PLSO The Oregon Surveyor November/December 2021

Wednesday, June 13, 1900 VISITOR IS PLEASED. Intelligent Comments on Mines and the Smelter. R. Baird, secretary of the West Side Gold and Silver Mining company, has returned from a trip to the Carpenter group, lately acquired by this company. He is well pleased with the prospect and considers that his company has a very promising property. The ore dump from the 4o-fo- shaft assays 574.41 '" R'dt besides the silver and copper values, and he says that will do for a starter. The ledge is forty feet wide and there Is a good road to the property, which is situated twenty-on- e miles from Sumpter, in the Greenhorn country, near Robin-sonvill- e. The company is preparing to proceed with development work on the ledges, besides prospecting its placers, and will place the property on a paying basis as soon as practicable. While nut in the hills, Mr. Baird visited a number of mines and prospects, includ- ing the E. & H., Little Giant, Ronana, Cayuse, Silver Hill, Diadem, and numbers of others. He thinks that lew people here realize how many mines are opening up large boJIes of ores carrying high values. He considers that he has the best ot reason for believ- ing that the mining world will soon awake to the knowledge that Sumpter Is now and will continue to be the center of one ot the rkhest mineral districts in the United States, or in the world. This country already has railroad and all the modern facilities and advantages, and although there are now large paying mines with mills pounding ore twenty-lou- r hours a day for 365 days In the year, this number Is bound to increase in the near future at a rate that will astonish the oldest inhabitant. Enterprise and capital are required to develop the natural wealth of the district, they are here and are on the way here. Mr..Haird interviewed the manager of the Sumpter smelter lately erected here by the Union Smelter company of St. Louis. He inspected the property and found it already for business and simply waiting for ores, of which a considerable quantity have been promised. The fol- lowing are some of the claims made to him by (lie manager. That they have erected this plant at their own expense, with the exception of the donation of the site, and are ready for business as soon as they receive ores. That arrangements have been made to pay for suitable ores where owners want to sell such. That if mine owners prefer to do so, they can have their ores treated for so much per ton, according to circum- stances, but likely to be in the neighbor- hood of $0 per ton. That the success of their enterprise means much to Sumpter, as the following figures submitted by them will show: Daily pay roll $212 to Sjoo or 563,600. a year! consumption of ore per month 000 tons; consumption of lime per mouth 240 tons; consump- tion of iron per month 270 tons, total 1 6,020 tons, the hauling alone of which, w ithout the mining, will cost at the low rate of 51.2; per ton, amounting to 521, 150. Wood will cost fio per day, or 53000 a year. Tills makes a total yearly expenditure of 587.750. With coke and incidental expenses the total of yearly expense will not fall much short of ninety or one hundred thousand dollars, a nice Mini to be expended in Sumpter. "Now gentlemen," says Mr. Haird "you have the smelter, use it. (Jive it a fair trial and do so now." Mine Discovered While in His Room. The Little Triangle was located by a man who wasn't a prospector and who THE SUMPTER MINER. r never had a pick or shovel in his hand In his life. He discovered it in a little back room on the third floor of a little cheap boarding house in Leadville, at about 1 o'clock in the morning. It was some thing like the mathematical sharp who discovered Neptune with a lead pencil and table of logarithms, instead of a telescope. The man in my story was an old German proofreader, who had been a scrub survey- or in his early youth. I've forgotten his name, but that really doesn't matter. The point is that he drifted out to Leadville In the days of the great mining boom and one night, sitting in his little back room pouring over a map of the mineral tract for lack of anything better to do, his eye happened to catch an error in the side measurements of a rich and important mine. It was something which would have attracted the attention of nobody but a surveyor, and a petty, fault-findin- scrub surveyor at that, but he pounced on it like a hawk, made a few calculations, and there was a triangular bit of land, about ten feet wide at the base, and 20 feet long that nobody claimed. It lay right in the heart of a cluster of the richest mines in the Leadville distrkt, and was supposed to be included in the boundaries of the two most valuable of them all, but owing to the error in the survey which I have already mentioned, it wasn't covered by the deeds. Karly the next morning he went over and staked out the triangle as an original claim. !:olks thought he was crazy at first, but when they examined the recoids they sang a different song. The owners of the adjacent land paid 560,000 for his title they simply had to have the strip to work their own mines, and he went back to ( ierinauy and lived happily ever after. The property is still known by the way, as " The Little Triangle." New Orleans Times-Democra- t. SPOKANE Drug Co. - - Only exclusive whole- sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on min- ers' and assayers' sup- plies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. Sumpter t Bottling Works j j jt j Gagen & Sloan, Proprietors. JM Jm Jf Jm , Manufacturers of all kinds of car honated drill Us and ciders. Or- ders filled and shipped on short notice. A jt j& ji jt SUMPTER, - - OREGON Reserved for LAWTON INVESTMENT COMPANY. 'U t' " 1V1 George W. WeigancL. HIGH GRADE LIQUORS AND CIGARS Mining Men's Headquarters HOURNH, OKI-CO- -- ''''-. BUTTE HEADQUARTERS j , J$ C. B. & M. Co.'s Beer Best in Town Next Door to Wonder Store. J. B. SCHMIDT THE GEM SALOON A. J. STINSOIM, Rrop. (Successor to Snyde A- - Stiuson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, - - - OREGON Paul E. Poindexter, MINES BCDfORD McNcAL'B CODC. Sumpter, - - Or. ?i I