10 The Oregon Surveyor | Vol. 45, No. 1 Featured Article NSPS 2021 Excellence in Journalism Competition Each year, the National Society of Professional Surveyors holds a journalism competition and bestows winners for entries submitted from January to December as well as a Public Relations Award. The winners were announced in late 2021. The PLSO’s The Oregon Surveyor won the award for Best State Society Magazine! We received a plaque acknowledging this award, which was sent to the PLSO headquarters office. According to the NSPS website, the purpose of this contest is to encourage high-quality publications and content by NSPS affiliates. The contest is judged by a committee established by the chair of the NSPS board of directors, and it is open to newsletters, magazines, and content in either published between January and December of the previous year. The criteria of an award-winning magazine is to have “content geared toward the needs of the primary audience and having a greater proportion of bylined technical articles and articles with information which may be relevant to state society members related to national developments in the field of surveying and mapping.” Desirable examples of content include news reports and news items related to state society business, by-lined surveying articles with state-wide appeal contributed by members, and reprints of surveying and surveying-related articles from national magazines. x Best State Society Newsletter New Hampshire Land Surveyors Association The TBM, Newsletter of the NHLSA November, 2020 Best Original Feature Article Vermont Society of Land Surveyors “The Search for the County Road” by Paul Hannan Summer, 2020 Best Editorial New Hampshire Land Surveyors Association “Acknowledging the Importance of Paraprofessionals in Land Surveying” by Paul Doberstein 2021 Winners Best State Society Magazine Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon The Oregon Surveyor May/June 2020 issue