OTLA Trial Lawyer Spring 2022

20 Trial Lawyer • Spring 2022 gates, I know one mishap can ruin the entire experience. But focusing on potential mistakes can create additional mistakes. A wipeout on the trail or water is distracting but dwelling on it will compromise the entire day. Instead, I focus on micro corrections so I can continue in full stride. During the heat of trial, minor mishaps happen and should not derail the case. Trial is intense. It is helpful to have a buddy who can cross check for error. The attorneys and paralegals at Rizk Law will address the mishap and then produce a solution to move the case along. Preparation is another transferable skill for both litigation and recreation. When supporting my attorneys in trial preparation, I reviewmy own trial checklist repeatedly. I stay in touch with experts, and I have a “checklist of checklists.” Information I need is updated in real time, so I do not forget. Th e s ame applies to activities such as backcountry skiing. As important as it is to have testifying doctors for tr ial , making sure the avalanche beacon is in full working order is crucial to ensure a safe experience. There is no “let this slide just once.” The consequences are too dire. In trial it may cost a case, in the backcountry, it can cost a life… mine. Work life balance In 2009, I met plaintiff’s attorney Richard Rizk. He is an avid skier, and After completing her Safety Checklist, Rizk shreds through knee deep powder on Mt. Hood. (Photo credit: Roxanne Christiansen) that is what attracted me to him. (For years, I swore I would never get romantically involved with an attorney, again). Both of us appreciate the importance of play and a work life balance. Currently, he serves as general counsel for the CasOutdoor Ventures Continued from p 19