OTLA Trial Lawyer Spring 2022

17 Trial Lawyer • Spring 2022 to let off steam after a frustrating deposition, a devastating verdict or the discovery of teen misbehavior. Just having an hour or so in the morning, free of the temptation to check my email or shoot my paralegal a text message, helps me start my days feeling more centered. And there is nothing better to ward off the blues than a regular boost of endorphins, particularly at the start of the day. Getting started If you are not a runner, but the experiences I’ve described sound appealing, I urge you to try it. If I could fall in love with running, anyone can. Here are some recommendations for trying it out: Start with both small and large goals. If you’ve never run before, you might go out for a mile, breaking the run up by running three blocks, then walking three blocks. Aim over a particular period of time to increase the number of blocks that you run and decrease the number of blocks that you walk. If you’re a more experienced runner, registering for a virtual race can give you a way to add a little competition to your routine with minimal commitment. Try the Rock N’ Roll Virtual Running Club. You can register for races of all distances free of charge, as well as other weekly challenges, and see how your time measures up with runners of all ages from all over the world. Block a regular time for your runs and schedule around them. I highly recommend early mornings because the risk is lower that other demands will interfere. If you’re not a morning person, any time works, but be consistent. Run somewhere scenic or unfamiliar to you. Running in the woods or somewhere scenic provides a wonderful distraction and can make a run feel more like an adventure. Run with a friend. Having a companion who you commit to running with offers accountability, support and companionship. Having someone regularly available to you to serve as a sounding board might also provide a valuable emotional outlet. Law is a demanding profession. Bearing responsibility to try to right the wrongs that have been done to our clients can take its toll, particularly when we are also juggling personal obligations to our friends, family and community. Carving out time for yourself is important and exercise is a great way to do that. My relationship with running has enriched my life and provided me a vital outlet for stress. I urge you to try it, even if you believe, like I did, that running is an unappealing chore. You just might fall in love. Dana Sullivan specializes in employment and civil rights litigation. She is a member of the OTLA Guardians of Civil Justice at the Guardians Club level. She is a partner in the firm Buchanan Angeli Altschul & Sullivan LLP, 921 SW 4th Ave., Ste. 516, Portland, OR 97205. She can be reached at dana@baaslaw.com and 503-9745015. Because of the bombing at the 2013 Boston Marathon, Sullivan had to return to the finish line the next day to recover her race souvenirs.