OTLA Trial Lawyer Summer 2024

Front Cover 1
Table of Contents 3
President’s Message: OTLA’s Education Powerhouse Delivers 5
Annual Partners 8
View from the Bench: Making a Difference 11
In Our Voices 15
Tools Lawyers Use to Shorten Family Law Trials 18
Breaking the Silence: Divorcing Women Take a Stand Against Domestic Violence in Civil Court 21
Expert Witnesses in Family Law Litigation 25
OTLA Guardians of Civil Justice 30
The Rewards of Working with Students with Disabilities and Their Families 32
Setting Yourself Up for Success on Appeal: Considerations for the Family Law Attorney 36
Family Law Mediation in Oregon — Everything You Wanted to Know, But Were Afraid to Ask 39
Protecting Vulnerable Children During the Legal Process 43
Practical ideas for working with clients who may have diminished capacity 46
Comp Corner: The “Worker” is Medically Stationary 51
Between the Sheets 52