OTLA Trial Lawyer Spring 2022

5 Trial Lawyer • Spring 2022 through the night, I used to wake up tired and without as much energy as other people. I finally consulted my doctor and discovered that I have sleep apnea. I got a CPAP and I now sleep far more restfully. Sleep is tricky for a lot of people for a lot of reasons. But it is essential, especially as we age. If you have trouble getting a restful night’s sleep, troubleshoot until you pinpoint the problem so you can develop a solution. Regular vacations There is no substitute for disengaging from your life and responsibilities for a while and going somewhere else. It’s easy to put off vacations when you’re busy. It might also be tempting to shortcut your time off with a staycation. But taking a break from your obligations is important, and truly doing so requires you to pack a bag and leave town. Some people enjoy exploring and sightseeing. Others like traveling to attend a special event. I prefer relaxing on a warm beach with great food where I have as little to do as possible. The pace forces me to slow down and let go of my inclination to rigidly control my schedule. Whatever kind of vacation you like, the renewing power of temporarily leaving behind your everyday life is undeniable. Although easier said than done, the longer the vacation the better. Many people can’t truly unplug from the stress of daily lives until two or three days into their vacations. And the anxiety of returning creeps in a day or two before going home. It’s the few days in between when you can actually relax. Even if you can get away only once or twice a year, put a trip on the calendar to look forward to. Find joy Despite best efforts to build a routine filled with healthy habits, most lawyers will inevitably face times when work must take priority, becoming all-encompassing and pushing everything else to the side. Although those periods might be necessary, they are like a sprint and are not sustainable over the long run. Finding simple things during those times that provide joy can help manage the stress and get you across the finish line. If you have a complicated brief to write, find a comfortable place to work, light a candle and make yourself a cup of tea. When you find yourself in the middle of a long trial, wake up early enough to give yourself a few extra minutes to get your favorite coffee beverage and to find a place near the courtroom to enjoy the sunrise. It makes a difference to look for and appreciate the little things when we’re going through difficult times at work. Allow routine to evolve Getting into a routine helps us stick with healthy habits. But just as important as the consistency of that routine is the flexibility to adapt it over time. Our lives and bodies change as we get older and, therefore, so should our routines. The path to good mental and physical health is different for everyone, and it requires a lot of trial and error to find. But putting in the effort to find it affords incomparable satisfaction and quality of life. Judge Andrew Lavin serves at Oregon Circuit Court, Multnomah County. His office is located at 1200 SW 1st Ave. Portland, OR 97204. He can be reached at andrew.m.lavin@ojd.state.or.us or 971274-0632.