PAGD Keystone Explorer Winter 2021-22

KeystoneExplorer | Winter 2021-22 7 health + wellnessB 7 The Best Laid Plans By William L. Hoch, DMD, MBA, MAGD, FICOI Throughout the course of life my physical and mental well-being were left for granted and seemed to be better than most. Graduation with honors from high school, college, and professional school. Served with distinction in the military including the Middle East. Many personal and professional adventures seemed to follow me, and life was very fulfilling and seemed to be enriched in this manner. I could achieve what I wanted both physically and emotionally and the family and professional circumstances of my life both worked and was what most would say was well above the norm. Then one day I met challenges which I was not prepared to handle. I believed I could handle anything thrown at me by life, disease, finance, and business because frankly I had proven that to be the case. Performing in my roles as husband, doctor, helper, son, father was second nature to me. I had invested in me. I trained to do and understand all of these roles and had the assurance and insurance that problems which afflicted people would not cause me or my universe problems. Then over a three-week span, I saw three people near and dear to me be overwhelmed by illness, disease, and behavioral issues which shook the rock-solid view of my life. Each were involved and invaded by mental and physical problems which most would call unbelievable if confronted alone. But I had three at once. Together. No problem, Doc. Write up a plan of care and follow it. Learned that in school. Went to graduate business school to see what and how businesspeople handled situations like this. I have four university degrees, four professional certifications. These will allow me to fix this. Nope. One of those three died in a heroic attempt to prolong their life. Then the second ended their life. The third is still with me and that story goes on and makes me smile. I thought I was going to be OK. I really did. Then, in a gym, during the time of their and my trials and the horrors of illness, dementia, and addiction, I injured my shoulder. And my right hand began to shake. And would not stop shaking.