OTLA Trial Lawyer Spring 2022

8 Trial Lawyer • Spring 2022 Circles and Lines Continued from p 7 lose. That, again, will come later. First, I must make the markings by fully engaging in the task at hand and nothing else. This process, borrowed from my art practice, has helped relieve the stress that naturally comes with an important project. And art has made me more playful and that has carried over to my lawyer self. When I meet someone new and they ask me what I do, it is fun to sometimes first tell them I am an artist. Their reaction is often remarkably different than when I first identify myself as a lawyer. I get eyebrows up, mouth wide and grinning, and many, many questions about my art, my process, my studio space. Then I tell them I am also a lawyer so they get a fuller picture of who I am. Or sometimes during depositions when I’m chatting with defense counsel, we’ll get to talking about our personal selves. I love sharing a photo of a recent painting and get their reaction. Many times they have an artist in their family and express a desire to try their hand at art. Or they themselves have a background in art, or do art on the side as a means to relax. At this point in my life, practicing law and making art share equal footing in my life. I am extremely grateful for my law practice. It has brought me financial stability beyond my wildest dreams. In working with and against other lawyers. I have met the most interesting, helpful and insightful people in Oregon and beyond. Law has given me a sense of doing good in this world, helping clients at a time in their life that is stressful and alleviating some of that stress for them. It is a full life. Art is, for me, a perfect pairing with law. It is the right-brained activity that balances my naturally leftbrained self. If anyone reading this story would like to learn more about making art, or see my studio in Hood River, please give me a ring. You might even get inspired to make some circles and lines. Karen Ruga Schoenfeld is an attorney at Schoenfeld & Schoenfeld PC. Her office is located at 2051 SE Belmont, Portland,OR 97214. She contributes to the OTLA Guardians at the Guardians Club Plus level. Schoenfeld can be reached at 503 236-8170 or karen@schoenfeldlawyers. com. Self-portrait.