our bylaws, and part of the conversation will be to propose the creation of an electedpresident (the name is not relevant), whose term will be two years and limited to two successive terms. To be clear, I am working on proposing this to the board of directors, which requires abylawchange. All bylawchanges are discussed at the chapter level prior to the board voting to approve, amend, or reject any proposal. This is what I would like to see happen. I amalso open to hearing from others. With the mask off and a clear vision, we are in a position to bemore relevant as we promote, educate, and improve the surveying profession. The first step is preparing for future succession. Education through mentorship provides opportunities for growth relevant to the rising generation. Succession planning involves training toward a vision for those who will follow the ruling generation’s footsteps (i.e. the gray-haired surveyors). Last year the Practices Committee was commissioned to create a leadership program for emerging leaders. It is not a plan based on the consumer-producer model. Instead, it is one based on relationships through oneon-one and chapter involvement. It is a plan to educate young and aspiring surveyors toward a vision of excellence and what it is to be a good surveyor. Take off the mask. Our organization does not have to follow the path toward irrelevance. The hard work and frustrations of those who have poured their energy into this organization are not in vain. We do not lack good leadership. It is the external forces that cause frustration and burnout. We desire to promote, educate, and improve the profession of land surveying in the state of Oregon. We need a vision, an energetic executive, and a leadership succession plan to fulfill our mission. x 1: 65.371 Required officers. (1) A corporation must have a president, a secretary, a treasurer, and such other officers as are elected or appointed by the board of directors or by any other person as the articles of incorporation or bylaws may authorize, provided that the articles of incorporation or bylaws may designate other titles in lieu of president, secretary, and treasurer. (2) The bylaws or the board of directors shall delegate to one of the officers responsibility for preparing minutes of the board of directors’ meetings and membership meetings and for authenticating records of the Corporation. (3)(a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this subsection, the same individual may simultaneously hold more than one office in a corporation and an officer may be, but need not be, a member of the board of directors. (b) The same individual may not serve simultaneously as the president, secretary, and treasurer of a public benefit corporation. [1989 c.1010 §93; 1991 c.231 §7; 2019 c.174 §69] How to Send Us Your Work Please email the editor, Vanessa Salvia, at [email protected] with submissions. Your submission should be in .doc format. Please send images separately (not embedded in the document) and at the highest file size available (MB size range versus KB size range—larger sizes are encouraged). Please include the author’s name and email address or phone number for contact.