OTLA Trial Lawyer Fall 2021

26 Trial Lawyer • Fall 2021 A special thanks to all our Guardians of Civil Justice members whose generous contributions fund OTLA’s political and lobbying efforts in support of access to justice. Without these gifts, OTLA could not provide the strong level of support it has historically given in state legislative races nor to the national political effort of AAJ PAC. We are grateful to each Guardian member for demonstrating a continuing commitment to OTLA’s efforts on behalf of a strong civil justice system. If your name does not appear here, it’s not too late to become a Guardian. Call Development Director Nora Fogarty at 503- 223-5587 ext. 104 or reach out to any OTLA board member. They will be happy to sign you up. OTLA Stalwart $500 and above per month Kelly Andersen Lyle Bosket Jeff Bowersox Chris Cauble Jim Coon Tom D’Amore Keith Dozier Chris Frost Edward Fu Damian Idiart Ryan Jennings Myah Kehoe Paul Krueger Cynthia Newton Craig Nichols Randy Pickett Christina Stephenson David Sugerman Jim Vogele Tim Williams Greg Zeuthen Guardians Club Plus $350 to $499 per month Dick Adams Dean Aldrich Mark Bocci Patrick Cadiz John Coletti Joe Di Bartolomeo Brendan Dummigan Jim Dwyer Roy Dwyer Mark Ginsberg Stephen Hendricks Don Jacobs Derek Johnson Dylan Lawrence Kristen McCall John Oswald Jane Paulson Jodie Phillips Polich Joseph Piucci Steve Piucci Bill Savage Judy Snyder Tina Stupasky Guardians Club $250 to $349 per month Doug Angell Karl Anuta Aaron Baker Bill Barton Brent Barton Rob Beatty-Walters Steve Berman Gary Berne Patrick Block Bruce Bottini Paul Bovarnick Michelle Burrows Josh Callahan Erin Christison Kathryn Clarke Mike Colbach Michael Connett Don Corson Ben Cox Stephen Crew Nadia Dahab Bennett Dalton Aaron DeShaw John Devlin Glenn Draper Brian Dretke Keith Dubanevich Sean DuBois Dan Dziuba Travis Eiva Ken Elmore Rhett Fraser Jon Friedman Brian Garelli Jonathan George Casey Gibbens Bill Gibson Phil Gilbert Rick Glantz Rob Guarrasi Michael Gutzler Gene Hallman Beau Harlan Marilyn Heiken Peter Hess Daniel Hill Steve Hill Neil Jackson Peter Janci Ernest Jenks Lara Johnson Marc Johnston Tim Jones Greg Kafoury Jason Kafoury Steven Kahn Keith Ketterling Scott Kocher Chris Kuhlman Josh Lamborn Richard Lane Steve Larson Bryan Lessley Scott Lucas Mark McDougal Jennifer Middleton Fred Millard Dave Miller Chris Moore Faith Morse Jeff Mutnick Leslie O’Leary Rachel O’Neal David Park David Paul Steve Petersen Travis Prestwich Tim Quenelle Dan Rayfield Aaron Reichenberger Bonnie Richardson Chuck Robinowitz Devin Robinson Charese Rohny Lourdes Sanchez Marte Karen Schoenfeld Steven Schoenfeld Steve Seal Charles Siegel Steve Smucker Dan Snyder Brandon Squires Michael Stebbins Josh Stellmon Art Stevens III Dana Sullivan Ray Thomas Thanh Tran Susan Ulrich Paul Vames Stephen Voorhees Richard Walsh Emery Wang Andrew Waters OTLA Guardians of Civil Justice Elizabeth Welch Rebecca Whitney-Smith Michael Wise Sustaining Member $100 to $249 per month Tom Adams Patrick Angel Courtney Angeli Sheldon Aronson Randall Baker Michelle Bassi Melissa Bobadilla Ray Bradley Kevin Brague Zachary Brunot Paul Bullman Cameron Carter Gabe Chase Brian Chenoweth Arne Cherkoss Lance Clark Loren Collins Diego Conde Kristen Connor Ryan Corbridge Hafez Daraee Shane Davis Tim DeJong Klarissa Delehant Dallas DeLuca Alana DiCicco Richard Dobbins Ken Dobson Rob Dolton Lee Ann Donaldson Kyle Dukelow Chuck Duncan Bruce Dusterhoff Tim Eblen Matthew Ellis Randy Elmer Ronn Elzinga Roy Fernandes Sonya Fischer Patrick Foran Joe Franco Michelle Freed Michael Fuller Christine Furrer Paul Galm Phil Garrow Megan Glor