PLSO The Oregon Surveyor January/February 2022

12 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 45, No. 1 2022 Annual Conference Wrapping Up the 2022 Conference By Jered McGrath, PLSO Conference Committee Chair Thank you members, non-members, guests, and consummate supporters of the Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon for helping to make our 2022 Annual Conference happen. This year’s hybrid conference has now concluded in-person, but there is much more online activity still happening. Recorded sessions have been loaded into the Whova platform for everyone to watch, and will be available through April. An easy way to see which ones were recorded is to login to Whova, go to “Agenda” at the top (where it says “Filter By Tracks”), and make sure to only have the “Recorded” box checked. Overall, PLSO hosted over more than 400 attendees, which was nearly split between the traditional onsite conference and the virtual option. Nomatter what option you participated in, the conference committee thanks you for choosing us to help with your continuing education. It is an important event to the PLSO community and we are happy to continue that tradition. The conference provided a great line-up of speakers that were streaming live, recorded, and in-person only. If you were not able to see a presentation in Salem, be sure to check out the “Documents’’ section of the Whova app, as many of the speakers provided reference material on their topics. Those speakers that provided handouts are all loaded into the system and you can easily export themall at once onto your computer. Both in-person and virtual attendees were provided the opportunity to go over boundaryquestions and concerns fromour national speaker John Stahl, discuss NSPS updates with the newly elected executive director of NSPS TimBurch, and see what is coming in the near future from the NGS with regards to updated datums and reference frames from retired Chief Geodetic Surveyor Dave Doyle. The in-person event allowed us to hold the traditional Vendor Social on Wednesday night, the Scholarship Auction Dinner on Thursday evening, and revitalize the Young Surveyors Networkwith an in-person gathering of 20 or more people led by the new chair Brenton Griffin. Many of the student members participating in the conference were “bombarded,” or rather “presented,” with futureemployment opportunities from attendees in the industry. If you are looking for summer help or future employees fromthe surveying school students, it’s best to reach out as fast as you can. I believe this year’s conference was a great success for the majority of the attendees. I loved the ability to be able to discuss all matters of surveying and our industry in person with some long-unseen friends and to be able to carry those same topics online to discuss the finer points with attendees across the country. The community boards are still open for discussion so please check in on the app and ask those burning boundary questions or post interesting articles and photos with fellow attendees. From all of us on the conference committee, we thank you again for making this year’s conference a great memorable experience and we look forward to building upon this in the future. x