OTLA Trial Lawyer Winter 2023

4 Trial Lawyer • Winter 2023 By Judge Chanpone Sinlapasai Multnomah County Circuit Court The practice of law, especially litigation, can be stressful. Often the most stressful times of litigation are the weeks and days leading up to trial. Litigators’ thoughts frequently become consumed by concerns for their clients (their abilities to withstand the rigors of trial View From The Bench Hon. Chanpone Sinlapasai In a new building and scrutiny of a jury), apprehension about witness testimony and timing of witnesses, opening statements, closing arguments, and, of course, being a zealous advocate for your client all while maintaining a calm, professional demeanor. Added to this overall anxiety, is the fact that many of you have not seen the inside of a courtroom in close to three years due to a worldwide pandemic. In Portland, the Multnomah County Courthouse opened its doors to the public under social distancing restrictions and mandatory mask requirements. If you are feeling a bit uneasy and out of practice as you prepare to get back into a courtroom, you are not alone. Pay a visit The Multnomah County Courthouse is new to many litigants and the public. The entire design was to have all the parties in mind when they walk through the courthouse doors. For anyone who is waiting for trial, each floor has large open windows where members of the public can wait. The design is to give the public access to justice and to accommodate those who may have challenges getting to the courthouse. When you come into the courthouse right next to the stairs you will see screens displaying the names of the cases and the respective courtroom assigned. There are multiple elevators so that you don’t have to wait for an extended period of time. On the second floor, there are self-help windows where you can speak with court staff ready to help anyone who walks in. We have interpreter services available if your client speaks another language. On the third floor, there is a new jury room with a beautiful view of Mount Hood, the Willamette River and Portland’s bridges. If you are here and need to speak privately with your client, in most courtrooms there are two rooms meant just for that purpose. However, with all new things, not everything is perfect, and the court and staff are still working through some of the challenges. We ask for patience during these moments as we work with IT and staff to get everything back on track. Sometimes we have technological issues, i.e., Webex giving us feedback or not working at all. A quick reminder for anyone who’s calling into court or has your client calling into court, please take the court off speaker. If the court is on speaker, we get a screeching sound that can be deafening. I encourage all trial attorneys to come to the courthouse before your first case. Take a walk through the courtroom you ...it’s never okay to make per sonal at tacks on the opposing party.