OTLA Trial Lawyer Fall 2023

Table of Contents 1
President’s Message: Where I came from, what you can do 2
View from the Bench: Know the law, know the facts, know the judge 4
Unveiling the Primary Factors in legal malpractice 6
When Legal Questions Result in Expansion 8
Professional Negligence in Residential Construction Defect Cases 14
Weaponizing Care: Therapist malpractice 17
A Tale of Missed Direction: In dental malpractice 20
Annual Partners 23
The Alphabet Soup of Vision Malpractice 24
OTLA Guardians of Civil Justice 28
Lessons Learned: Navigating medical malpractice 30
Heart Surgery Gone Wrong 35
The Horse's Tail: A case study of medical malpractice 38
Differential Diagnosis: Rule out the danger 42
Get the Most from Your Expert 44
Giving a Voice to Those Silenced: Residential care facility abuse 47
Comp Corner: Arbiter over AP 50
Between the Sheets 51