PLSO The Oregon Surveyor May/June 2021
5 Professional Land Surveyors of Oregon | From the PLSO Office How to Send Us Your Work Please email the editor, Vanessa Salvia, at
[email protected] with submissions. Your submission should be in .doc format. Please send images separately (not embedded in the document) and at the highest file size available (MB size range versus KB size range—larger sizes are encouraged). Please include the author’s name and email address or phone number for contact. • Non-member 2021 Conference Registration for PDH Hours– $165–$265 Savings: • PLSO Member: $275 Corporate/ $175 Associate • Non-member: $440 • Medical Prescription without PLSO Discount–$7.50 Savings ($90 per year): • PLSO Member: $42.50 • Non-member: $50 • Black Toner Cartridge purchase at Office Depot without PLSO Discount –$36.42 Savings: • PLSO Member: $90.57 • Non-member: $126.99 Benefits that are harder to quantify include: • Representation in Salem and Washington, D.C. is a constant activity, even when our minds are on other things. PLSO lobbyist Darrell Fuller has been our ever- ready watchdog this session on everything from judicial property lines to duty to defend. The NSPS lobbyist team often works with Fuller to get support from Oregon representatives. NSPS victories in 2020 have included: • Enacting the Digital Coast Act, Public Law 116-223—authorizing NOAA’s Digital Coast program. • Enacting the National Landslide Preparedness Act, Public Law 116-323—authorizing USGS 3DEP and Subsidence programs. • Repealing Department of Labor AAM 212, the troublesome regulation on Davis-Bacon Act application to members of surveying crews through the promulgation of AAM 235 on December 14. • Networking isn’t easy for everyone, and it’s especially difficult when you’re not allowed to leave your house or attend events. Our conference provided some digital networking opportunities online, but mostly I think it made people appreciate how many people they get to talk to in one place when we get together in-person each year. We are standing by to make this happen in whatever form we can next January. Smaller chapters have been able to meet in person and others are still making the telecon- ference tool work for them. COVID has made this year hard in many ways, but most of you have been busier than ever before, and now we head into the summer. I know it’s a busy time, and we appreciate you actively deciding that you want to be a part of our community, wherever and however you can. Renew your membership today at plso. org and continue our legacy of uniting land surveyors in the state of Oregon, collectively maintaining the highest de- gree of responsibility, ethical behavior, and public perception possible. x
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