OTLA Trial Lawyer Summer 2024

specific CLE events like the All Star CLE), the revenue generated is approaching half of OTLA’s budget. Education is the economic engine that powers the whole OTLA machine. To be blunt, there simply is no substitute for butts in seats. Credit for keeping this finely tuned engine running goes to Education Committee co-chairs Marilyn Heiken and Jason Posner, and all the folks that serve on the committee and give generously of their time: Melissa Bobadilla, Ethan Chatov, Ryan Jennings, Marc Johnston, Quinn Kuranz, Faith Morse and Tim Williams. Equally important are OTLA staff who toil tirelessly behind the scenes, particularly during the long hours at Convention, making it all look seamless and easy: Amy, Mac, Dorina, Kathleen and Mary Kate. OTLA’s Mission Statement is: “Dedicated to protecting people, holding wrongdoers accountable, and promoting a fair and equitable justice system through advocacy and education” (italics added.) I believe education has both an outward-facing component (including the public and legislators) and an inward-facing component (our members). In fact, the inward-facing component — which is ably discharged by our Education Committee — not only helps us hone ”[W]hen it comes to Oregon-specific, inthe-trenches, cuttingedge education for civil plaintiff’s trial lawyers, no one delivers like OTLA.” our craft, but also provides us with tools to educate juries and others about the very principles that are OTLA’s reason for existing. See you in Salishan. 7 Trial Lawyer | Summer 2024