OTLA Trial Lawyer Winter 2023

5 Trial Lawyer • Winter 2023 will have your trial in to view the set up. If you will be using technology to display any exhibits or slide shows, I highly recommend that you come ahead of time to test it out. Bring your laptop or other presentation device you will be using at trial, plug it in to our system and make sure everything works. You can reach out to the judicial assistant of the court to schedule this. This would save a lot of time and headache the day of trial. There is nothing worse than not being able to access your evidence during trial. Lead with kindness As I often tell young lawyers and mentees, the practice of law is about fighting zealously for your client but also doing it in a way where you lean in to kindness. The practice of law does not ever have to be personal. Yes, be passionate about your position, however, it’s never okay to make personal attacks on the opposing party. Your reputation and how you treat others will follow you. A good reputation will help you in the long run. The respect you show your fellow attorneys will help ease some difficulties when working to resolve issues and can help save money for your clients. Don’t be afraid to litigate your position and challenge the areas of law that are gray. This is why you became an attorney. Just please, always be kind to each other. It really breaks my heart to see attorneys “lose it” during hearings and in trial. If you need to take a break, ask for it. As members of the judiciary, we do not know what’s going on. So, please communicate with the court. As lawyers, we’ve all had difficult clients, surprises in court and an uncooperative witness — remember it’s not personal, you can’t control everything. With that said, I ask lawyers to please remind your clients that during trial, when emotions may run high, it’s not a good practice to act out in court by making facial expressions or sounds during witness testimony. From the bench, I have a full view of the courtroom. I do not want to stop your line of questioning to have to tell someone to stop what they are doing or have to remove them from court. You can do your best to prepare yourself, your team and your case. The rest are factors outside your control. Be realistic Finally, please be realistic about the deadlines you are setting for yourself. You must manage the expectations your client has on what will happen in preparation for this trial. We will do all we can to assist the parties, but we can’t read your mind or step out of our roles as members of the judiciary. As the Dalai Lama said, “Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.” Judge Chanpone Sinlapasai serves at Multnomah County Circuit Court, 1200 SW 1st Ave., Portland, OR 97204. She can be reached at 971-274-0662 or chanpone.p.sinlapasai@ojd.state.or.us.