OTLA Trial Lawyer Summer 2024

OTLA Guardians of Civil Justice A special thanks to all our Guardians of Civil Justice members whose generous contributions fund OTLA’s political and lobbying efforts in support of access to justice. Without these gifts, OTLA could not provide the strong level of support it has historically given in state legislative races nor to the national political effort of AAJ PAC. We are grateful to each Guardian member for demonstrating a continuing commitment to OTLA’s efforts on behalf of a strong civil justice system. If your name does not appear here, it’s not too late to become a Guardian. Call Development Director Amy Anderson at 503-223-5587 or reach out to any OTLA Board Member. They will be happy to sign you up. OTLA Stalwart $500 & above per month Kelly Andersen Jeffrey Bowersox Christopher Cauble Juan Chavez John Coletti Thomas D’Amore Aaron DeShaw Keith Dozier Edward Fu Joshua Hunking Damian Idiart Ryan Jennings Ryan Kroll Paul Krueger Cynthia Newton Craig Nichols Jane Paulson J. Pickett William Smith Scott Staples David Sugerman Chris Thomas Andrew Waters Tim Williams Guardians Club Plus $350–$499 per month Richard Adams Dean Aldrich Joe Di Bartolomeo Patrick Cadiz Ben Cox Brendan Dummigan James Dwyer Christine Frost Mark Ginsberg Stephen Hendricks Derek Johnson Tim Jones Nick Kahl Thomas Melville Sydney Montanaro David Penoyer Jodie Phillips Polich Joe Piucci Stephen Piucci David Rosen J. Savage Judy Snyder Tina Stupasky Dana Sullivan Emery Wang Guardians Club $250–$349 per month Douglas Angell Karl Anuta Aaron Baker Brent Barton William Barton Robert Beatty-Walters Steven Berman Cody Berne Gary Berne Ryan Bickler Patrick Block Melissa Bobadilla Bruce Bottini Paul Bovarnick Amy Bruning Michelle Burrows Joshua Callahan Ron Cheng Brian Chenoweth Erin Christison Kathryn Clarke Michael Colbach Michael Connett Don Corson Stephen Crew Nadia Dahab Bennett Dalton Timothy DeJong John Devlin Glenn Draper Brian Dretke Sean DuBois Susan Dussault Daniel Dziuba Travis Eiva Rhett Fraser Jon M. Friedman Brian Garelli Charley Gee Casey Gibbens Phillip Gilbert Rick Glantz C.J. Graves Michael Gutzler Nelson Hall Beau Harlan Marilyn Heiken Timothy Helfrich Peter Hess Daniel Hill Steven Hill Ryan Hilts Cody Hoesly Todd Huegli Neil Jackson Jesse Jacobs Peter Janci Ernest Jenks Justin Johnson Lara Johnson Marc Johnston Kelly Jones Gregory Kafoury Jason Kafoury Laura Kalur Matthew Kaplan Benjamin Keane Keith Ketterling Derrick Kitts Robert Kline Christopher Kuhlman Joshua Lamborn Steve Larson Derek Larwick Dylan Lawrence Scott Lucas William Macke Kristen McCall Mark McDougal Jennifer Middleton Tara Millan Fred Millard David Miller Faith Morse Keil Mueller Geoff Nichols Shawn O’Neil John Oswald Yoona Park Stephen Petersen Travis Prestwich Timothy Quenelle Daniel Rayfield Aaron Reichenberger Bonnie Richardson Mario Riquelme Charles Robinowitz Devin Robinson Ashley Rosenbaum-DePalo Lourdes Sanchez Marte Karen Schoenfeld Steven Schoenfeld Steve Seal Scott Sell Charles Siegel Gerald Singleton David Smith Daniel Snyder Nathan Sosa Tom Spooner Brandon Squires Tyler Staggs Josh Stellmon Arthur Stevens III Brandon Summers Blair Townsend Paul Vames Stephen Voorhees Man Vu Richard Walsh Gabriel Weaver Elizabeth Welch Rebecca Whitney-Smith Sara Winfield Michael Wise Gregory Zeuthen 30 Trial Lawyer | Summer 2024