OTLA Trial Lawyer Fall 2021

Table of Contents 1
The Good Stuff: Arbitrations, UTCR 13 and evidence 6
On Target: Do's and don'ts for best reward 10
An Arbitrator's View 16
Challenging Arbitration Fee Awards 20
In the Driver's Seat of Private Arbitration 23
The Challenge: Arbitration clauses in employment and consumer cases Christina Stephenson, Phil Goldsmith 30
Push and Pull: Recent appellate rulings about arbitration 31
Cooking with Force: Mass arbitrations and asymmetric tactics 38
Defeating Nursing Home Arbitration Clauses 42
Avoiding the Fight: Nursing home / care facility arbitration clauses 45
President's Message: The root of compassion 2
View from the Bench: Know your audience 4
OTLA Guardians of Civil Justice & Annual Partners 26
Comp Corner: Nonassignment of benefits 48
Between the Sheets 49