OTLA Trial Lawyer Winter 2023

Table of Contents 1
President's Message: The power of language 2
View from the Bench: In a new building 4
An Underused Accountability Tool 6
Guarding Against the booming business of elder care 10
Nursing Home Case Preparation 14
Pre-Discovery Resources in Elder Abuse Cases 18
Guilt, Grief, Grey & Gravy: Breaking down barriers 22
OTLA Guardians of Civil Justice 26
Prosecuting a Fall 28
Capacity: Do you know it when you see it? 31
Annual Partners 35
Sexual Abuse and Dementia: The barriers that lie within us 36
Fighting Immunity in Nursing Facility Covid-19 Litigation 38
Medicare and Medicaid Issues in seniors' cases 41
Protecting Elderly Consumers 45
Comp Corner: Ridiculitis 48
Between the Sheets 49