OTLA Trial Lawyer Winter 2023

21 Trial Lawyer • Winter 2023 later — his testimony that he had done so was belied by the OSBN records. This was not lost on defense counsel. The case settled. Similar to the Oregon Board of Nursing, the Oregon Health Authority maintains a website to check on the licenses for facility administrators. All administrators, regardless of the type of facility, must be licensed. The website https://www.oregon.gov/oha/PH/HLO/ Pages/Board-Nursing-Home-Administrators-Information.aspx provides information on each administrator responsible for planning, organizing and managing the operation of a nursing home. Online searches like these take a minimal amount of time and have the potential to change the trajectory of a case. Conclusion When Sarah and I met to discuss her case against the memory care facility, I had already — with the help of my assistant — researched the facility and a number of its employees. Staff shortages had been a problem during her mom’s residency according to the most recent DHS survey. The facility administrator had only held his license for two months at the time of the fall that resulted in a broken hip for Sarah's mom. Rather than relying on Sarah’s statements about too few staff, I now had documentation from DHS to support an allegation of understaffing. Only a thorough review of facility records will identify additional bases for allegations of negligence, but the research we had done was enough to tip the scale in favor of taking on the case. Brian Dretke’s practice focuses on medical malpractice and nursing home litigation. He contributes to OTLA Guardians at the Guardians Club level. The Dretke Law Firm is located at 2660 NE Hwy 20, Ste. 610, PMB #29, Bend, OR 97701. You can reach Dretke at 541-241-3440 or brian@dretkelaw.com. 2/3 PAGE AD 4.9375 X 10 Se habla español ema i l : info@pdm.legal phone : 503.223.7770 u r l : PDM.LEGAL WE ARE WILLING TO CO-COUNSEL AND PAY GENEROUS REFERRAL FEES. RAINS V. STAYTON BUILDERS MART, INC. 359 Or. 610 (2016) PIAZZA V. KELLIM 360 Or. 58 (2016) YEATTS V. POLYGON NORTHWEST CO. 360 Or. 170 (2016) CORTEZ V. NACCO MHG, INC. 356 Or. 254 (2014) TOWE V. SACAGAWEA, INC. 357 Or. 74 (2015) OREGON’S LARGEST, MOST EXPERIENCED, PERSONAL INJURY LAW FIRM. SCHUTZ V. LA COSTITA I I I INC. 364 Or. 536 (2019) OREGON SUPREME COURT: PICKETT DUMMIGAN MCCALL’S VICTORIES