OTLA Trial Lawyer Fall 2023

13 Trial Lawyer • Fall 2023 possible for our clients. But more is not always better. Just as an attorney should not be giving medical advice, a personal injury attorney may not want to answer questions about taxes or bankruptcy and vice versa. But if you do dabble, it is imperative to be clear on the boundaries of any advice given and to make sure the client is fully informed of the risks. Kirc Emerson represents plaintiffs in legal malpractice cases and specializes in figuring out complex legal issues on all kinds of matters. He is a partner in the firm Allegiant Law, 100 SW Main St., Ste. 400, Portland, OR 97204. Emerson contributes to OTLA Guardians at the Rising Star level. He can be reached at 503-517-8202 or kirc@richardsonwang.com. 1 Most of the case law in Oregon surrounding comparative fault defenses professional malpractice relate to medical malpractice actions. See, e.g., Son v. Ashland Cmty Healthcare Servs., 239 Or App 495 (2010); See also Gardner v. Oregon Health Sciences Univ., 299 Or App 280 (2019).